Minutes of Billinghay Parish Council Annual Finance Meeting held on Monday 22 November 2010 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Wood, Richards, Forman, Minton, Liles, & Harper with Councillor Davies in the Chair.
Parish Clerk: Carol Willingham
Minutes Sec: Lou Hird
7 members of the Public
1. Apologies for absence – Cllrs Wilson was unable to attend, Cllrs Miller &
Dickinson were working
2. Public Session
Members of two of the Groups requesting grants were present. Representatives of the Billinghay Skirth Regeneration Scheme answered questions relating to estimates and insurance.
The Chairman of the Billinghay & District Twinning Association explained how the Association operated and how they wanted to involve the whole of the village in the 25th Anniversary celebrations.
3. Declaration of Interest in items on the Agenda
Cllr Richards – BDTA grant application (Personal)
Cllr Wood – Allotments (Personal)
4. Correspondence
Clerk reported that there were no items to discuss.
5. Requests for Grants
Numerous requests for grants had been received and these were discussed at length with the Council agreeing unanimously the decision in each case. The following donations were made:
· Billinghay Village Hall and Playing Field Committee were granted £500 to help decorate the new kitchen, flooring and a Baby Burco boiler
· Billinghay and District Twinning Association were granted £697.70 towards 2011 25 years twinning with Ballon celebrations.
· 1st Billinghay Scout Group were granted £500 for renovation of hut, and purchase of hiking tents
· The BIZ were granted £171 for a license to show films.
· Sleaford and District C.A.B. were granted £200 in recognition of their work on behalf of village residents.
· Billinghay Skirth Regeneration Society were granted £1000 for equipment for use by the volunteers
· The request received from the Billinghay Bowls Club was deferred until the next meeting pending receipt of further information. Clerk to obtain.
6. Donation towards Memorial flowers throughout the year
It was proposed by Cllr Liles seconded by Cllr Forman and carried unanimously that Mrs B Gilbert be given a donation of £200 towards the cost of providing flowers for the War Memorial.
7. Burial Fee Review
The Clerk gave details of the current fees and confirmed that these were generally in line with other parishes. It was proposed by Cllr Harper, seconded by Cllr Richards and carried unanimously that the fees remain unaltered but be reviewed next year. The Clerk is to obtain details of other parishes fees at the relevant time.
8. Allotment Review
It was proposed by Cllr Forman, seconded by Cllr Richards and carried unanimously that the fees be increased by £5.00 for the year 2011 to 2012 (collected in October 2012). The Clerk was asked to inform the Allotment holders accordingly.
9. Budget Proposals: planned expenditure for 2011/2012
This item was considered to be linked with Item 10 on the Agenda and they were considered as one item – see below:
10. Precept Request for 2010/2011
The Clerk had circulated a Budget Plan prior to the Meeting and answered questions regarding this. She explained that the District Council had expressed the view that an increased Precept in the present economic climate was not expected.
The Budget plan was accepted and it was proposed by Cllr Richards, seconded by Cllr Forman and carried unanimously that the Precept be left at £34,000.
The Clerk further advised that the workings of the Local Access Points were under review by NKDC and that the contribution currently made by them could be revised. This may impact on the Budget considerations and so it was agreed that the ratification of the precept be delayed until the January Council Meeting. The Clerk is to add an item to the agenda and provide relevant details on any impact on the Budget prior to the meeting.
11. General Finance
Cheques for authorisation:
Twells Oil & petrol £ 27.00
Mrs. C Willingham Clerk’s salary £1025.06
Mr. M Hird Office Assistant £ 56.69
Mrs. P Gilbert Street Cleaner £ 143.12
Eon Market Place £ 24.97
Mr. T Richards Xmas Lights £ 39.99
Billinghay Village Hall Grant £ 500.00
Billinghay Twinning Association Grant £ 697.70
1st Billinghay Scout Group Grant £ 500.00
Billinghay Skirth Regeneration Grant £ 1000.00
The BIZ Grant £ 171.00
Citizens Advice Bureau Grant £ 200.00
S J Harper Services Work in Cemetery £ 200.00
Mrs. B Gilbert Memorial Flowers £ 200.00
12. Salary Review
This item was deferred to the December Meeting due to lack of information on new scales etc. Clerk to include on Agenda
13. LCC Pension Scheme
This item was deferred to the December Meeting. Clerk to include on Agenda
14. Other Business
Cllr Richards apologized in advance for missing the Xmas Light switch on due to an alternative engagement. He confirmed that he will still help in all the preparation work.
Cllr Liles reminded that the provision of a microphone at the Illumination would be advisable.
The Clerk advised that Cllr Wilson was currently incapacitated and was unable to get involved in the organization of the event and had asked the Clerk and her assistant to finalise the preparations.