Kursplan förforskarutbildningskurs

Kurskod: xxx

Kursnamn: Creating Innovative Cultures through PAAR methodology


Institution: Department of Human Work Sciences

Examinatorsand course tutors:

Professor Tony Ghaye, Director, The International Institute of Reflective Practice-UK and Visiting Professor Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Professor Ewa Gunnarsson, Head, Division of Gender, Technology and Organisation,

Department of Human Work Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Kurstid: 08-03-03 – 08-03-05 and 08-06-09 – 08-06-10

Förkunskapskrav: Accepted as a postgraduate student at Luleå University of Technology and students accepted as postgraduate students at other universities.

Syfte/Mål: Students will be able to;

*Know how to develop appreciative workplace cultures that support innovation

*Synthesise a range of literatures to link innovation with action and reflection

*Appreciate the challenges of participatory andappreciative (PAAR) actionresearch

*Understand how appreciative forms of inquiry enrich participatory action research

*Apply PAAR to their own research and/or workplace

*Know how a PAAR approach can be used in the process of writing a doctoral thesis.

*Know how to write a PAAR paper for publication


It is anticipated that the content will explore the following;

*The principles, processes and outcomes of PAAR

*PAAR and standards of judgement in science

*The links between reflective learning, appreciative workplace cultures and innovation

*Processes for scaling-up innovation from the individual to the organizational level

*Organizational change from a gender perspective

*Illustrative case studies eg. from regional development, ICT, healthcare, education.

*Students own case studies from their particular research and/or workplace

Lärprocess: The course consists of tutor-led ’catalysts for discussion’, provocative propositions, group discussion and presentation. The course will be interactive. Individuals and groups will be expected to present their ideas to others on the course through specially designed student-led activities.

Examination: Reflection papers (2-3pages) on the three course books and on 3 of the articles, and the successful completion of either an individual or a collaborative paper. Guidelines for the paper will be given during the course.


Before the course begins all students are required to read;

Kemmis, S. (2006) Participatory action research and the public sphere, Educational Action Research, Vol. 14, No. 4. pp. 459-476

Course books:

Ghaye, T. (2007) Building the Reflective Healthcare Organisation, Blackwell, Oxford.

Cooperrider, D., et al (eds.) (2005) Appreciative Inquiry: An Emerging Direction for Organization Development. Stipes Publishing

Brock & Pettit, ((2007) Springs of Participation: Creating and evolving methods for participatory development, Practical Action Publishing, ISBN 1-85339-647-8.


Basadur, M. & Gelade, G. A. (2006) The Role of Knowledge Management in the Innovation Process. Creativity and Innovation Management, 15 (1) 45-62.

Bergmark, Ghaye and Alerby, E (2007)Reflective and appreciate actions that support the building of ethical places and spaces.

Gunnarsson, Ewa (forthcoming) Other sides of the coin – A feminist perspective on robustness in science and knowledge production.

Melander-Wikman, A.Jansson, M, & Ghaye, T. (2006), Reflections on an appreciative approach to empowering elderly people, in home healthcare, Reflective Practice Vol. 7, no. 4. pp. 423-444might be also useful.

Peshkin A. (1988) In search of subjectivity – one's own. Educational Researcher, 17(7), 17–21

Rickards, T. & Moger, S. (2006) Creative Leaders: A Decade of Contributions from Creativity and Innovation Management Journal. Creativity and Innovation Management, 15 (1) 4-18.

Widerberg, Karin (1999) “Alternative Methods – Alternative Understandings; Exploring the Social and Multiple ‘I’ through Memory Work” Sociologisk Tidskrift , nr 2, 1999.

Avgift: deltagare från annat lärosäte, nationellt/internationellt/deltagare från annan institution

då kursen inte är finansierad via fakultetsmedel

Ansökan till: ewa.gunnarsson at

Ansökan senast:08-02-15, the number of participants are limited.

Kontaktperson: Ewa Gunnarsson, Division of Gender, Technology and Organisation, Department of Human Work Sciences, LuleåUniversity of Technology

Institution som har ett utbildningsuppdrag för forskarutbildningskurs (dekanusbeslut/revideringar chef UF-enheten) ansvarar för att snarast, dock senast 14 dagar efter delgivning av beslut, publicera kursplan på institutionens hemsida. Kontakta för att få en kurskod innan publicering av kursplanen.

Mall reviderad 2006-09-27