Participate in the STMS/STHS PTA DIRECTORY!!!

We MUST have 25% participation in order to print a directory!

We are requesting permission to include your child’s information in the

2016-17 STMS/STHS PTA Directory!

The directory is compiled each fall and includes teacher information and home rooms by grade for both secondary schools, as well as family addresses, phone numbers and emails.

To ensure that your family’s contact information is included in the STMS/STHS PTA Directory starting this year and continuing until your child leaves the high school, please place your completed form in an envelope marked “PTA” and have your student deliver it to the main office.

By signing below, you expressly consent to the inclusion of your personal information in the STMS/STHS PTA Directory. This opt-in consent will be valid until revoked or until your child leaves high school. We cannot include your information in the directory without your consent.

Your directory listing will be taken from the information you submit this fall on the school district’s Emergency Contact forms. Contact information given here is for follow-up purposes only.

Your participation is essential for a successful directory—Please help us out with this! Questions, please contact: Meegan Niemira at .

Child name (please print clearly) / Grade 2016-17

Parent name (please print clearly)

Parent signature

Parent email Parent phone number

Want a copy of the directory? Turn over for the PTA membership form!!


Membership Application

(not joining the PTA? Please participate in the directory anyway! See other side for directory permission!)

Name of Parent/Guardian/Faculty / Home # Mobile #
Name of student(s) / School / Homeroom
1. / MS HS
2. / MS HS
3. / MS HS
4. / MS HS

*We do not need your home address on this form. Your address is supplied by the school district.

Please consider adding $5 to your membership check to help us maintain our level of support for school equipment and programs.
Thank you! / STMS/STHS PTA annual dues (includes 1 copy of the directory) / $20.00
Additional student directories ($4.00 ea.) / $
Direct appeal contribution / $
Total / $
Please make checks payable to
“Springfield Secondary PTA”

Place your completed application and check in an envelope marked “PTA” and have your student deliver it to the main office.

Thank you for your support – we can’t do it without you!

Don’t Forget to Visit Us on the Web:​


2016/2017 Officers

Sharon Panara, President ();

Meegan Niemira, Vice President ();

Jennifer Hoagland, Co-Treasurer, ();

Betty Messer, Co-Treasurer ();

Sarah Coppol, Secretary, ()