The meeting of April 21, 2006 was called to order by Laurence A. Vallieres, Chairman, at 8:40 a.m. in Room 117 of the State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Members Present: Laurence A. Vallieres, Contractor, Chairman
Ronald Bish, Contractor
Roger L. Johnson, Jr., Journeyman
Kenneth B. Leech, Journeyman
David Munsill, Journeyman
Michael Mutersbaugh, Electronic Technician
Jack B. Halpert, Public Member Raymond a. Turri, Contractor
Douglas A. Reid, Journeyman
Edward L. Chamberlain, Public Member
Members Absent: None
Member Vacancy: This Board currently has three (2) Public Member vacancies
DCP Staff Present: Richard Hurlburt, Director of Occ/Pro. Licensing Division
Sallie Pinkney, Electrical Board Secretary
Anthony Santoro, DCP Administrative Attorney
France Lee, DCP Paralegal II
Elisa Nahas
General Public; Robert Tworkowski
Victor Mitchell
R. Woytowich
Joe Mancuso
Carl R. Benson
Lisa Hutner
George Hufault
The next regular meeting of this Board is scheduled for Friday, May 12, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 117.
Note: The administrative functions of this Board are carried out by the Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division. For information, call Director Richard M. Hurlburt at (860) 713-6135.
1. Review of the Electrical Board Minutes:
Minutes of March 10, 2006 Meeting was reviewed, the following changes were made:
a. In the heading section the time was changed from 8:30 to 8:45 a.m.
b. Item 26 under Edwin R. Lewis, III. Should read; DCP Attorney Anthony Santoro was requested to submit to the board a copy of his summary of violations, for board review and consideration.
c. Chairman Valleries would like all amendments listed on the Minutes.
Board Member Ronald Bish motioned to accept the Minutes of the previous Meetings, with amendments. Board Member Michael Mutersbaugh 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously. Board Member Edward Chamberlan, and Raymond Turri abstained.
2. New Board Member Edward L. Chamberlain was sworn in by Elisa Nahas, DCP Attorney, and re-appointed Board Member Raymond Turri was sworn in by Elisa Nahas.
3. Appearing before the Board at the Board’s request: None
4. Request to Appear Before the Board: None
5. Comments or Concerns of any Person Present Today: None
6. CHRO Applicants: None
7. CHRO Renewals: None
8. Review of Application(s) for Licensure Examination:
9. Applicant (s) for Licensure Appearing in Person:
a. Joe Mancuso – Referred to the Electrical Examining Board by the DCP Commissioner’s Office. He is seeking guidance, and permission to take the E-2 exam with work history only. He is not registered with DOL, and does not have an Apprentice Completion Letter.
Chairman Valleries suggest Mr. Mancuso submit a letter to Jack Guerrera of Department of Labor, and The Department of Consumer Protection, outlining the people he worked for, work history (dates & time), and job duties (specifically Electrical work).
b. Carl R. Benson – Appeared before the board to appeal his E-2 Journey Person application. He was denied because he need an Apprenticeship Completion Letter.
Board Member Ronald Bish motioned to approve, providing his information is sufficient, and his hours are adequate. He can then be granted the opportunity to take the exam. Board Member Douglas Reid 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
10. Request for Renewal of License:
11. Request for Reinstatement: None
12. Request for Reconsideration: None
13. Request to Suspend: None
14. Proposed Settlements and/or Stipulations Containing Consent Orders: None
15. Settlements Agreements:
16. Stipulation Agreements:
Stephen Sheek
Board Member Laurence Vallieres motioned to tabled until more information was available. Board Member Roger Johnson 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously
17. Notice of Continuance: None
18. Request to Dismiss or Request to Dismiss Without Prejudice: None
19. Request to Revise: None
20. Request to Reopen: None
21. Review of Examination Results: None
22. Electrical None
23. TV & Radio: None
24. Review of Correspondence:
a. Michael J. Hessman requested Continuing Education Waiver, and fees paid for his license due to military duties.
Board Member Roger Johnson motioned to approve his request. Board Member Raymond Turri 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
b. David M. Werner requested Continuing Education Waiver due to military duties.
