Greece Rotary Club’s

40th Annual Italian Festa Ziti Dinner 2017

Program Advertising Order Form

The Greece Rotary Club is proud to announce our 40th Annual Italian Festa Ziti Dinner to be held on

Sunday, February 12, 2017 at the Diplomat Banquet Center on Lyell Avenue east of Route 390. We are offering you the opportunity to link the support of your business or organization to the important work the Greece Rotary Club does for our community by advertising in our Program booklet. This event annually supports such projects as Camp Haccamo, Greece Little League Challenger Division and Special Olympics. Over 2,200 people who historically attend and support this worthy project each year will view your ad in our program and take it home for reference. They will know you are a strong supporter of youth development in our community.

All proceeds from this event will benefit citizens with special needs, and your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Advertising rates are as follows:

Ad size Cost

------ Business Card (1.5” x 2.5”) $100.00 (includes 10 dinner tickets - $80 value)

------- Half Page (4” x 4”) $250.00 (includes 20 dinner tickets - $160 value)

_____Full Page (4” x 8”) $400.00 (includes 40 dinner tickets - $320 value)

____ Placemat Ad (2.75” x 1.5”) $250.00 (includes 10 dinner tickets – $80 value)

(priority of ad placement will be given to Rotary members)

£ My ad is enclosed

£ I will send or email my ad ASAP

Name Company Name

Cell Phone # ___________________________Email Address:______________________________________

Ü Front/Back inside cover is available for an additional fee and on a first-come first-served basis.

Please return (with your ad) no later than January 25, 2017.

** Placement of your ad can not be guaranteed without payment in full.

Please make checks payable to: “Greece Rotary Foundation

Return (1) this form, (2) your ad, and (3) your check for payment to the attention of:

Greece Rotary Foundation

c/o Larry Wills

83 Duxbury Road

Greece, NY 14626

Greece Rotary Member:____________________________________

Thank you for making our dinner successful and for allowing us to touch the lives of so many in our community! Your patronage is truly appreciated!