Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy


This strategy has been developed by the PPI/E Manager, in consultation with the Nottingham Hearing BRU Director and Operations Director. Approval has been obtained from the Nottingham Hearing BRU Leadership team and the newly established PPI/E steering group.

Vision for PPI and PPE

To improve the quality of our research through a joint partnership with members of the public. We shall promote our unit, our research and good practice in public involvement and engagement to the community, including key stakeholders. We shall maintain leadership in developing PPI training within the East Midlands. An emphasis will be placed on developing and enhancing strategic partnerships with the University, NHS, Medical Research Council Institute for Hearing Research, regional NIHR and NHS England organisations and relevant charities. We shall strive to be leaders in PPI/E in the field of hearing research.

Progress on implementing BRU PPI/E strategy from 2011

We have already implemented PPI operational activities outlined in the funding application of 2011. This included establishing a patient advisory panel to contribute to the development of research priorities, grant applications, protocols, patient information and promotional material. We have also developed strong links with other research organisations in the region, and with the third sector, as outlined in the application. Indeed, we have led on devising and delivering collaborative engagement activities and PPI training.

Moving forwards

There is a need to prioritise future activities and address feedback on the 2013/14 Nottingham Hearing BRU annual report. Also a need to clarify how PPI/E will support Nottingham Hearing BRU in achieving its overall objectives.

Summary of the strategy

The strategy is built around three key objectives required to achieve the vision:

  1. Develop a supportive model of PPI within the Nottingham Hearing BRU

This focuses on strengthening the governance and management of our own PPI activities. It also concerns improving the support available to research members to understand and conduct PPI, as well as strengthen ties with the public who we have already recruited to our PPI activities i.e. the ‘nuts and bolts’, of our PPI.

  1. Promote Nottingham Hearing BRUto the wider community, nationally and internationally

This focuses on using channels of public engagement to highlight the work of Nottingham Hearing BRU and our partners. This is to enhance the national and international standing of Nottingham Hearing BRU, as well as promoting Nottingham as a place of excellence for research into hearing health. Links with the local community will also be maintained.

  1. Develop recognised leadership in PPI/E

This centres on 3 streams of activities:

  • Raising the profile of the PPI that we do to increase awareness of PPI internally, externally and strengthen the evidence-base for PPI, contributing to a convincing case for refunding.
  • Capitalising on the regional leadership gained in PPI training, through exploring further opportunities to develop training.
  • Seeking opportunities to contribute to regional and national PPI initiatives.