Board Member Douglas Reid motioned to approve his request. Board Member Raymond Turri 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
c. William H. Pippin requested Continuing Education Waiver due to medical hardship.
Board Member Roger Johnson denied his request. Board Member Douglas Reid 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
25. Old Business:
Chairman Laurence Vallieres would like a Status Report of the Electrician Audit that was done in 2006, and a list of non-compliance electricians
26. New Business:
- Board Member Reid talked about the problem with unlicensed people performing electrical work without a license. Chairman Vallieres feels if the DCP can get inspectors in the field to possibly investigate some of the jobs that are being done in the state. It was also suggested that the commissioner send a letter or a news release, warning people of the illegalness of performing electrical work without a license or an apprentice card. It was also Stated that the local inspector does not have the confident in the state to follow-through with the complaints that are filed.
Chairman Valleries will talk to Jack Guerrera at the Labor Department to see “is there any reason why he can’t take all the people that have registered people, look at the payroll records, and cross reference that, and when you come up with x number of people that are not registered and/or not license working in a company, if there are 5 or so, more people working in the company that is not a part of the administrative staff. Then maybe you can get an investigation can started”.
2. Chairman Valleries spoke to a number of provider re the CE program and how it’s going. The school stressed that they are doing Code last and is running out of time to do the calculations and would like to rearrange the order that class follows . The Chairman doesn’t see a problem with this, however, they do need to cover all the materials
3. The sub Committee will review the following course applications:
Emmett O’Brien Technical High School
IBEW Local 7
Wooster Electrical
Electrical Training
Independent Electrical
27. Formal Administrative Hearings:
a. Stephen Sheak – Docket Nos. 03-657, 06-237 – Settlement
b. RDS Electric – Docket No. 06-237 - Settlement
c. Paul Alexio – Docket No. 06-253 – Out of the country, can not appear
d. Irresistible Audio, LLC – Docket No. 06-052 (same as c.)
Board Member Roger Johnson motioned to accept the Stipulation in Docket # 03-657 (Stephen Sheak) as is. Board Member Douglas Reid 2nd.
Chairman Laurence Valleries withdrew the motion, Board Member Douglas Reid withdrew his 2nd.
Board Member Roger Johnson motioned to tabled this stipulation (27 a & b) until we get a copy of the minutes indicating that this board issued an acceptance of this stipulation. Board Member Roger Johnson 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
Board Member Kenneth Leech motioned to post pone Paul Alexio and Irresistible Audio (27. c and d). Board Member Ronald Bish 2nd, and the vote carried unanimously.
28. Matters Previously Heard Pending Decision: None
Edwin R. Lewis III – Docket No. 05-1327 and 05-1329
Chairman Laurence Valleries made a recommended motioned that the following FDO be issued to Mr. Edwin R. Lewis AKA Edwin Lewis. Board Member Roger Johnson 2nd.
1. That the E-2 journeyman license, license # 188703 issued to Edwin R. Lewis III, AKA Edwin Lewis, be revoked effective immediately upon receipt of this Final Decision and Order.
2. That Edwin R. Lewis III AKA Edwin Lewis be prohibited from offering and/ or representing to the consumers of the State of Connecticut, any electrical services, which representation implies that of a contractor.
3. That a civil penalty in the total amount of $1,185,000.00 be assessed against Edwin R. Lewis, III, AKA Edwin Lewis as determined from the following 417 Violations:
Board Member Douglas Reid amended the motion to include: restitution fees ($,7,889.61) owe to consumers, Board Member Roger Johnson 2nd .
Board Member Ronald Bish amended the motion to include: the board notify The Home Improvement Department of the FDO, and take into consideration a restriction. Board Member Roger Johnson 2nd,
The vote of above motions and amendments carried unanimously.
Board Members Edward Chamberlain and Raymond Turri abstained.
The chairman informed Attorney Santoro that the board would like all correspondents to Mr. Lewis be sent via certified mail, or Sheriff.
29. Final Decisions Pending Signature:
Edwin R. Lewis, Jr.
John Franklin
Stephen Cote
30. Adjournment: Jack Halpert motioned that the meeting be adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sallie Pinkney,
Commission Secretary
Electrical Board Meeting of April 21, 2006