November 19, 2014 3:00PM



The meeting was called to order at 3:03. Quorum was confirmed.

In Attendance: Darrell Bethune, David Dick, Barb Fenwick , Camila Freitas, Nolin Hoodicoff , Avery Hulbert, Karen Langan, Sandi Lavery, Paul Lowe, Leslie Molnar, Bonnie New, John McDonaugh, Sharon Richardson, Doris Silva, Kaigyn Walker , David Walls, Heather Wik,

Regrets: Jason Colombo, Linda Olm, Marilyn Petersen, Russell Workun

1.  Agenda

MOTION: To approve the agenda for November 19, 2014

Motioned by Lavery, Seconded by Molnar - Carried

2.  Confirmation of the Minutes:

There were some clerical errors corrected in the minutes.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of October 15, 2014 as amended

Motioned by, Wik Seconded by Dick - Carried

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Bylaw updates and changes – Avery Hulbert & Jason Colombo

MOTION: to accept the changes to the Education Council Bylaws as presented Nov 19, 2014

Motioned by, Lavery, Seconded by Richardson

3.2.  2015/2016 College Calendar Dates – DJ Silva

This item was tabled in the October meeting so that council members had time to research and review additional information.

Backup documentation was provided to EdCo members on the add/drop date which included statistical analysis, research from other institutions, feedback from faculty staff and students.

The results of the statistical analysis which included looking at success rates between students registering one week vs. two week into the semester was discussed.

The research on other institutions resulted in a consensus that two week add/drop period is the standard across BC.

It was noted that if the add/drop date were changed there would need to be subsequent changes made across the Institution that would have to occur first; for example the International orientation and general orientation dates.

It was suggested to add in a disclaimer on the add/drop form so that students know that it is their responsibility to catch up in what they have already missed in the class. This recommended change will be brought up at the next SAP meeting and implemented for January 2015 intake.

The Motion from our October 15th meeting to change the add date from two weeks to one week, was withdrawn without objection.

Doris asked for feedback on the 2016 scheduled reading break. She presented that across BC there are 24 other institutions that have a reading break built into their academic calendar. There are varied approaches to the duration date when these breaks occur; 15 are held on the 2nd week of February, 3 use the 3rd week and many have days instead of entire weeks. College of the Rockies currently has reading break as the 4th week in February. The outcome of the discussion was to keep it as scheduled in the 4th week in February.

There was a discussion regarding the exam schedule and the tight timeline between the fall and winter semesters. Doris clarified that Instructors will have the standard five days to submit marks, which means that for Fall 2015 the last submission date for grades will be Jan 4th, 2016. It was suggested that perhaps when SAP is revamping the exam policy they could include Sundays into the schedule to condense the exam period so it is not so close into Christmas.

The institution being closed between Christmas and New Year’s reopening on the 4th of January makes prep time for instructors very challenging and for students to be prepared for the first day of classes. It was also suggested that faculty could use non instructional time and work from home to help prepare for the new semester; it was noted that the logistics of this are not ideal. Some ideas were discussed around keeping the institution open and offer the space for clubs or team camps. Opening the building would have consequent costs for the facility such as snow removal, security and janitorial services which will have to be discussed outside of the EdCo meeting with the appropriate audience.

This decision is outside the scope of Education Council but perhaps in future years when this challenge is presented that further discussions can occur with the appropriate audiences.

In the Colleges and Institutes Act Article 23 section h – States that EdCo must advise the board, and the board must seek advice from EdCo on the matter of development of educational policy for setting the academic calendar. The academic calendar has historically not gone to the Board for review. Avery will review other policies to see if indeed it is to go to the Board for review before the next EdCo meeting.

MOTION: To approve the 2015-16 College calendar dates as presented.

Motioned by Silva, Seconded by McDonaugh, Two abstentions - carried

4.  New Business

4.1.  CASC Recommendations – Darrell Bethune

CASC distributed the course outlines for approval with the EdCo package.

MOTION: To approve the course outlines as recommended by CASC

Course Outlines for approval: DENT 135, MGMT 411, ELP 89

Motioned by Bethune, seconded by McDonaugh– Carried

CASC reviewed the course hours on level four ESL courses. The average around the province for ELP 89 is 190 hours. The classroom hours were increased from 135 to 165 which will bring it more in line with the standard across the province.

EdCo members asked if CASC members and Karen could present to EdCo at the next meeting as an information item to explain how CASC makes decisions and reviews course and program outlines.

5.  Reports

5.1.  Chair’s Report – Avery Hulbert

There were 3 reports distributed in advance: Chair’s report, report to the Academic Governance Council and the report from Academic Governance Council (AGC)

Avery attended the AGC via teleconference on October 18- it was a great meeting; the Ministry of Education – transition project was on the agenda and presented by Rod Allen.

The Ministry of Advanced Education was also present and provided an update and report. The Quality Assurance Framework Green Paper from March 2013 was mentioned (It was a Government initiative that started in 2011, Jim gave a presentation to EdCo in 2012 and we provided feedback). The representative mentioned that they are re-considering moving forward based on feedback.

Avery attended the Board retreat the previous week where the strategic plan was reviewed and a community consultation in Kimberley was held.

5.2.  VP Education Report – Marilyn Petersen


5.3.  Committee Reports

EdCo Committee Reports

Curriculum & Articulation Standing Committee (CASC) -Darrell Bethune

Program outlines for FIRE, HMECH, ECED, EA will be coming to EdCo in December.

Changes to the CASC terms of reference membership definitions will be presented at the EdCo December meeting for approval. A complete CASC report is available in the E-attachment.

Articulation Report – Karen Langan (E-attachment)

The report was distributed in the package for the meeting

Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAP) –Doris Silva

SAP was rescheduled for Nov 20 and is looking for student members.

Awards Committee – Doris Silva

There were 187 Bursary applications and 11 specifically for trades.

$41,000 will be awarded this fall in December.

2 applications for the BBA travel abroad bursary were received. One student was awarded it and is going to the Dominican Republic; they also were awarded an Irving K Barber award for $3500.

There were 5 nursing bursaries awarded this term.

The College is offering $1,000 for professional cook training to all students that enrol.

6.  Correspondence


7.  Information

7.1.  Presidents Report – David Walls

Board meeting was held Nov 12-14 in Kimberley and the values and vision statements that the Strategic planning committee updated were reviewed. An update on the strategic plan will be presented for Information at the December Meeting. The consultation document will be presented at 2:30. Recommendation from EdCo to provide advice to the board regarding the visions and values will be on the agenda for the January EdCo meeting.

Stan Chung, the new VP of Education and Applied Research attended the board retreat, he brings a broad range of experience with him to the College.

8.  Next Meeting

Dec 17th at 3:00 in the Boardroom – The Strategic Planning consultation document will be presented at 2:30 and everyone is encouraged to attend.

9.  Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 4:27pm

MOTION: to adjourn

Motioned by Wik, seconded by Fenwick

Members: Darrell Bethune, Jason Colombo, David Dick, Barb Fenwick , Camila Freitas, Nolin Hoodicoff , Avery Hulbert, Karen Langan, Sandi Lavery, Paul Lowe, Leslie Molnar, Bonnie New, Linda Olm, Marilyn Petersen, John McDonaugh, Sharon Richardson, Doris Silva, Kaigyn Walker , David Walls, Heather Wik, Russell Workun