Yolo County, California
March 7, 2007
The Yolo County In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee met on the 7th day of March 2007, in the Community Room #167, of the Department of Employment and Social Services, at 25 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland, California.
Entry Item No. 1
Call Meeting to Order
Meeting called to order by Chairperson, Nancy Seyden at 1:35 p.m.
Entry Item No. 2
Roll Call
Members present:Nancy Seyden, Chair; Frances Gracechild, Vice-Chair; Sherry Kaufman, Lynda Findley, Duane Toney, Nelson Hernandez
Member(s) absent: None.
Staff present: Jan Wolff,Division Manager, Adult Services & Public Authority; Andrea Jones, Deputy, to Supervisor Yamada; Stacy Key, Registry Specialist, Public Authority; Yuliya Korneva, IHSSAdmin Clerk II, Adult Services and Cyndi Sechler, IHSS Office SupportSpecialist, Adult Services.
Guests present:Steve Nocita, County Council
Entry Item No. 3
Public Comment
Andrea Jones reported that yearly elections of officers are due by March 31, 2007. The committee members decided to wait until the April 4th meeting to hold election of officers.
Entry Item No. 4
Approval of the Minutes
Nancy called for a motion to approve the February 7th, 2007 minutes.
ACTION ITEM:First: Lynda Findley; Second: Duane Toney; All: Ayes
Agenda Item No. 1
Brown Act Clarification
Steve Nocita, Yolo County Administration Office, educated the Advisory Committee on what the Brown Act outlines of the public comment section; and when the public has additional comments. Mr. Nocita stated that the Public Comment section is usually at the beginning of the meeting; and at that time, the public can make comment on non-agenda items. Mr. Nocita states that it is the responsibility of the Chair to impose a limited speaking time.
Mr. Nocita suggested that during the meeting, after a presentation is given, members of public may be given a chance to make comments; but the Chair should close public comment before committee members start discussion. Once the meeting has started, and a public guest would like to give a public comment; an action item is needed to re-open the Public Comment section.
Agenda Item No. 2
On-Call Provider Screening
Stacy Key gave handouts for the previous Public Authority On-Call Provider Screening system and the requirements. Stacy also handed out the Provider Recruitment History, showing when and what advertising and recruitment was done. Stacy stated that she worked closely with both Al Dixon and Sergio Alunan for advertising and screening for the on-call providers.
Stacy reported that currently the On-Call Registry has four providers, 1 in West Sacramento, 2 in Woodland and 1 available in Davis. On-call providers are now paid $13.05 per hour as temporary Home Care Assistants, employed by DESS.
Nancy asked about outreach to consumers. Stacy stated that we are not currently advertising; but an article will be going out in the Consumer Newsletter.
Agenda Item No. 3
Advisory Committee Funding
Nancyreported that the state will be coming out with a letter regarding the AB1682 funding ($56,000); and how the money can be spent. Some items to include in budget:
- County Council staff
- Other pertinent conferences
- Attendances at conferences, trainings, food, hotel and provider
Nancy called for a motion to approve the additional items for the budget.
ACTION ITEM:First: Frances Gracechild; Second: Nelson Hernandez; All: Ayes
Amendment: Sherry would like to add something to the effect of “gathering information, and benefits must be provided”.
Frances accepted the friendly amendment; Nancy seconded the amendment.
Agenda Item No 4
Advisory Committee Budget Development
Jan handed out the 2006/07 budget and current expenditure account detail.
Discussion on the 2006/07 budget took place.
- Sherry – add line item for food and lodging for conferences
- Nancy – miscellaneous conferences benefits the community
- Duane – add money to make $12,000 for conference, to support guest speakers and handle transportation.
- Lynda – more bang for the buck!
Jan stated that she will write-up these changes and bring back to the April meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 6
Outreach Update
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 7
Website and Video Distribution Updates
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 8
Update on Public Authority and Letter to BOS
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 9
CICA Updates
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 10
Reader/Reading Machine
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 11
Legislative Reports
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 12
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Agenda Item No. 13
New Member’s Folder & Acronyms
Not discussed. Time ran out.
Meeting adjourned at 4:05pm
*Please note that the next meeting is scheduled for:
April 4th starting at 1:30 pm,
Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services
Community Room #167
25 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland, CA
If requested, this information can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Persons seeking an alternative format should contact In Home Supportive Services.YoloCounty In Home Supportive Services
500-A Jefferson Blvd., Suite 100
West Sacramento, CA 95605
(530) 661-2750 ext. 6256
Or (916) 375-6256
IHSS Advisory Committee Meeting
March 7, 2007 Page 1 of 4