Perth and Kinross Council

Weekly List of Planning Applications for Community Councils

(Regulation 23, Development Management Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2008)

This is a list of applications for planning permission registered by Perth & Kinross Council within the week ending 3rd September 2012 copy of this list is available at Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth PH1 5GD and at local libraries. The applications are available for inspection at Pullar House and online at or search ( for individual applications.

Please note the guidance below on timescales for consultation and the use of electronic correspondence and documents where possible.

In cases where the development is judged by Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) as ‘likely’ to affect the amenity

in the area of the community council’ we will initiate consultation with Community Councils (CCs), in accordance with Schedule 5 (Consultation by the Planning Authority) of the above Regulations and the guidance in Planning Advice Note (PAN) 47 that ‘community councils are advised to limit their attention to proposals which raise issues of genuine community interest’. In these cases you have 21 days to submit comments from the date of the PKC consultation letter. This letter will not normally include a copy of the application documents as these are available to view online.

If, however, you consider that there are applications on the list below on which you have not been consulted by PKC but on which you still wish to make comments (bearing in mind the PAN guidance that these applications should be of ‘genuine community interest’) then there are two ways to comment on these applications :

1) The simplest method is to study the application online or at Pullar House and submit comments by the expiry date for public comment (as listed below).

2) If the Community Council wishes formally to request a consultation this has to be done within 7 working days of the date of this list, that is 13th September 2012 (preferably by email to or, failing that, tel. 01738475300). PKC will not normally agree to the initiation of a consultation after this statutory date. Unless the CC asks for copies of the application documents these will not be sent as the application documents should be studied online where possible. The CC has 21 days to comment, from the date of the letter or e-mail from PKC in reply to your request.

The 21-day periods mentioned above are an extension by PKC of the minimum 14 days allowed for in legislation. If intending to visit or phone, please note that Pullar House is closed from 8.45am to 11am on the 1st Thursday of each month for employee training.

