
GALATIANS 1v1 Paul (an) apostle, not from MEN nor through (a) MAN BUT through Jesus Messiah and God, Father, the (one) having-raised him out-of dead (ones),

GALATIANS 1v2 And all the brothers with me, to-the assemblies of-the Galatia:

GALATIANS 1v3 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah,

GALATIANS 1v4 The (one) having-given himself in-behalf-of our sins, in-which-case he-might-rescue us out-of the age namely-the evil (one) having-stood-and-still-standing-in according-to the will of-the God and our Father,

GALATIANS 1v5 To-whom (be) the glory with-reference-to the ages of-the ages: amen.

GALATIANS 1v6 I-am-marvelling that thus quickly YOU-are-transferring from the (one) having-called YOU in Messiah's favor into (a) different good-news,

GALATIANS 1v7 Which is not another; unless there-are some, the (ones) disturbing YOU and willing to-turn-differently the good-news of-the Messiah.

GALATIANS 1v8 BUT even if we or (a) messenger out-of heaven might-be-bringing-good-news to-YOU beside what good-news-we-brought to-YOU, let-him-be anathema.

GALATIANS 1v9 As we-have-said-before-and-still-say, even just-now again I-am-saying, if anyone is-bringing YOU good-news beside what YOU-took-along, let-him-be anathema.

GALATIANS 1v10 For just-now am-I-relying-on MEN or the GOD? Or am-I-seeking to-be-pleasing to-MEN? If I-was still pleasing MEN, I-were not (a) slave of-Messiah.

GALATIANS 1v11 For I-am-making-known to-YOU, brothers, the good-news namely-the good-news-having-been-brought by me that it-is not according-to MAN;

GALATIANS 1v12 For I myself took it along neither of MAN nor was-I-taught, BUT through (an) uncovering of-Jesus Messiah.

GALATIANS 1v13 For YOU-heard (of) my conduct at-one-time in the Judaism, that according-to (a) surpassing-manner I-was-pursuing the assembly of-the God and I-was-laying it waste,

GALATIANS 1v14 And I-was-progressing in the Judaism above many equals-in-age in my race, existing more-excessively (a) zealot of-my paternal traditions.

GALATIANS 1v15 But when the God was-pleased namely-the (one) having-severed me out-of my mother's belly and having-called (me) through his favor

GALATIANS 1v16 To-uncover his son in me, in-order-that I-might-be-bringing him, good-news among the Gentiles, immediately I-communicated-for-myself not with flesh and blood,

GALATIANS 1v17 Neither went-I-up into Jerusalem to the apostles before me, BUT I-went-away into Arabia, and again I-returned into Damascus.

GALATIANS 1v18 Thereafter after three years I-went-up into Jerusalem to-relate (to) Cephas, and I-continued with him fifteen days;

GALATIANS 1v19 But (a) different (one) of-the apostles I-saw not, unless James the brother of-the Lord.

GALATIANS 1v20 But what-things I-am-writing to-YOU, behold in-sight of-the God that I-am not lying.

GALATIANS 1v21 Thereafter I-went into the regions of-the Syria and of-the Cilicia.

GALATIANS 1v22 But I-was being-unknown by-the face to-the assemblies of-the Judea namely-the (assemblies) in Messiah.

GALATIANS 1v23 But they-were only hearing that the (one) pursuing us at-one-time now he-is-bringing-good-news-for-himself the trust which at-one-time he-was-laying-waste,

GALATIANS 1v24 And they-were-glorifying the God in me.


GALATIANS 2v1 Thereafter through fourteen years again I-ascended into Jerusalem with Barnabas, having-taken-along-with-myself also Titus;

GALATIANS 2v2 But I-ascended according-to (an) uncovering; and I-placed-again-for-myself to-them the good-news which I-am-preaching among the Gentiles, but privately to-the (ones) seeming (to-be something [vs.6]), not by-any-means I-might-be-running or I-ran in vain.

GALATIANS 2v3 BUT neither Titus the (one) with me, being Greek, was-compelled to-be-circumcised;

GALATIANS 2v4 But because-of the false-brothers sneaked-in, they-who came-in-alongside to-spy-out our freedom which we-are-having in Messiah Jesus, in-order-that they-will-thoroughly-enslave us;

GALATIANS 2v5 But to-whom we-yielded not toward (an) hour in-the subjection, in-order-that the truth of-the good-news might-remain-continuously to YOU.

