Pascha Bueno-Hansen
Associate Professor
Women and Gender StudiesDepartment
Political Science and International Relations Department
Latin American and Iberian Studies Program
University of Delaware
34 West Delaware Avenue, Newark, DE 19716
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, University of Delaware 2016 to present
Women and Gender Studies Department, with joint appointments
in Latin American Studies and Political Science.
Academic Coordinator, LGBTQ+ and Racial Justice Activism 2016 to present
Living and Learning Community
Director, University of Delaware Sexualities and Gender Studies Minor2014 to present
Assistant Professor, University of Delaware 2009 to 2016
Womenand GenderDepartment, with joint appointments
in Latin American Studies and Political Science.
Affiliated faculty, Masters in Community Psychology 2009 to present
at the Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Peru.
Ph.D.University of California, Santa Cruz, Politics, 2009.
Parenthetical Notations in Latin American and Latino Studies and Feminist Studies
Dissertation: Use and Abuse of Human Rights: Women and the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru. This dissertation examines efforts by the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission and by non-governmental organizations to document sexual violence during the internal conflict in Peru (1980-2000).
DissertationCommittee: Sonia Alvarez (co-chair, Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Kent Eaton (co-chair, UCSC, Politics), Angela Davis (History of Consciousness, UCSC emeritus) and Rosa Linda Fregoso (Latin America and Latino/a Studies, UCSCemeritus).
M.A.San Francisco State University, Department of International Relations, 2000.
Master’s Thesis: The Political, Cultural and Ideological Implications of Globalization in Peru. This thesis examines the impacts of globalization on women from shantytowns in Peru and their resulting survival and income generation strategies.
Master’s Thesis Committee: Minoo Moallem (Gender and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley) and Raymond Miller (International Relations, SFSU emeritus).
B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, Feminist Studies with a minor in Politics, 1992.
OtherInternational Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Symposium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. July 17 –August 11, 2000. Holland and Belgium.
Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru: Decolonizing Transitional Justice. University of Illinois Press special series “Dissident Feminisms.”2015.
Journal Articles:
“Decolonial Re/membering Through Collective Lesbian Embodiment at Villa Grimaldi”International Feminist Journal of Politics, special Issue“Decolonising Knowledge”edited by Anne Runyan. Forthcoming January 2018 20:1. (available online October 2017)
“Building on the Edges of Each Other’s Battles,” an essay by the Santa Cruz Feminist of Color Collaborative, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Special Issue “Interstices: Women of Color Feminist Philosophy” 29:1.Winter 2014.
“Finding Each Other’s Hearts: Intercultural Relations and the Drive to Prosecute Sexual Violence during the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru” International Feminist Journal of Politics special issue “New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights” 12:3-4. 2010.
“Engendering Transitional Justice: Reflections on the Case of Peru” Journal of Peacebuilding and Development special issue “Gender Justice and Gender Violence.” 5:3. 2010.
Online articles:
“Feminismos Insurgentes en Colombia” openDemocracy. September 15, 2017.
“Insurgent Feminisms in Colombia” openDemocracy. September 15, 2017.
“Ending the Colonial/Modern Occupation of Indigenous Women’s Bodies in Guatemala and Perú” The Feminist Wire. May 10, 2016.
Book Chapters:
“Más allá de consentimiento y coacción: violencia sexual en un conflicto armado interno peruano,” in Castillejo Cuellar, Alejandro eds.La Ilusión de la Justicia Transicional: Perspectivas Críticas desde el Sur Global.Forthcoming 2017.
“Decolonial feminism, gender, and transitional justice” inNí Aolain, Fionnuala,Nahla Valji, Naomi Cahn and Dina Haynes eds. Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Forthcoming 2017.
“Indigenous/Campesina Activist Awards: Deriving Lessons for Transnational Feminist Solidarity”(with Sylvanna Falcón) in Maclaren, Margaret eds. Decolonizing Feminism: Transnational Feminism & Globalization Rowman & Littlefield International.2017.
“An Intersectional Analysis of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission” in Wibben, Annick eds. Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics and Politics. New York:Routledge.2016.
“Queer/Lesbiana Dialogues Among Feminist Movements in the Américas” in Sonia E. Alvarez ed. Translocalities/Translocalidades: Feminist Politics of Translation in the Latin/a Américas. Durham: Duke University Press.2014.
“Feminicidio: Sacando Ventaja de un ‘Termino Empoderado’” in Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano eds.Feminicidio en AméricaLatina. Mexico City:Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM) Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CIICH). 2011.