Reference No / Ward No / Development, Location, Name and Address of Applicant and Agent(if any) / Expiry Date
12/01372/FLL / N10 / Installation of entrance door and air conditioning units Spar Stores, Oakbank Post Office, 168 Oakbank Road, Perth, PH1 1HA,
for The Cooperative Group
c/o W D Harley Partnership
2 Cross Street, Callander, Stirlingshire, FK17 8EA / 21.09.2012
12/01393/FLL / N2 / Erection of tower and timber structures
Land 450 Metres North West Of Haughend Farm, Meigle,
for S.H.E.T.L.
FAO Mr Peter Jennings, 200 Ashgrove Road West, Aberdeen, AB16 5NY / 19.09.2012
12/01444/FLL / N2 / Alterations and change of use from former hotel to
2 flatted dwellings Former Royal Hotel, High Street, Coupar Angus, ,
for Mylenfield Properties Limited
c/o Toprowan Limited
Unit 3, Edward Street Mill, Forest Park Place, Dundee, DD1 5NT / 28.09.2012
12/01440/FLL / N4 / Alterations to Tower House, Station Road, Pitlochry,
PH16 5AN,
for The John Muir Trust
c/o Benjamin Tindall Architects
FAO Fiona Coutts, 17 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL / 28.09.2012
12/01514/FLL / N4 / Modification of previous consent for the erection of 16 holiday lodges 05/00624/FUL (part retrospect) Glengoulandie Country Lodges, Foss,
for Planeuro Limited
c/o David Soppitt Associates
Byres Of Airleywight, Bankfoot, Perth, PH1 4AU / 28.09.2012
12/01519/FLL / N5 / Formation of timber decking The Fields, Manse Road, Caputh, Perth, PH1 4JQ,
for Mr Paul Smith
c/o Jon Law Architectural Technician
11 Matthews Drive, Perth, PH1 2UR / 28.09.2012
12/01532/FLL / N4 / Installation of gates and security camera poles Lower Kiltyrie, Killin, FK21 8TY,
for Mrs R Anderson
c/o Simpson And Brown
St. Ninian's Manse , Quayside Street, FAO Scott Lindsay, Edinburgh, EH6 4AD / 28.09.2012
12/01539/FLL / N4 / Permanent retention of tracks built in association with the construction of the Beauly-Denny overhead power line Land 350 Metres North West Of Cromlechs, Bolfracks, Aberfeldy, for Bolfracks Estate
c/o Fearn Macpherson - Chartered Architects
FAO Rob Macpherson, Unit 4 , Dunkeld Road, Aberfeldy, PH15 2AQ / 24.09.2012
12/01543/FLL / N5 / Erection of a dwellinghouse (Modification of 07/02068/FUL) (in retrospect) Little Dunkeld House, Little Dunkeld, Dunkeld, PH8 0AD,
for Mrs Melissa Marshall
c/o Offset Architects
FAO David Allen, London House , 77 High Street, Sevenoaks, TN13 1LD / 28.09.2012
12/01546/FLL / N4 / Permanent retention of tracks built in association with the construction of the Beauly-Denny overhead power line Land 3700 Metres South Of Shepherds Cottage Bolfracks, Aberfeldy,
for Mr Donald Ogilvy-Watson
c/o Savills
FAO Rhona Scott, 55 York Place, Perth, PH2 8EH / 24.09.2012
12/01547/FLL / N9 / Change of use from office/storage to residential Alliance House, Perth Road, Abernethy, Perth,
PH2 9LW,
for Mr And Mrs Buchan
c/o PH2creative
George Taplin , Rowan Cottage , Back Dykes , Abernethy, PH2 9JN / 28.09.2012
12/01552/FLL / N5 / Erection of a dwellinghouse (modification of previous consent 11/01899/FLL) Hatton Grange, Dunkeld,
PH8 0ET, for Mrs Kate Howie
c/o The Border Design Centre
Harelaw Moor , Greenlaw, TD10 6XT / 21.09.2012
12/01556/FLL / N1 / Modification of existing consent - (06/02767/FUL) - formation of a mixed use commercial/industrial unit comprising of Class 5 use (general industry), Class 1 use (retail) and Class 6 use (storage and distribution). Units 1-2, Glencarse, Perth, PH2 7LX,
for G.S. Brown Construction Ltd Pension Scheme
c/o G.S. Brown Construction Ltd.
FAO Steve Young, G.S. Brown Construction Ltd , St. Madoes, Glencarse, Perth, PH2 7NF / 28.09.2012
12/01557/FLL / N12 / Formation of off street parking 32 Dundee Road, Perth, PH2 7AL, for Beverley Carmichael Properties
FAO Mrs Margaret Smith, The Beild , 32 Jubilee Crescent, Newton Of Falkland, Cupar, Fife, KY15 7NQ / 28.09.2012
12/01558/IPL / N3 / Renewal of consent (09/01202/OUT) Erection of dwellinghouse (in principle)
Rosemount House, Parkhead Road, Blairgowrie, PH10 6LP, for Mr P Stewart-Blacker
Rosemount House , Parkhead Road, Blairgowrie , PH10 6LP / 28.09.2012
12/01561/FLL / N8 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse 42 Muirs, Kinross, KY13 8AU,
for Susan Walster
c/o G D Young Design Services
35 Curling Knowe, Crossgates, By Dunfermline, KY4 8AX / 19.09.2012
12/01562/IPL / N9 / Erection of a dwellinghouse (in principle) Land West Of South Cairnies Farm, Glenalmond College, Glenalmond,
for Mr K McGregor
c/o MH Planning Associates
FAO Michael Hyde, The Mews , 11B West Abercromby Street, Helensburgh, G84 9LH / 28.09.2012
12/01565/IPL / N9 / Renewal of planning consent (09/01134/IPL) Erection of a dwellinghouse (in principle) Vacant Site At 10, Station Road, Methven,
for Mr B Thorburn
71 Woodside Crescent, Perth, PH2 0EP / 28.09.2012
12/01566/IPL / N8 / Erection of a dwellinghouse (in principle) Burnside, Vicar's Bridge Road, Blairingone, Dollar, FK14 7LR,
for Mr Colin McLean
c/o William Kinghorn
Hillhead Farm Cottage, Yetts O'Muckhart, Dollar,
FK14 7JT / 28.09.2012
12/01570/FLL / N5 / Renewal of planning (07/00649/FUL) Erection of a dwellinghouse Crown Flats, Blackloch Farm, Wester Essendy, Blairgowrie, PH10 6RD,
for Mr James Cope
c/o James Denholm Partnership
11 Dunira Street, Comrie, Crieff, PH6 2LJ / 28.09.2012
12/01572/FLL / N7 / Modification of planning consent (11/01235/FLL) to change house types and plot numbers Land Between Abbotsfield Terrace And, Montrose Road, Auchterarder,
for Bett Homes
The Castle Business Park, Argyll Court, Stirling,
FK9 4TT / 28.09.2012
12/01582/FLL / N5 / Alterations and extension Wallneuk,
Cathedral Street, Dunkeld, PH8 0AW,
for Mr And Mrs Gordon
c/o C R Smith
Gardeners Street , Dunfermline , KY12 0RN / 28.09.2012

In addition to the above Weekly List required under the Development Management Procedure Regulations of applications for planning permission, Perth and Kinross Council informs you of the following applications for other types of permission

12/01443/LBC / N2 / Alterations and change of use from former hotel to
2 flatted dwellings Former Royal Hotel, High Street, Coupar Angus,
for Mylnefield Properties Limited
c/o Toprowan Limited
Unit 3, Edward Street, Mill, Forest Park Place, Dundee, DD1 5NT / 28.09.2012
12/01466/LBC / N4 / Installation of replacement windows 40 Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy, PH15 2BL,
for Ms Laura Stewart
c/o Robert Gavin Stewart
Lagandaraich, Crieff Road, Aberfeldy / 21.09.2012