Department of Microbiology Quality Manual / Policy QIMMI08000.09 / Page 1of 3
Section: Information Management / Subject Title: Workload Process



To describe the principle, processes and procedures for the capture of patient workload (i.e. utilization) and transfer of data to Case Costing, Informatics to enable Case Costing to run data with the financial data from the hospital financial system (general ledger) to calculate patient case costing. Patient case costing is used by the hospital as a financial performance indicator that can be used for internal management purposes as well as to compare with external peer hospitals. Patient case costing aggregated to the 3 councils (medical, surgical and women’s & child health) will also provide useful information for hospital senior management for strategic planning purposes.

The hospital uses a standard methodology developed by the Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Patient Case Costing in the early 1990s based on the use of relative value units (RVU) for each product (test) utilized by the patient. The case costing system (TII Eclipsys) applies the mathematical model using workload utilization from the LIS and actual salary and supplies expenditure data from Finance’s GL system to calculate the actual cost of each product or laboratory test. Mapping of patient data to case mix groups (CMG), councils (medical, surgical or women’s and child health), type (in- patient or out-patient) or location (ward or clinic) allows the case costing system to provide useful management information.


The calculation of patient case costing requires the use of 3 information systems from 3 hospital departments:

  • Hospital Finance System used by Finance containing general ledger (GL) information on expenses incurred by Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology cost centres.
  • Laboratory Information System (LIS by Soft Computer Consultant) used by Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology.
  • TII (Eclipsys) Case Costing System used by Case Costing, Informatics

The following flow charts illustrate the flow of information amongst the 3 systems:

Related Documents:

Document Name / Document Number
Patient Case Costing Procedure QIMMI09001 / QIMMI09001
TSI Extract (Access Application)-Patient CostingWorkload Process / N/A


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