

Dr. Michael Norenberg (Chair)

Dr. Mehrdad Nadji

Dr. Carmen Gomez

Dr. Jorda Merce

Dr. Francisco Vega

Dr. David Andrews

Dr. Andrew Rosenberg

Dr. Paula Espinal (Research Manager)


The Pathology Translational Research (PTR) Committee was created to help develop and support new initiatives to stimulate research activities in our department.This committee functions as a central coordinating body within the Department of Pathology, providing leadership and guidance on initiatives that promote a stronger culture of science within the department. The main goal is to foster the development of young faculty in research and new grant submissions within the Department.


The Committee meets monthly to discuss research proposals, and more frequently if necessary. The Research Committee is committed to:

-Create, promote, and encourage institutional pathology research.

-Build awareness of good research practices through publications, professional development opportunities.

-Review research proposal for internal funding opportunities.

Internal Funding Opportunity Guidelines:

The University of Miami, Department of Pathology supports the research efforts of our faculty, fellows and residents in many ways. One of these is by providing the opportunity to apply for small internal grants. These grants are limited to a maximum of $5,000. In most cases, this is sufficient for small exploratory studies.

We encourage you to apply. The process is similar to that of applying for larger federal and state grants (i.e., we require a budget, rationale, and other routine items), but the process is far less complex and demanding. If you are new to grant writing, this may be a good place to start.

The Pathology Research Committee is a standing committee with members representing our Department. These are the individuals that will review your proposal. You are encouraged to speak with any one of them with questions you may have about the grant writing and submission process. For a list of the current committee members you can contact the Department Research Manager Dr. Paula S. Espinal | .

The research proposal must identify the time period in which the grant funds will be expended. Applicants are expected to provide the Committee with a final report on the progress of the project. It is understood that the applicant will acknowledge, whenever appropriate, the receipt of University of Miami Department of Pathology funds when presenting the project.

Deadline: Applications are expected to be received for review by the Committee at a minimum of 3 months prior the date of the conference, journal, and other submission date. Plan accordingly; allocate 2-3 weeks for committee revision and resubmission (if needed) and 2-3 weeks for processing of sample and other lab support.

Levels of funding opportunities: There are three levels of funding for which a Principal Investigators (PI) can apply. The PI must indicate which category they are applying for on the cover sheet that is submitted with the proposal. The PI can submit a proposal to only one category.

  1. Preliminary Data: A proposal aimed at getting data, present at a major national meeting, etc.

Describe in detail your idea, e.g., you noticed that in disease Y that factor X was elevated and that such elevation was associated with a particular clinical outcome; or that factor Z was diminished and that was associated with peculiar morphological changes, etc. These proposals are short-term projects aimed at getting supporting data for a time-restricted event (i.e., upcoming meeting). The budget request will be accordingly modest (approx. $500-1,000).

  1. Journal Submission: A proposal aimed for a paper in a major journal.

This level of funding is designed for investigators that already collected preliminary data and are looking for funding to extend their study and published in a major journal. The funding available is $1,000-3,000.

  1. Grant Application: A proposal aimed at a grant application.

Allocated for investigators with published or “under review” articles. Grant proposals requires justified proposal, and will be review critically by the committee. The funding available is $3,000-5,000.

Use of Funds: The Committee will consider funding only those research expenses that will be incurred during the implementation of the proposed research. The Committee will consider funding publication costs (page costs), which are presented as part of the original proposal. The Committee will not fund publication costs "after the fact" (i.e. pay for publication costs already billed to the researcher at the time of the grant proposal). Please note that the Committee will exercise judgment on the nature of the publisher in considering requests for support.

Preparation of Proposals: The proposal should be clearly presented. The proposal should be proofread carefully for typographical errors. The Committee may request an applicant to appear before the Committee to explain the proposal and to address any questions which may arise. The Committee reserves the right to provide full funding for the proposal, to provide partial funding, to request that the applicant offer further elaboration or clarification on specific points, to suggest alternate sources of funding, or to reject the proposal.


  1. Page setup requirements:
  2. Font: Time News Roman
  3. Font size: 12 pt.
  4. 1*1” margin
  1. The proposal narrative must not exceed three (3) Pages.
  1. The following items do not count in the three-page narrative limit:
  2. The cover page
  3. Budget
  4. References
  5. Supporting materials


  1. Proposal Cover page:
  2. Submission date
  3. Biographical information (investigator, mentor(s) and collaborator(s))
  4. Name
  5. Email address
  6. Title of research proposal
  7. IRB number
  8. Research category for which you are submitting a proposal, and time period in which the grant funds will be expended.
  9. Preliminary Data
  10. Journal Submission
  11. Grant Application
  12. Abstract of research proposal
  1. Proposal Narrative (maximum 3 pages), must include:
  2. Background: Briefly sketch the background and purpose of the proposal. Evaluate existing knowledge or practice. Specifically identify the gaps or needs which the project intends to fill. If you have performed previous work related to the proposal, describe previous findings or outcomes. Clearly state your view of the proposed project’s significance. Must include:
  3. Significance (i.e., what's the problem?)
  4. Preliminary data
  5. Aims and objectives
  6. Hypothesis
  1. Study design: Describe the design of your project and the procedures to be used or activities to be engaged in to accomplish your specific objectives. If appropriate, include the means by which data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Provide a tentative sequence or timeline for the work.
  2. Expected Outcomes: Describe means of evaluation. Evaluation methods should be objective and produce quantitative and/or qualitative data. Describe means of dissemination of findings or results. For example, will the project result in a paper presented at a major conference, an article published in a scholarly journal, etc.
  1. Budget
  2. This is extremely important as we want you to be able to secure funding BEFORE you initiate the work required for the study. This is a key component of grant applications and will be required by the Pathology Translational Research Committee as part of your proposal. Below is a list of histology services that you may need from either JMH or UM with the associated fees.

Pathology Translational Research Fees

Description / Jackson Memorial Hospital / Comparative Pathology Lab
Tissue Process (Embed each) / $10 / $5
Unstained Slides / $2 (1st section)
$1 (additional, per block) / $5
H&E (each) / $3 / $6.95
Special Stain (each) / $24 / $10-20
Pull/Re-file Blocks (per case) / $5 / $5
Pull/Re-file Slides (per case) / $10 / $10
PCR “Curls” Cut Only (each) / $5 / $5
Boxes for transporting slides (small) / $12 / $7.90
Boxes for transporting slides (large) / $18 / $3.95
Photography / $20 / ---

For further fees regarding Laboratory services and/or budget estimates, please contact our Research Office at

Sample Budget to be included with Research Proposal:

Services requested / Quantity / Cost per case / Total Cost
Pulling and re-filling slides / 100 / 10 / 1000
Pulling and re-filling blocks / 100 / 5 / 500
Unstained slides / 300 / 2 / 600
H&E / 300 / 3 / 900
IHC (e.g. Ki67)
If you intent to request more than one IHC, provide a detail description and price of each. / 300 / 10 / 3000
Study total cost / 6,000
  1. References
  2. Figures & tables