Patient Participation Group

Meeting minutes 17th March 2016


Lesley Law – Practice Manager

Ray Hutchinson – Chairman

Christine Hutchinson

John Gorman


Margaret Murphy

1 / Minutes & Matters arising 18th February 2016
Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and commented on & accepted by the group.
2 / Terms of Reference – PPG
The draft terms of reference was emailed out to members for any amendments or additions before publishing. – These have been agreed by the group for publishing.
These are to be published on the practice website / Lesley
3 / New patient survey
Discussion around the important questions to ask, reviewed previous survey questions / results – agreed by the group to produce a draft survey in April to present at the next PPG meeting.
Questions around access & telephone access.
4 / PPG page on the website to be developed
The practice has a patient group area on the website; it was felt this needed to be more noticeable and organised. / Lesley to contact my surgery webite.
5 / Newsletter sample and distribution
John presented to the group a draft newsletter for March 2016, included in the first issue of the newsletter an introduction to the PPG and basic information about the practice – the group was very happy with the newsletter. This is to be distributed within the practice, on the website & copies to be placed in the local library.
6 / Library use
Ray has visited the local library on Munsbrough Rise for information about services / activities and room availability. The library has a room that the group can use free of charge, there is tea / coffee making facilities. Discussed holding the next PPG meeting within the library on the 28th April, all members are to be invited.
7 / Feedback PP Group Network
Margaret was unable to attend today’s meeting to feedback to the group. The network meeting minutes will be emailed to the members once received.
8 / Action plan for 2016 / 2017
The sub-group has been meeting regularly over the last couple of months to agree the way forward for the group and actions / plans for the coming year. An action plan will be produced and presented for agreement with all members at the April 28th meeting.
9 / Practice developments / news
·  The practice has recently had a CQC visit, the practice achieved good overall, and the report will be on display in the surgery and published on the website.
·  Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) - the practice goes live with EPS 6th April 2016
10 / Any other business
Margaret Murphy has sent her apologies but due to other commitments she will be temporarily stepping down from joint chair.
11 / Date & time next meeting
Thursday 28th April 2016 at 3pm – to be held at the library on Munsbrough Rise.