Test 1 Use your own paper – Do not write on this paper! Staple your answers to this sheet!
You may use you notes and the textbook; however, you may not use anyone else.
The Crucible
1. The author of the Crucible is ____________________?
2. Define in detail the term “theocracy”:
3. The term “witch hunt” is commonly heard today applied not to religion by to _______.
4. In the early 1950s, Senator ______ was chairman of a Senator investigating committee that conducted a hunt for “pindos,” radicals, and communists, in and out of government.”
5. Although the writer set The Crucible back in the Puritan period at the time of the witch trials, his audience knew his play was really about _____________.
6. What does the term “McCarthyism” mean? Explain in specific detail. (Answer in several sentences)
7. How did Puritans come to be called by that name? (Answer in several sentences)
8. Define the word “Crucible”;
9. The setting for The Crucible is the Puritan community of __________ (town) ________ (colony)__________, in ___ (year) ______.
10. There are several psychological reasons why the witch hunts of Salem were allowed to happen. List at least 2.
11. The people of Salem believed there were several ways a “bewitched” person could be identified. Explain 2 such “signs”.
12. Why was Tituba such an obvious target when the people begin to talk of witchcraft? (Be very specific. Answer in sentences.)
13. John Proctor says the Reverend Parris does not “have the light of God” in him. What fault does Proctor find with Parris? Explain.
14. How does Abigail manage to control the girls?
15. Why does Mr. Putnam resent Reverend Parris? Explain
16. What has caused Betty to become so ill? Be very specific
17. Why did Abigail drink chicken blood in the forest?
18. Describe the character Reverend Parris in several sentences.
19. What do we learn about the events in the forest? About Abigail Williams’s past connections with the Proctor family?
20. Before the arrival of John Hale, what are some of the subjects for petty disagreements among John Proctor, Giles Corey, Thomas Putnam, and Samuel Parris?
21. Summarize you impression of the Reverend Samuel Parris in this act. What are his principal flaws?
22. What transgression has John Proctor made? Explain.
23. One of Miller’s major subjects in the play is the nature of authority. Comment on how Samuel Parris, Thomas Putnam, John Hale, and Rebecca Nurse are linked with the idea of authority in Act One.
24. Define the following:
A. theocracy –
B. crucible –
C. scapegoat-
D. licentious-
E. subservient-
F. covenanted-
G. prodigious-
H. lechery-
I. indignant-
J. Hypocrites
25. A. List the five Puritan beliefs:
B. List two Puritan theologies:
When the doctor to look to unnatural things for Betty’s ailment, he is suggesting that her illness is the result of forces operating outside of the laws of nature, and, therefore operating outside of the laws of God. Explain.