1. Misa de Aguinaldo (also Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi) is a form of solemn votive Masses held at dawn for nine (9) consecutive days before Christmas in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  2. At these Masses, the Gloria is sung, even on the Third (3rd) and Fourth (4th) Sundays of Advent, white vestments are used, the Church and sanctuary are festively decorated, and approved musical instruments are played. If any of these days fall on Sunday, the Mass formularies and readings are those of Sunday.[1]
  3. At other Masses not intended for theMisa de Aguinaldo, the liturgical norms for Advent prevail: violet vestments are used and the Gloria is not said nor sung.
  1. The dioceses of the local Church of the Philippines have been granted the indult to hold these Masses at dawn from 16-24 December.
  1. In recent years, the pastoral needs of many Christian communities have resulted in the celebration of these Masses (i.e. Simbang Gabi) in the evening, in addition to those held at dawn. It has been common practice to start celebrating the Aguinaldo Masses on the evening of 15 December until the evening of 23 December.
  2. It is to be noted that since the Aguinaldo Masses are not categorized as a Solemnity, Mass formularies and liturgical texts are for the current day, and not for the following day or “anticipated” unless it falls on Saturday evening.
  3. In this regard, the Commission on Liturgy and Popular Religiosity of the Diocese of Parañaque (DCLPR) issues the following statements:
  4. The DCLPR strongly discourages the celebration of Masses in the evening since by nature the Aguinaldo Masses are to be held at dawn.
  5. In cases where the pastoral needs of the community outweigh the usual practice, and the Masses are held in the evening, the time of the celebration should not coincide with the time of the regular evening Mass of the parish Church. Mass formularies and liturgical texts are for the current weekday and not for the following day, except for the evening Mass of Saturday, which would use the Sunday formularies. The evening Mass of Sunday will still follow the formularies of the day.
  6. The terms Aguinaldo Mass, “Simbang Gabi” or “Misa de Gallo”are interchangeable.
  1. Since the Aguinaldo Masses fall within the Advent Season, Christmas hymns are out of place. However, by tradition, they herald the Christmas spirit among the faithful.
  1. In this regard, the DCLPR recommends that for the Aguinaldo Masses, liturgically appropriate Christmas songs may be used only as the Entrance and Recessional songs.
  2. Since the Aguinaldo Masses are votive Masses in honor of the Mother of God, Marian songs – especially those that express the “devout and expectant delight of Advent” – are highly recommended.
  1. Christmas decorations of the Church may be gradually done, but are not lighted.

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[1]The Roman Missal.English translation according to the third typical edition. For use in the Dioceses of the

Philippines, p. 1268.