In attendance:

Penny’s Hill Practice staff:

Dr Strauss (GP Partner), Dr Sastry (GP Partner), Maria Kay (Practice Manager), Jacqui Balston (Deputy Practice Manager), Diane Davies (Data IT Administrator).

PPG Members:

Ann Bacon, Gerald Bacon, Vanessa Brown, Angela Evans, David Harrison, Graham Hustings, Ronald McConkie, Michael Martin, Ann Martin, Linda Murgatroyd, Nigel Murgatroyd, , Ken Orman, Sally Parkinson, David Parkinson, John Ralph, Edouard Sefton, Raymond Standing, Richard Staple, Michael Stroud, Geoff Voisey, Malcolm Young.


Marilyn Adcock, Jennifer Jenkins, Mike Pegram, John Little, Robin Nouch, David Rogers,

Steve Jones.


  1. Welcome/Apologies
  2. Dementia Friendly Practice – Guest speaker Sue Sparkes
  3. Dr Strauss Retirement
  4. Penny’s Hill Practice from August 2016
  5. Points from Previous Meeting
  6. Friends and Family
  7. Survey Results
  8. New Staff
  9. New Text Messaging System
  10. AOB
  1. Maria Kay opened the meeting and welcomed the group and introduced the panel and guest speaker Sue Sparkes. Maria confirmed that the minutes had been checked, from the last meeting and priority areas had been picked out.
  1. Dementia Friendly guest speaker Sue Sparkes went through how PHP has worked hard to become a dementia friendly surgery and the changes the surgery has made. The aim is to ensure patients can talk about their dementia problems and recognise there are places to go and people who may help them. Greater exposure to information can make it less of a taboo subject. Sue spoke about the launch day Penny’s Hill Practice are doing on 3rd August and how it will bring professionals from the local community, secondary care and patients together to highlight and bring awareness and more understanding about dementia. Sue took questions from those present and answered with examples and provided leaflets to take away. Sue Sparkes hopes to be present at the Dementia launch in August.
  1. Dr Strauss Retirement: JS took this opportunity to say goodbye after nearly 30 years in the practice and said he was ‘leaving the surgery in good hands’. He thanked all GP’s, Staff, PPG members and Friends of the Practice for all their valid support over the years. PPG member thanked Dr Strauss for all his hard work over the years.
  1. Penny’s Hill Practice from August 2016: RS explained that in August the GP’s sessions will be increasing from 35 to 40 sessions and some patients will have their usual GP changed but these patients will be informed in writing. Dr Sam McGinley will join us as a permanent GP and hold his own list. We see this as a positive move for the practice.

Appointment waiting times: we are aware of some delays and are looking at ways to improve this.

PPG member asked about the lack and time to get appointments JS explained that they have found it very hard to recruit GP’s/Locums. JB pointed out if they looked on our website/Practice leaflet they could look at the break down of the Dr’s times. Also the PPG report for 2015/16 gives the breakdown of patients at this practice for all to view.

PPG member asked how we know which patients to move to the new sessions? JB explained that we will move the newest patients first and patients that haven’t been moved before, where possible. We will not move Palliative Care, Cancer, or split Households. Letters will be going out in July for a change on 3rd August.

PPG member asked when GP’s retire do their license expires. JS/MK explained Yes unless they keep up their continual 50 CPD hours and medical insurance and choose to stay on the medical performers national list.

  1. Points from previous meeting: Automatic Door in waiting room MK explained that PHP did not get the full grant but did receive £500. Partners reached a decision not to go ahead based on; following a mini survey there wasno conclusive evidence that an automatic door opener would be of significant benefit to patients. Some dementia patients may find it confusing based on a walk around interview carried out. Some partners like to meet patients and open the door themselves. The partners have therefore decided not to go ahead at this stage.

PPG member asked do we need a door at all. MK explained yes we do due to patient confidentiality files and Health and Safety as the door needs to be of fire standard.

MK explained how PHP has spent the grant - £123.75 on Signage, £76.95 2x Toilet Seats and £156 on Sensor Lighting in 2x patient toilets. The remaining £143 will be spent on a higher chair for the waiting room.

MK apologised for the disruption over the leaking roof in Dr Hamp’s surgery. She also explained that the practice has to apply to the CCG for premises funding, which is not guaranteed.

David Parkinson from Friends of the Practice explained how they spend money from fund raising and donations and he asked if anyone had any ideas for funding and to let JB/MK now. Historically Friends of the Practice have donated money towards items e.g. equipment that will benefit staff and patients. The friends usually donate 50% of the value on an agreed product. Previously they have contributed towards the waiting room TV, Vaccine Fridge andSpirometer.

  1. Feedback from Friend and Family Survey: JB explained about this survey and the outcome is very positive. In May we had 11 Extremely likely, 0 Likely, 1 Neither likely/or unlikely, 1 Unlikely, 1 Extremely unlikely, 0 Don’t knows.

4 people had made comments about the time it takes in answering the phones. JB explained that the telephone system is an old analogue system which only has 6 lines and unfortunately when the receptionists are on the phones the line will sound as if it is ringing – it does not give the engaged tone (they are not ignoring the call). MK said unfortunately PHP is not in a position to update the system at this time.

  1. Survey Results: JB explained we carried out a survey on how many patients had visited our website, online access, preferred communication, completed F&F survey and are aware of electronic prescribing. Out of 500 patients only 19 replied. Of the 19 patients who replied most were using online patient access and viewed the website in the last 6 months.

A few PPG members expressed that they could not open the word attachment, we said we would look into this and send out future attachments in a different format.

  1. Staff changes/new: MK went through the new members of staff: - Mandy Miller started on Tuesday 31st May and Sandra Coldwell started today 8th June they replace receptionists that joined in January. Margaret Nelson is sadly retiring at the end of June and her replacement will start in due course. It was also noted that the staff were given a pay rise to the ‘Living wage’ and extra holidays.
  1. New Text Messaging System: We have introduced a new messaging system called Mjog. This allows us to send appointment reminders and adhoc invitations i.e. Flu clinics; you will be able to send us a message or decline the appointment.
  1. AOB:

1)Driver Recruitment: FOTP are doing driverrecruitment campaign at the end of the month and asked if any PPG members would be interested.

2)Repeat Prescribing: PPG member asked why when using the online repeat prescription why does it come up with two boxes one for repeat and one for comments? This was answered by another patient who confirmed both boxes needed something written in and he just wrote ’repeat’.

3)Electronic Prescribing: PPG member asked about electronic prescriptions and about the number of patients signed up for online ordering via the website. JB confirmed as 1416. It was also explained that electronic prescribing allows you to nominate a pharmacy of your choice or change the nomination if a patient is on holiday in the UK and needed their prescription, for example, a patient could do a one off nomination for a pharmacy in Cornwall, if they needed their medication whilst on holiday. The time remains at 48 hours minimum, to process your request, whichever way you choose to order.

Maria thanked everyone for coming out and the date for the next meeting was discussed.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 6.30pm.