Pathways FIG Minutes
Michele Bresso, Mohua Chatterjee, Jillian Wilson, Peter Wruck, Fran Lozano, Pat Henrickson, Johanna Stewart, Claire Boss, Marla Dresch, Doug Achterman, Cherise Matia, Ryan Shook, Megan Wong, Jessica Weiler, Karen Warren, Sydney LaRose
1. Review Guided Pathways Resources:
Web Page
Hand outs
Book: Redesigning America’s Community Colleges
2. What is needed in the form of Professional Learning for our Pathways FIG members?
Possibly take a modified Appreciative Inquiry approach:
Determine where we want to go (what does success look like)
What are our strengths?
How do we build on the strengths we have to get to where we want to go.
What are we doing right and how can we build on this?
Four Pillars:
- Clarify
- Get on the path
- Stay on the path
- Ensure learning
3. Discuss professional learning about pathways for campus
4. Design our next agenda, which could include some time focused on how we would like this FIG to
5. Next meeting dates: March 16. Add March 30th since April 8th is in Spring break.
Responses to AACC Pathways planning, Implementation and evaluation flyers
Group 1:
Faculty/ Staff student engagement:
How are we collaborating to support one another’s goals?
Intrusive advising as part of STEM grant
What systems do we have to track Progress?
Lots of moving parts – how do we dial that in before trying to scale?
Role of Data: Summary of elements that contribute to student success e.g. data flow
Make Data Accessible
How do we integrate our efforts so that the student experience is also not fragmented?
Group 2:
Faculty Drive
Need Data Resources
Intrusive advising – requires support systems
Assessment – using results to effect change
Coordinate systems – integration to benefits students
Planning and student choices/ implementation plan/ project management: know who is doing what
Professional development is critical
Make sure ALL conditions are in place
Pilots: Caution; gauge inertia and commitment
Focus on what we do well – know what we ave
Engagement – faculty driven; staff student and admin support, not top down.
What we need
Group 1:
Learn “Best Practice” for pathways outside CA. What works?
Collect our burning questions; start answering systematically
Deep dive into a successful model to consider all the complications
Identify our cultural stance as a campus, consider next steps in light of that stance
Learn about institutional change (theory of change)
Learn how to incorporate, use and analyze, facilitate discussions regarding data
Learn about what’s happening in each of the silos.
Group 2:
Department or workgroup get specific training rather than theory
We need to know what we have in: departments
FIG can gather data and disseminate info
Internal: What we are doing at Gav
External:What other colleges are doing