Unit Plan: Spanish V

UNIT: “Ciencia y Tecnología” TIME FRAME: 6 weeks

TEACHER: Jenna Turner

Unit Summary and Rationale:

This unit contains subtopics that deal with: access to technology, the effects of technology on self and society, healthcare and medicine, innovations, and science and ethics. Students will gain awareness of how much access to technology various Hispanic Countries currently have and how/ if that will change in the future. They will then be able to compare and contrast the effects technology has on individuals and society in terms of social media use, shopping online, cyber crimes, addiction to technological devices, and educational use. As a ripple effect, students will then be able to understand and investigate how technological advances influence healthcare and medicine within a society, and the type of healthcare systems in place around the world. They will see the advantages and disadvantages of traditional vs. modern medicine, and gain an understanding of popular types of traditional medicine amongst various indigenous groups. Then, students will research numerous science and technological innovations worldwide and the implications they will have on our future by debating things such as personal privacy that is lost with many of these innovations. In turn, by studying new innovations we will be faced with the question of what are the ethical responsibilities of people dealing with these new scientific and technological advances. For example, tracking devices in phones, human cloning, stem-cell research, and euthanasia.

*This unit can also be connected to past and future themes of: Los desafíos mundiales, La vida contemporánea, Las familias y las comunidades, La belleza y la estética, Las identidades personales y públicas

Unit Standards:

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.

Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.

Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Unit Objectives:

Students will be able to…

  • Define, identify, and reproduce key vocabulary terms learned within the unit.
  • Apply previously learned vocabulary and grammatical structures when producing oral and written communication in the target language.
  • Interpret, summarize and translate authentic literature in the target language.
  • Comprehend and determine the main points/concepts when listening to native speakers discuss a variety of topics in various social situations.
  • Identify how much access to technology certain countries have.
  • Infer what and how technology effects the individual, like with traditional artisans.
  • Discuss how technology can be used to communicate with others and argue the positive and negative benefits to social media.
  • Explain and give examples of how technology can be used in education.
  • Compare and contrast various health systems used worldwide.
  • Collect information and summarize it in their own words about the rising problem of childhood obesity.
  • Generate a list of the most serious health problems that are occurring in Latin America, as well as in the United States.
  • Discover which cities/countries are the healthiest and unhealthiest around the globe and explain why.
  • Recognize how a community affects the health of its people.
  • Differentiate between traditional/natural medicine and modern medicine.
  • Defend whether they believe natural or modern medicine is the best approach to healing.
  • Plan and create their ideal city for healthy living.
  • Design a pamphlet, poster, PPT, Prezi, or tri-fold to present at a “health fair” for Spanish-speaking people.
  • Examine numerous technological innovations and the impact they have had on society.
  • Predict how robots will be used in the future, and what other technological innovations will be available.
  • Recognize various technological universities around the world and their contributions.
  • Explore famous inventors and their inventions.
  • Design their own invention and justify why it would be successful on the market.
  • Discuss and write about the pressures of having to have the newest technological gadgets.
  • Question and reflect on how technology personally affects them.
  • Argue their own point of view on ethical issues dealing with science and technology. For example with human cloning, euthanasia, and experimenting on humans.

Unit Connection College and Career Ready Descriptions: Teachers will select at least one of the following lenses to act as the overlay for the unit. These are the descriptors that must be included to ensure the unit is fully aligned to the CCLS and relevant to the college and career ready student.

X Students will demonstrate independence.

X Students will value evidence.

X Students will build strong content knowledge.

X Students will respond to the varying demands of audience, task, and discipline.

X Students will critique as well as comprehend.

X Students will use technology and digital media strategically and capably.

X Students will develop an understanding of other perspectives and cultures.

Essential Questions:

  • ¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas?
  • ¿Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología?
  • ¿Qué papel cumple la ética en los avances científicos?
  • ¿Cómo coexisten las prácticas de la medicina tradicional y la moderna?
  • ¿Cómo varía el cuidado de la salud en distintas regiones del mundo hispano?
  • ¿Cómo influye la comunidad en la salud del individuo?

Big Ideas:

  • Scientific and technological developments directly impacts our lives.
  • There are many factors that have promoted scientific and technological development and innovation.
  • The role ethics plays in scientific advances.
  • The coexistence of traditional and modern medicine.
  • The different kinds of healthcare systems in distinct regions of Central and South America.
  • The influence a community has on the health of the individual.