GALATIANS 2v6 But from the (ones) seeming to-be something,--of-what-sort they-were at-one-time not-one (thing) is-making-a-difference to-me: God is not taking (the) face of-a-MAN,--for the (ones) seeming (to-be something) communicated-for-themselves not-one (thing) to-me,

GALATIANS 2v7 BUT on-the-contrary having-seen that I-have-been-and-still-am-trusted the good-news of-the uncircumcision according-as Peter of-the circumcision,.2v8 For the (one) having-operated in Peter with-reference-to apostleship of-the circumcision operated also in-me with-reference-to the Gentiles,

GALATIANS 2v9 And having-come-to-know the favor namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me, James and Cephas and John, the (ones) seeming to-be pillars, they-gave right (hands) of-participation to-me and to-Barnabas, in-order-that we (be) with-reference-to the Gentiles, but they with-reference-to the circumcision;

GALATIANS 2v10 Only in-order-that we-might-be-having-in-memory of-the destitute, which even this very thing I-was-diligent to-do.

GALATIANS 2v11 But when Cephas came into Antioch, I-withstood against (his) face with-him, because he-was having-been-and-still-discovered.

GALATIANS 2v12 For before some came from James he-was-eating-together with the Gentiles; but when they-came, he-was-shrinking-back and he-was-severing himself, fearing the (ones) out-of circumcision;

GALATIANS 2v13 And the other Jews pretended-together with-him also, so-that even Barnabas was-led-away-together with their hypocrisy.

GALATIANS 2v14 BUT when I-saw that they-were not walking-straight toward the truth of-the good-news, I-said to-the Cephas in-front of-all: If you existing (a) Jew are-living gentilishly and not jewishly, how are-you-compelling the Gentiles to-be-judaizing?

GALATIANS 2v15 We Jews by-nature and not sinners out-of nations,

GALATIANS 2v16 But having-known-absolutely that MAN is not being-justified out-of works of-law if not through trust of-Messiah Jesus, even we ourselves trusted with-reference-to Messiah Jesus, in-order-that we-might-be-justified out-of trust of-Messiah and not out-of works of-law, because out-of works of-law all flesh will not be-justified.

GALATIANS 2v17 But if seeking to-be-justified in Messiah we-were also found sinners ourselves, really, (is) Messiah (a) minister of-sin? May-it not come-to-pass.

GALATIANS 2v18 For if what-things I-overthrew these-things I-am again building, I-am-standing-together myself (a) transgressor.

GALATIANS 2v19 For I myself died-off through law to-law in-order-that I-might-live to-God. I-have-been-and-still-am-crucified-together with Messiah;

GALATIANS 2v20 But I myself am-living no-more, but Messiah is-living in me; but which I-am now living in flesh, I-am-living in trust, the (trust) of-the son of-the God namely-the (one) having-cherished me and having-given-over himself in-behalf-of me.

GALATIANS 2v21 I-am not disregarding the favor of-the God; for if righteousness (is) through law so Messiah died-off gratuitously.


GALATIANS 3v1 O thoughtless Galatians, who bewitched YOU, to-whom Jesus Messiah was-written-before having-been-and-still-crucified according-to (your) eyes?

GALATIANS 3v2 This (thing) only I-am-willing to-learn from YOU, took-YOU the Spirit out-of works of-law or out-of (a) hearing of-trust?

GALATIANS 3v3 Are-YOU thus thoughtless? Having-begun-within in (the) Spirit are-YOU now accomplishing-for-yourselves in flesh:

GALATIANS 3v4 Suffered-YOU these-many-things at-random? If even in-fact, at-random?

GALATIANS 3v5 The (one) supplying-additionally to-YOU the Spirit and working powerful-deeds among YOU (is it) out-of works of-law or out-of (a) hearing of-trust?

GALATIANS 3v6 According-as Abraham trusted the God, and it-was-figured to-him with-reference-to righteousness.

GALATIANS 3v7 So YOU-are-coming-to-know that the (ones) out-of trust, these are sons of-Abraham.

GALATIANS 3v8 But the scripture having-seen-before that the God is-justifying the Gentiles out-of trust, it-brought-good-news-before to-the Abraham that all the Gentiles will-be-blessed-within in you.

GALATIANS 3v9 So-that the (ones) out-of trust are-being-blessed with the trusting Abraham.

GALATIANS 3v10 For as-many-as are out-of works of-law, are under (a) curse-against (them); for it-has-been-and-still-is-written that thoroughly-cursed-against (is) every (one) who (is) not remaining-in all the-things having-been-and still-written in the little-book of-the law to-do them.

GALATIANS 3v11 But that no-one is-being-justified in law beside the God (is) evident, because the just (one) will-live-for-himself out-of trust;

.3v12 But the law is not out-of trust, BUT the (one) having-done them he-will-live-for-himself in them.

GALATIANS 3v13 Messiah bought us out out-of the curse-against (us) of-the law having-become (a) curse-against in-behalf-of us, because it-has-been-and-still-is-written: Thoroughly-cursed-against (is) every the (one) hanging-for-himself upon wood,

GALATIANS 3v14 In-order-that the blessing of-the Abraham might-come-to-pass with-reference-to the Gentiles in Jesus Messiah, in-order-that we-might-take the promise of-the Spirit through the trust.

GALATIANS 3v15 Brothers, I-am-saying according-to MAN. Nevertheless not-one is-disregarding or ordering-on (additions-to) (a) covenant of-MAN having-been-and-still-validated.

GALATIANS 3v16 But to-the Abraham the promises were-said and to-his seed. It-is not saying: and to-the seeds, as upon many, BUT as upon one: and to-your seed, who is Messiah.

GALATIANS 3v17 But this I-am-saying: the law having-come-to-pass-and-still-being after four-hundred and thirty years is not invalidating (a) covenant having-before-been-and-still-validated by the God, with-reference-to to-render-inactive the promise.

GALATIANS 3v18 For if the inheritance (is) out-of law, no-more (is it) out-of promise; but the God has-bestowed-and-still-bestows-a-favor to-the Abraham through promise.

GALATIANS 3v19 Therefore what (is) the law? It-was added for-sake-of the transgressions, until the seed might-come to-whom it-has-been-and-still-is-promised, having-been-ordered through messengers, in hand of-a-mediator.

GALATIANS 3v20 But the mediator is not of-one, but the God is one.

GALATIANS 3v21 (Is) the law therefore against the promises of-the God? May-it not come-to-pass. For if law was-given, the (one) being-able to-make-alive, certainly the righteousness was out-of law;

GALATIANS 3v22 BUT the scripture shut-together the all-things under sin in-order-that the promise out-of trust of-Jesus Messiah might-be-given to-the (ones) trusting.

GALATIANS 3v23 But before the trust came we-were-being-protectively-guarded under law being-shut-together with-reference-to the future trust to-be-uncovered.

GALATIANS 3v24 So-that the law has-become-and-still-is (a) disciplinarian-tutor of-us with-reference-to Messiah, in-order-that we-might-be-justified out-of trust;

GALATIANS 3v25 But the trust having-come we-are no-more under (a) disciplinarian-tutor.

GALATIANS 3v26 For YOU-are all sons of-God through the trust in Messiah Jesus;

GALATIANS 3v27 For as-many-as with-reference-to Messiah YOU-were-baptized, YOU-clothed-for-yourselves-in Messiah.

GALATIANS 3v28 There-is-within not Jew nor Greek, there-is-within not slave nor free, there-is-within not male and female; for YOU yourselves are all one in Messiah Jesus.

GALATIANS 3v29 But if YOU (are) of Messiah, so YOU-are seed of-the Abraham, heirs according-to promise.


GALATIANS 4v1 But I-am-saying, over so-long time as the heir is (an) infant, he-is-differing not-one-thing of-a-slave being lord of-all,

GALATIANS 4v2 BUT he-is under stewards and administrators-of-the-household until the time-limit of-the father.

GALATIANS 4v3 Thus also we, when we-were infants, we-were having-been-and-continued-enslaved under the elementary-principles of-the world;

GALATIANS 4v4 But when the fulness of-the time came, the God dispatched-out his son having-become out-of (a) woman, having-become under law,

GALATIANS v5 In-order-that he-might-buy-out the (ones) under law, in-order-that we-might-take-back the adoption-as-son.

GALATIANS 4v6 But because YOU-are sons, the God dispatched-out the Spirit of-his son into our hearts, crying: Abba the Father.

GALATIANS 4 v7 So-that no-more you-are (a) slave BUT (a) son; but if (a) son, also (an) heir through God.

GALATIANS 4 v8 BUT then on-the-one-hand not knowing God absolutely YOU-were-slaves to-the (ones) by-nature not being gods;

GALATIANS 4v9 Now on-the-other-hand having-come-to-know God, but rather having-come-to-be-known by God, how are-YOU-turning-around again over the weak and destitute elementary-principles, to-which again YOU-are-willing to-be-being-a-slave from-above?

GALATIANS 4v10 YOU-are-keeping-alongside-for-yourselves days and months and seasons and years.

GALATIANS 4v11 I-am-fearing YOU for-myself not by-any-means at-random I-have-tired-and-am-still-tired-from-labor with-reference-to YOU.

GALATIANS 4 v12 YOU-be-becoming as I, because I-also (am) as YOU, brothers, I-am-petitioning of-YOU. YOU-did not-one harm-to me;

GALATIANS 4 v13 But YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that because-of weakness of-the flesh I-brought-good-news to-YOU formerly for-myself,

GALATIANS 4 v14 And YOUR trial in my flesh YOU-treated not with-contempt nor YOU-spit-out, BUT as (a) messenger of-God YOU-received me, as Messiah Jesus.

GALATIANS 4 v15 Where therefore (is) YOUR happiness? For I-am-bearing-witness for-YOU that if possible having-dug-out YOUR eyes YOU-gave to-me.

GALATIANS 4 v16 So-that have-I-become-and-still-am YOUR enemy speaking-the-truth to-YOU?

GALATIANS 4v17 They-are-being-jealous-of YOU not rightly, BUT they-are-willing to-shut YOU out,

GALATIANS 4v18 In-order-that YOU-might-be-being-jealous-of them. But (it-is) fine to-be-jealous always in (a) fine-thing, and not only in my being-alongside with YOU,

GALATIANS 4 v19 My little-children, (for) whom I-am-suffering-birth-pains again as-far-as of-which Messiah might-be-formed in YOU;

GALATIANS 4 v20 But I-was-willing to-be-being-alongside with YOU just-now and to-change my voice, because I-am-being-perplexed with YOU.

GALATIANS 4 v21 YOU-be-saying to-me, the (ones) willing to-be under law, are-YOU not hearing the law?

GALATIANS 4 v22 For it-has-been-and-still-is-written that Abraham had two sons, one out-of the maidservant and one out-of the free-woman.

GALATIANS 4 v23 BUT-on-the-one-hand the (one) out-of the maidservant has-been-and-is-begotten according-to flesh, on-the-other-hand the (one) out-of the free-woman through the promise.

|GALATIANS 4v24 Which-things are being-allegorized; for these (women) are two covenants, on-the-one-hand one from mount Sinai, bearing with-reference-to slavery, one-who is Hagar.

GALATIANS 4v25 But the Hagar is mount Sinai in the Arabia; but it-is-being-in-line-together to-the now Jerusalem, for she-is-being-a-slave with her children.

GALATIANS 4 v26 But the above Jerusalem is free, one-who is our mother;

GALATIANS 4v27 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written: You-be-made-merry, barren, the (one) not bringing-forth, you-rend-asunder and you-shout, the (one) not suffering-birth-pains, because many (are) the children of-the desolate more than of-the (one) having the husband.

GALATIANS 4v28 But YOU, brothers, are-yourselves children of-promise according-to Isaac.

GALATIANS 4v29 BUT as-altogether then the (one) having-been-begotten according-to flesh was-persecuting the (one) according-to Spirit, thus also now.

GALATIANS 4v30 BUT what is-saying the scripture? You-cast-out the maidservant and her son; for by-no-means will the son of-the maidservant inherit with the son of-the free-woman.

GALATIANS 4v31 On-this-account, brothers, we-are not children of-a-maidservant BUT of-the free-woman.


GALATIANS 5v1 To-the freedom Messiah made us free; YOU-be-standing-firm therefore and YOU-be not being again held-in (a) yoke of-slavery.

GALATIANS 5v2 Note, I myself Paul am-saying to-YOU that if YOU-might-be-being-circumcised Messiah will-profit YOU not-one (thing).

GALATIANS 5v3 But I-am-bearing-witness again to-every MAN being-circumcised that he-is debtor to-do the total law.

GALATIANS 5v4 YOU-were-rendered-inactive from Messiah they-who (of) YOU-are-being-justified in law, YOU-fell-from the favor,

GALATIANS 5v5 For we ourselves are-waiting-anxiously in-Spirit, out-of trust, (a) hope of-righteousness.

GALATIANS 5v6 For in Messiah Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision (is) something being-strong-enough, BUT trust operating-for-itself through charity.

GALATIANS 5v7 YOU-were-running rightly: who impeded YOU not to-be-being-persuaded by-truth?

GALATIANS 5v8 The persuasion (is) not out-of the (one) calling YOU.

GALATIANS 5 v9 (A) little leaven is-leavening the total lump.

GALATIANS 5v10 I myself have-been-and-still-am-persuaded with-reference-to YOU in Jehovah that YOU-will-have not another one opinion; but the (one) disturbing YOU he-will-bear the sentence, whoever he-might-be.

GALATIANS 5v11 But brothers, if I myself am still preaching circumcision, (for) what am-I still being-persecuted? So the entrapment of-the cross has-been-and-still-is-rendered-inactive.

GALATIANS 5v12 I-would-that also the (ones) upsetting YOU will-chop-themselves-off.