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Country strategy- SERBIA
Serbia has very favorable natural conditions (land and climate) for varied agricultural production, as well as experienced producers, experts and scientists.Serbia has around 5 092 000 ha of agricultural land (0.68 ha per capita), out of which 4 218 000 ha arable land (0.56 ha per capita) and is beyond the EU standards.The most important agricultural products in Serbia are: maize, whale, sunflower, sugar beet, soya bean, potato, apple, plums, grapes, pork meat, beef, poultry meat and dairy.
Agriculture is the most important sector in the Republic of Serbia, which in the GDP participates with around 17 percent, as follows:Agricultural production 10,6% , Food industry 6,4% . However, when it comes to the total contribution of agriculture to other economic sectors, especially to producers and input processing, this participation exceeds 40 percent of total GDP.Cooperates with the international companies and participates in their connecting with companies and institutions in the country. Represents the agriculture in the world via trade fairs and other manifestations with a view to promoting the Serbian products and increasing the export. Familiarizes the economic subjects with the following the European and global integrated trends (CEFTA, the EU, the WTO and etc).
We have very good sincfitic area in this sector but very low level of cooperation between researcher and industry. Innovations in agricultural area have become one of the important factors in the sustainable development of a company and economic prosperity of the society on the whole. The company have to improve or renovate their products and services, if they want to keep their share in the market and stay competitive. The companies very often invest a lot of sums of money in researches and development, especially in commercials and marketing of their products or services. New investments will not happen if they are not in a position to recover their expenditures. The effective protection of the intellectual property stimulates innovative companies to invest and contribute to the economic prosperity.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is the national leader in the promotion and protection of interests of the economy of Serbia. The strategic objectives of the Chamber are to actively strengthen the economic development of the country, boost exports and foreign direct investments, heighten the competitive edge of the Serbian economy, further the development of entrepreneurship and promote Serbian economy as a respectable destination to invest in. To represent and promote Serbian business, natural and human resources in the country and abroad, provide foreign investors with the information on requirements and possibilities of conducting business in Serbia, are the important tasks of the Chamber.
CCIS is playing very important role in creation politics and strategy in agro food sector in Serbia and abroad.
Brochure Serbia - your business partner 5,61MB
•Network expansion strategy in SERBIA :
Our strategy to build an efficient NO-BLE Ideas network in Serbia is:
  • Add support to creation the policy and strategy of innovations and intellectual property in agro food area
  • Improving National innovation system
  • Involved young researcher in NIS
  • Improve knowledge of innovations and intellectual property for competitiveness of economy in agro food area
  • Develops research programs focused on commercial usage of knowledge and technologies,
  • Stimulates and develops the applied sciences in the creation of technological innovations
  • Education and training programs for increase level of knowledge innovators
  • Knowledge and technology transfer
  • Promotes the innovations in point of visibility
  • Finding the funds for financing of innovations and project ideas
  • Develops the information network of innovations in this area
  • Improving cooperation between innovators
  • Improving cooperation between public and private sectors
We plan to contact:
  • Ministry of science RS, Ministry of agricultural
  • Research organisations, Regional innovation subjects
  • Innovation company, physical person- innovators, association of inventors
  • Innovation Found, Venture Capital

•Success criteria
Action plan
Targeted organization / Ministry of education, science, and technological development Republic of Serbia
Benefits for network / They is the most important creators of scientific and innovation police and strategy in Serbia
Benefits for organization / Network and transfer technology
Cooperation modality / •identify and guide Ideates to NO-BLE ideas services
•co-operate in the organisation of NO-BLE ideas event
When / June 2013.
Contact modality / Personal visits
Action plan
Targeted organization / Institute for agricultural economic
Benefits for network / They is very important institute in Serbia
Benefits for organization / Network and implementation of project ideas
Cooperation modality / •Promote NO-BLE ideas services on web
•co-operate in the organisation of NO-BLE ideas event
•provide information on innovations in the agro-food sector for the NO-BLE ideas database
When / December 2013.
Contact modality / Personal visits
Action plan
Targeted organization / University of Novi Sad, Agricultural Faculty
Benefits for network / They is very important Faculty in Serbia
Benefits for organization / Transfer technology, improving knowledge
Cooperation modality / •identify and guide Ideates to NO-BLE ideas services
•co-operate in the organisation of NO-BLE ideas event
When / March 2014.
Contact modality / Personal visits