  • Conjugate verbs (regular & irregular) in a variety of tenses and moods in spoken and written language
  • Understand written and spoken text by identifying key vocabulary terms and using prior knowledge
  • Use language spontaneously during class discussions and in brief unplanned written correspondence
  • Use circumlocution when needed instead of having a breakdown in communication
  • Summarize key points from readings
  • Recognize/determine cause-effect
  • Synthesize information from multiple sources
  • Use sources from a variety of media to support and enhance points of view or when trying to persuade others
  • Translate written and oral communication from English to Spanish or vise versa
  • Interpret graphs and tables found within texts
  • Make predictions based off of prior-knowledge
  • Relate information from one source or topic to another
  • Generate well-thought out answers in discussions or writings with supporting evidence
  • Justify their answers in the target language
  • Plan and prepare projects in a timely fashion
  • Make inferences with reading or listening activities
  • Revise written compositions
  • Differentiate between important products and practices amongst various cultures
  • Value linguistic and cultural differences between countries

Vocabulary found in written text and audio and used for discussions/writings:

1. El acceso a la tecnología: el hierro, el bronce, crispar, gemir, colgar, sollozar, las brechas, la banda ancha, la naca, asequible, actualmente, a menudo, a través de, el aprendizaje, las aulas, gratuito(a), escaso(a), diseñado(a), fabrica/fabricar, sin fines de lucro

2. Los efectos de la tecnología en el individuo: medir, los costes, emprendedor(a), empresarial, el reto, el impulso, la adhesión, el fomento, los puntos de partida, contar con, tanto X como Y, las barreras, las pasarelas de pago, las facilidades, la alimentación, reclamar, correr algún peligro, promover, el alcance, conmemorar, sacar provecho(a)

3. El cuidado de la salud y la medicina: apreciado(a), realizar, los esfuerzos, encabezado(a) por, las cirugías, a pesar de, dar palabras de aliento, el sobrepeso, obeso(a), sano(a), apenas, en especial, estar frente a , remontarse a, la índole, utilitario(a), los padecimientos, cuyo(a), el quirófano, la alimentación, la campaña, la biomasa, los capacitados, discapacitado(a), el ingreso, los vecinos, vigilar, la vivienda, el afán, el/la aficionado(a), ambos, arduo, la aromaterapia, carecer, contrarrestar, entablar, la hemoterapia, la hidroterapia, impartir, ineficaz, el lucro, marginada, la medida, el padecimiento, los paradigmas, proponer, recónditos, la reflexología, el Reiki, los remedios, el sanador, sanitarios, supuesta, la validez, el autocuidado, la jaqueca, los machi, transgredir, las transgresiones, los trastornos, “winka”, la calidad, los donantes, los especialistas, los muertos, el órgano, salvar, sanos, el sistema sanitario, el transplante, útiles, la cobertura, el control prenatal, los estratos sociales, fomentar, la infraestructura médica, la mortalidad, el/la obstetra, el parto, la salud reproductiva, universal, los acontecimientos, los bocadillos, enterarse, franca, las golosinas, capacitar, la capacitación, sensibilizar, las promotoras, alfabetizada, los trabajadores sociales, asimismo, de tal manera que, mediante el cual, no se logra de noche a la mañana, pese a, se deja de lado, tener éxito, aguantar, el calcio, el carbohidrato, Centro Comunitario de Salud, estar agotado, estar estresado(a), los expositores, feria de la salud, el manejo de estés, ponerse en forma, la tensión arterial

4. Las innovaciones tecnológicas: el dispositivo, una señal, las partencias, los despistes, la descarga, superarse, de este modo, además de, los campos, las capacidades, brindar, está disponible, el desarrollo, aportar, el reto, las propuestas, las herramientas, un boceto, limar asperezas

5. La ciencia y la ética: el bien, la moral, la ética, de lucro, ajeno(a), en gran medida, por principio, disolver, exculpar, prescribir una ley, el clavario, lo ocurrido, las vivencias, supuesto(a), sin embargo, estar dispuesto(a), los sucesos, informático(a), la reglamentación, un reto, la herramienta, el entrono, realizar, tomar en cuenta, la gama de

Learning Progression:

*All written and spoken assessments will be evaluated using the up to date 2013-2014 AP Scoring Rubrics. The link to the website can be found at the end of the unit under “Resources”.

Opener to Unit : Lead into the main concepts that will be covered in the unit by having a large sheet of paper hung on the board and dividing it into the categories of: access to technology, the effects of technology on the individual and society, healthcare and medicine, technological innovations, and ethics in science and technology. First, I will pull key vocabulary terms that are being repeated from previous units. I will assess how well students know these terms without looking in their notes. Next, each students will be given a piece of paper that has an essential question from the unit written on it. They will be given time to think and compose a response to the question on a separate sheet of paper that will be taped on the board under the subtopics. Once they have answered the question to the best of their ability, they will decide which subtopic from above their essential question pertains to; if it could be multiple they need to explain why. They will then hang their response in the appropriate spot. We will then use the next day to discuss their answers and add additional responses/arguments from other students. During and at the end of each section we will refer back to the essential questions and see if we want to add or take away from any of the responses as we become more aware and exposed to various sources.