“Finding Each Other’s Hearts: Intercultural Relations and the Drive to Prosecute Sexual Violence during the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru” in Dana Collins, Sylvanna Falcón, Sharmila Lodhia, and Molly Talcott eds. New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights. New York: Routledge. 2011.
“Feminicido: Making the Most of an ‘Empowered Term’” in Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano eds.Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas. Durham: Duke University Press. 2010.
Works in Progress
“Malentendid@s: Trans Participation in Latin American and Caribbean Lesbian Feminist Gatherings.”
“Lesbian Feminist Activism and Political Advocacy under the Shadow of Fujimorismo,” (with Esther Rodriguez)
“Oranges and Flower Petals: el Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani and the Peruvian Transitional Justice Process.”
“Colombian Women Building Peace: La Ruta Pacífica por las Mujeres”
“Miss Peru 1952: Contesting Whiteness as Beauty.”
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
- University of Delaware Advance Institute Leadership Mini-grant. 2017-2018.
- University of Delaware Institute for Global Studies’ Global Exchange Program research grant 2017-2018, “The Emerging LGBT Rights Challenge to Transitional Justice”
- University of Delaware Center for Global and Area Studies research grant 2017-2018, “Gender and Sexuality in the Colombia Peace Process”
- Exemplary Partnership Award, University of Delaware Residential Life 2016-2017
- Triangle Award, University of Delaware LGBT faculty and staff caucus.2016-2017
- Nominated for the University of Delaware Excellence in Mentoring Award 2013-2014
- Northeast Circle Honoree at the International Studies Association-Northeast Conference Providence, Rhode Island. November 8-9, 2013
- Latin American Studies Association Gender and Feminist Studies Section Elsa Chaney Award, second place: “Feminist Hemispheric Dialogues.” 2012
- Nominated for the University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award 2011-2012
- University of DelawareGeneral University Research Program Grant, 2011-2012
- University of Delaware College of Arts and Sciences grant for multidisciplinary research cluster “Hemispheric Dialogues: Social Justice in the Americas.” 2010-2011
“Guatemala and Perú: Ending the colonial/modern occupation of indigenous women’s bodies” International Studies Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. February 22-25, 2017.
Transnational Feminist Solidarity and the Politics of Resistance. International Studies Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. February 22-25, 2017. Roundtable participant.
Futures, Challenges and Transformations for Transitional Justice workshop. University of Minnesota Law School and Ulster University Transitional Justice Institute. Nov 14-15, 2016.Invited panel discussant.
“Naming Transitional Justice Cisheteronormativity,” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. Nov 10-13, 2016.
“Decolonizing activist epistemologies: radical movements, theory and praxis in the Americas”National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. Nov 10-13, 2016.Invited panel discussant.
“The Weak Pull of the Pink Tide in Peru under the Shadow of Fujimorismo,”Latin American Studies Association Congress. May 27-30, 2016. New York, New York.
Methodologies revealed: Narrating gendered racialized harm intransitional justice processes. Latin American Studies Association Congress. May 27-30, 2016. New York, New York. Invited panel discussant.
Violence against women policy, (trans)national feminist mobilization, and states of injustice in Latin America. Latin American Studies Association Congress. May 27-30, 2016. New York, New York. Invited panel discussant.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru: Decolonizing Transitional Justice,” International Feminist Journal of PoliticsConference “Decolonizing Knowledges in Feminist World Politics,” University of Cincinnati, May 20-21, 2016.Plenary panelist.
“Challenging State Genderwashing and Pinkwashing,” International Feminist Journal of PoliticsConference “Decolonizing Knowledges in Feminist World Politics,” University of Cincinnati, May 20-21, 2016.Roundtable participant.
“Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics and Politics.” International Feminist Journal of PoliticsConference “Decolonizing Knowledges in Feminist World Politics,” University of Cincinnati, May 20-21, 2016. Roundtable participant.
“Cultural Influences in Academia on the Study of Race in the Americas,” Symposium: “Where you were never meant to be?” An open discussion about race and ethnicity in the Americas, University of Delaware. FridayApril 8, 2016.Invited panelist.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru,” Changes and Challenges to Human Rights and Social Justice in the Americas. Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA. September 24, 2015. Invited panelist.
“Testing the Transformation in Peru: ¡Un desencanto!” Latin American Studies Association Congress. May 27-30, 2015. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The Feminist Architecture of Gloria E. Anzaldúa: New Translations, Crossings and
Pedagogies in Anzaldúan Thought / A Conference on the Work of Gloria Evangelina
Anzaldúa. University of California, Santa Cruz. CA. April 10-11, 2015. Invited panelist.
“Decolonizing Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis,” International Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, LA. Feb. 18-22.
“Feminist Methodologies For Studying Women, Violence And War,” invited roundtable participant.International Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, LA. Feb. 18-22.
“Gender-Based Violence in ‘War’ and ‘Peace’” International Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, LA. Feb. 18-22. Invited panel discussant.
“Dissident Feminisms:Antiracist/Transnational Feminist Praxis—Convergences, Alliances and Differences,” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Puerto Rico, Nov. 13-16, 2014.Invited roundtable participant.
Tracking Queerphobias Transnationally, National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Puerto Rico, Nov. 13-16, 2014.Invited panel discussant.
“Oranges and Flower Petals: el Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani’s contribution to the Peruvian Transitional Justice Process.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Puerto Rico, Nov. 13-16, 2014.
“Intersectionality/Interculturality: Traveling Theories in the Américas,” Latin American Studies Association Congress, Chicago, Il. May 21-24, 2014.
“CVR+10 Truth, Justice and Memory in Post Conflict Peru PART II panel organizer. “Oranges and Flower Petals: el Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani and the Peruvian Transitional Justice Process,” Latin American Studies Association Congress, Washington D.C., May 29-June 1, 2013.
CVR+10: “Justice, Reparations, Memory and History Ten Years after the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission” Latin AmericanStudies Association Pre-Conference. Arlington, Virginia. May 29, 2013. Invited panel leader.
“Malentendid@s: Trans Participation in Latin American and Caribbean Lesbian Feminist Gatherings.” Frontiers/Fronteras/Fronteiras in Latin American/Latin@ Queer and Sexuality Studies Symposium. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. March 4, 2013. Invited participant.
The Missing Peace Symposium 2013: Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings. U.S. Institute for Peace, Washington D.C. February 14-16, 2013. Invited poster presentation.
“Malentendid@s: ¿Por qué no a l@s T en espacios lésbico feministas?” Latin American Feminist and LGBTQ Movements: Dialogues across Borders and Boundaries.Latin AmericanStudies Association Pre-Conference. San Francisco, CA. May 23, 2012.
“Decolonial/Intercultural Feminisms,” panel organizer and “Finding Each Other’s Hearts: Intercultural Relations and the Drive to Prosecute Sexual Violence during the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru,” presenter. Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide: Settler Colonialism, Heteropatriarchy and White Supremacy, University of California, Riverside. March 10-12, 2011.
“Women of Color Writing Collaborative, Creative Intervention into the Academic Industrial Complex,” workshop participant. Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide: Settler Colonialism, Heteropatriarchy and White Supremacy, University of California, Riverside. March 10-12, 2011.
“Feminist Hemispheric Dialogues” presented at Social Justice in the Americas: Reflections from Latina Scholars: A symposium organized by the Hemispheric Dialogues Research Cluster at the University of Delaware. October 25, 2010.
“Shifting paradigms of Feminist Studies,” workshop organizer and “Feminicidio: Making the most of an ‘Empowered Term,” presenter. Latin American Studies Association Congress, Toronto, Canada October 6-9, 2010.
“The Urgency of Rearticulating Women of Color Feminisms,” Roundtable discussion moderated by Angela Davis, National Women’s Studies Association, Atlanta, November 12-15, 2009.
“Globalization, Social Movements and Peacebuilding Workshop,” at the Kroc Institute for Internal Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, October 29-31, 2009. Invited discussant.
“Gender Violence and Gender Justice: Critical Perspectives on Post-Conflict,” at the Institute of Critical International Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-8, 2009. Invited participant.
“Gender, Women, What is the Difference? The Gender Perspective of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” International Studies Association, New York, February 2009.
Chair of panel entitled “Engendering Transitional Justice” and delivered “The “Other’s” Burden of Being for the Nation: Representations of Women in the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” International Studies Association Conference, New York, February 2009.
Hemispheric Dialogue 4 Graduate Forum presenter, organized by the Chicano Latino Research Center, UCSC, January 29 2008. Invited participant.
“Itinerary of an Orphan Project: State and Society Ambivalence towards Sexual Violence During the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru.” University of Southern California Joint Faculty/Graduate Student Seminar on Violence, Race, and Gender, November 14, 2008. Selected participant.
“Itinerary of an Orphan Project: State and Society Ambivalence towards Sexual Violence During the Internal Armed Conflict in Peru.” Conflict and Transitional Justice: Feminist Approaches Workshop sponsored by the Feminist and Legal Theory Project of Emory University School of Law. Atlanta, Georgia, September 19-20, 2008. Selected participant.
“Queer Trafficking through Feminist Movements in the Americas,” Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS). Salt Lake City, Utah, July 31- August 2, 2008.
“The “Other’s” Burden of Being for the Nation: Representations of Women in the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” Transnational, Feminism and Justice Residential Dissertation Workshop, sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Feminist Research at UCSC and the UC Multi-campus Research Group on Transnationalizing Justice, May 12-15, 2008. Selected participant.
“Protagonismos de mujeres “victimas” en la busqueda de justicia y reparaciones en el Perú,” the Latin American Studies Association. Montreal, September 2007.
“Queer Trafficking through Feminist Movements in the Americas,” the Latin American Studies Association. Montreal, September 2007.
“Queer Trafficking through Feminist Movements in the Americas,” Translocalities/ Translocalidades: Feminist Politics of Translation in the Latin/a Américas conference. Amherst, Massachusetts, May 2006.
Chair of panel entitled “Colombia: Negotiating Violence and Building Peace in Everyday Life” and delivered “Introduction and regional reflections desde Peru” at the Latin American and Latino Studies Association Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2006.
“Use and Abuse of Human Rights: Women in the Peruvian and Colombian Civil Conflicts,” the Graduate Student Conference on Ethnographic Practice. SUNY Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, April 2005.
“Feminist Movements in the Américas: Global-Local Relations,” the Latin American Studies Association Conference. Dallas, Texas, October 2004.
“Feminist Movements in the Américas" and "Theorizing Women’s Roles in Conflict Processes; A Human Rights Approach," the National Women's Studies Association Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 2004.
"Feminist Movements in the Américas,” the Hemispheric Dialogues II conference under the auspices of the UCSC Chicano Latino Research Center. February 2004.
"Women in the Colombian Conflict,” the Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Gender, Conflict and Peace Conference. October 2003.
"Engendering the Colombian Conflict," the Latin American Studies Association in Dallas, Texas. March 2003.
"Women's Responses to Escalated Conflict, A Colombian Case Study: La Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres por la Resolución del Conflicto Colombiano," the Western Regional International Studies Association Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. Oct 2002.
“Cultural Factors in International Relations,” the Western Regional International Studies Association Conference in San Francisco, CA. Oct 1999.
“Domestic Violence Education as Prevention: Methodology and Technique”, the Fourth International Non-Governmental Organizations Forum on Women. Huairou, China, September 1995.
Transnational Feminist Praxis Seminar. Denison University. Colombus, Ohio. September 23-24, 2017. Invited participant.
“Desafíos y Aprendizajes desde Perú sobre la Reconciliación” Encuentro International de Experiencias sobre Memoria para la Paz: Reconciliacion y Transformacion. Universidad de los Andes. Bogota, Colombia. May 15, 2017. Invited lecture.
“The Emerging LGBT Rights Challenge to Transitional Justice.” Women and Gender Studies Department,Amherst College, Amherst. April 24, 2017. Invited lecture.
“The Emerging LGBT Rights Challenge to Transitional Justice.” International Relations Department. San Francisco State University Jan 31, 2017. Invited lecture.
“Decolonizing Transitional Justice: Feminist and Queer Latin American Interventions.” Justice Studies, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University, Phoenix. Oct 20, 2016. Invited lecture.
“Decolonizing Transitional Justice: Feminist and Queer Latin American Interventions.” The Institute for LGBT Studies and Latin American Studies. University of Arizona, Tucson.Oct 21, 2016.Invited lecture.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” International Relations Department, San Francisco State University. March 9, 2016. Invited lecture.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” The Global Women's Rights Forum at the University of San Francisco. March 8, 2016. Invited lecture.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” The Global Politics of Truth and Justice, a mini-conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. February 5, 2016. Keynote address.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” The Institute for the Study of the Americas University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the UNC-Duke working Group on Rethinking Latin American Intersectionalities, December 1, 2015. Invited lecture.
Sexualities and Intersectionalities in Hemispheric Dialogue graduate seminar.The Institute for the Study of the Americas University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the UNC-Duke working Group on Rethinking Latin American Intersectionalities, December 2, 2015.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” Women and Gender Studies Program, West Chester University. November 19, 2015.Invited lecture.
“Feminist and Human Rights Struggles in Peru.” Women and Gender Studies Department, University of Delaware. Wednesday November 4, 2015. Invited lecture.
“Decolonizing Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis,” York University, Feminisms, Structural Violence and Transitional Justice conference, October 31, 2014.Keynote address.
“Interseccionalidad e Interculturalidad: elementos de un marco feminista decolonial,” Estudio para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer. Lima, Peru. April 26, 2012. Invited lecture.