Passer, Research Methods: Concepts and Connections 1e

Chapter 7:

Survey Research

Clicker Questions

1. In survey research, which refers to the list of information from which a sample will be selected?

a. population

b. representative sample

c. non-representative sample

d. sampling frame

2. In a survey, 100 married couples were identified to assess arguing behavior. Of those, 90 could be contacted, while 45 declined to participate. The response rate would be:

a. 45%.

b. 55%.

c. 50%.

d. 10%.

3. Which is NOT considered a limitation of survey research?

a. inefficiency in gathering large amounts of data

b. inability to address cause-effect relationships

c. potential for unrepresentative samples

d. validity of self-report

4. A tendency to respond in a way that a person feels is socially appropriate rather than how he/she truly feels is called:

a. interviewer effects.

b. social desirability bias.

c. sampling error.

d. non-response bias.

5. In which type of probability sampling is a sampling frame divided into groups, then participants randomly sampled within each group?

a. simple random sampling

b. cluster sampling

c. convenience sampling

d. stratified random sampling

6. Which type of non-probability sampling involves participants placing themselves in a sample?

a. convenience sampling

b. quota sampling

c. self-selection

d. purposive sampling

7. Chance fluctuations in the characteristics of samples that occur when randomly selecting samples from a population is called:

a. snowball sampling.

b. sampling variability.

c. margin of sampling error.

d. expert sampling.

8. Which step in developing a questionnaire immediately follows identifying variables of interest?

a. considering practical limitations of survey

b. reflecting upon research goals and converting into topics

c. pretesting the questionnaire

d. revising the questionnaire

9. Which type of survey question asks a participant to rate their level of agreement with the death penalty, on a scale of 1-5 from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree?”

a. open-ended

b. multiple-choice

c. ranking scale

d. likert scale

10. Which type of error in questioning involves asking about two issues within one question?

a. double-barreled questions

b. loaded questions

c. double negative questions

d. leading questions

11. Which is NOT a rule of thumb for the ordering of survey questions?

a. Group together questions that deal with a similar topic.

b. Place open-ended questions before close-ended questions.

c. Place more general questions before more specific questions.

d. Place personally sensitive questions before less sensitive questions.

12. Which is a disadvantage of face-to-face interviews?

a. interviewer effects

b. response rates

c. building rapport

d. interpretation assistance

13. Which is a disadvantage telephone interviews?

a. random digit dialing (RDD)

b. speed of gathering data

c. unlisted cell phone numbers

d. interviewer effects

14. Which makes the most use of convenience sampling?

a. face-to-face interviews

b. telephone interviews

c. mail surveys

d. online surveys

15. The main concern with non-response bias involves:

a. the assumption that those who didn’t participate would have provided significantly different answers.

b. the fact that not all participants selected participated.

c. experimenter effects can bias responses.

d. sampling error in sample to population estimates.