Subtopic 1: Access to Technology (El acceso a la tecnología)

  • Students will start off by discussing the following questions: -¿Crees que todo el mundo tiene el mismo acceso a la tecnología? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no? -¿Por qué crees que algunas redes sociales están prohibidas en algunos países?
  • They will then get the vocabulary words for this section that have explanations of what the words mean in Spanish. Students must read the explanation/synonym to the words and translate it to English. Students will take turns recording the words and meanings on the board to reference.
  • Students are then responsible for looking up what the acronyms OCDE and CEPAL mean before looking at the graph on page 53 of Triangulo Aprobado entitled, “Las brechas de acceso TIC en América Latina: un blanco móvil”.
  • After looking and analyzing the graphic, students will listen to the recording, “Computadoras y teléfonos, herramientas del desarrollo” found at the learning website for the textbook. Using the information from the graph and audio, they will answer seven multiple-choice questions on pages 53 and 54.
  • They will then read, “Hogares cubanos tendrán internet en el 2014” found at: Students will write a brief summary of the article in their own words.
  • For homework, students are to use reliable sources to research places in the world that have little to no access to technology such as cell phones, computers, the Internet, etc. They also need to be able to explain why these places do not have access the effects of not having access to technology.
  • Next, we will read about how the U.S. created a secret social network similar to Twitter for Cuba in order to promote revolts against the government. It is titled, “EEUU creó en secreto ‘ZunZuneo’, una especial de Twitter cubano, para impulsar revueltas contra el Gobierno de la isla” found at: They will also listen to the pod cast that accompanies the article. Afterwards, we will discuss the point of view given from the pod cast that the use of this social network system by the U.S. is unethical and mean to manipulate Cuban youth into becoming traitors of their own country.
  • For homework, students are to research other countries that have banned social networking cites, or even the use of the Internet altogether. They need to explain why the government of these countries have banned it, and if there have been attempts by other countries to give access to the people such as with the case of the U.S and Cuba.
  • Students will then think about the following questions that I will post at: http://ria.clear.msu.edu and record their answers for our next section: -¿Tenemos mucho acceso a la tecnología en esta escuela? -¿Cómo se puede usar la tecnología para mejorar la experiencia académica? -¿Cada estudiante debe tener una computadora en la escuela? ¿Por qué? -¿Cuánto tiempo pasas usando la tecnología para fines educativos?
  • We will discuss their answers in class as well and then listen to the recording, “Una computadora por niño” on the learning website. After listening, they will answer eight multiple-choice questions on page 55 of Triangulo Aprobado.
  • They will then read “Un iPad para cada alumno de las escuelas públicas de Los Ángeles” and “ La escuela latinoamericana compensa la brecha digital de los hogares” found at: writing a response by comparing and contrasting both of the articles in their journals and bringing ideas to class for a discussion.
  • Then, we will read the article, “Ometepe, isla digital” from the newspaper, LA PRENSA Nicaragua, found at: . In their journals students will answer these questions: -Explica el concepto de la primera “isla digital” de Nicaragua planeada para Ometepe. -¿Para qué van a utilizar los estudiantes de Ometepe su conexión a la Internet? -¿Cómo va a impactar la “isla digital” la vida de los isleños de Ometep?
  • Next, students will read the Cápsula Cultural: La computdadora en los colegios: A favor y en contra on page 56 of Triangulo Aprobado. They fill out a pros and cons table while reading the information. Students will then be broken into two small groups and given a side to argue in the debate over whether computers should or shouldn’t be used in the classroom.
  • For a more formal writing assignments, students will respond to a pretend email on page 56, asking their opinion about the use of social media and the Internet. We will review proper email greetings and closings.
  • Students will then learn about the famous Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda by reading his biography found in the textbook Azulejo on page 309. Next, we will read “Maestranzas de noche” on page 52 of Triangulo Aprobado. There are seven multiple-choice questions to check for comprehension and aid in discussion.
  • For homework, students are to find an article about the thirty-three Chilean miners rescued in 2010. After finding the article and gaining a better understanding of what happened, students will read Cápsula Cultural: El Cobre, El Bronce, Los Mineros Y Pablo Neruda on page 53 of Triangulo Aprobado. Students will then research news or literary works about the social and economic exploitation in our own country. They will use Audacity to record their answers to the questions: -¿Cuáles son algunos ejemplos del estudio periodístico o literario sobre la explotación social y económica de tu país? Explica las consecuencias, tanto negativas como positivas, de la explotación, así como la persistencia del espíritu humano.
  • After learning about Pablo Neruda and the mining industry in Latin America, students will find information about the business, Anaconda. Students will use the computer lab to answer the following questions: -¿Qué es la empresa Anaconda y por qué se formó? -¿Cómo afectará a Anaconda el proyecto de ley de seguridad e institucionalidad minera de 2012? -¿Cuál era la actitud de Pablo Neruda hacia las empresas como Anaconda?
  • We will discuss their answers to the above questions as a class.
  • To wrap up this section students are to think about and record their answers to the following questions at: http://ria.clear.msu.edu, using the information they learned through the discussions, readings, and audios,. -¿Cómo sería tu vida sin dispositivos electrónicos? ¿Qué cambiaría si no tuvieras acceso a Internet? -¿De qué forma sería diferente la vida de los jóvenes que viven en tierras remotas de América Latina si tuvieran acceso a la Red?
  • Lastly, we will investigate if there are future plans to help more people in Latin America gain access to technology by focusing on the following questions: -¿Cuáles son los planes comerciales de acceso a Internet más populares en Latinoamérica? -¿Cuáles son algunos obstáculos al acceso universal a Internet en Latinoamérica? -¿Por qué hay un incremento en ayuda gubernamental al acceso a Internet en Latinoamérica?

*Students can find useful information using: