Introduction to Horticulture

Teacher: Mr. Mitchell


Understanding agricultural systems and their effects on the environment, learning to think critically about agriculture, and effectively conveying your thoughts and opinions to paper and to speech as well as physically demonstrating and applying skill you will gain are the key focuses of this class. Agriculture Class always seem to invoke a very dramatic response from students, either they love it or hate it, and I understand that. Regardless of where you fall, my job is to show you how important agriculture is to life, regardless of who you are, and help you gain a respect for the subject.

To succeed in this class, you will need the following supplies:

  • (1) 3-Ring Binder filled with loose leaf paper
  • Blue or Black pens
  • Pencils
  • A positive and interactive attitude


Any student enrolled in this course must have completed the Agricultural I: Introduction to Agricultural Sciences course. This is a requirement of the Agricultural Education division of the Oklahoma State Department of Career and Technology. Special circumstances may only be authorized by Mr. Mitchell and the Chattanooga High School Administration.

Class Expectations

My classroom is a place to learn. Once in my door, I expect you to:

  • Come in, be seated, and stop talking before the bell rings.
  • You must have something to write with and write on each day by the final bell or you will receive a zero for your daily grade.
  • Cell Phones are not allowed in the Ag Building for any purpose.
  • Do not bring food or drinks into the Ag Building.
  • Do not lean back in your chair or sit on the tables.
  • Do not throw anything for any reason.

Grading Scale

I grade on the traditional Barton grading scale:

  • 100-90 A
  • 89-80 B
  • 79-70 C
  • 69-60 D
  • 59-0 F

Course Grading Policy

Agricultural Education courses throughout the nation are setup on the system of the three circle model: Classroom Instruction, FFA Membership, and Supervised Agricultural Experience. Every student enrolled in an agricultural education class is REQUIRED to become a dues paying FFA member, and every student is REQUIRED to develop a Supervised Agricultural Experience and maintain records on it throughout the year. These two things are absolutely mandatory, and every student will receive a grade on each component each semester.

This course’s grading policy will be:

  • 70% Classroom Instruction- tests, quizzes, assignments, and daily grades.
  • 15% FFA Membership and Participation- The students will be graded on their FFA participation. In order to receive the full credit for this area, you must attend or participate in at least 2 FFA activities outside of class during the semester.
  • 15% Supervised Agriculture Experience-There are several SAE possibilities, and they are not limited to livestock or crop production. Students will receive grades on their record keeping abilities. Please see the attached calendar for record keeping assignment days.

Daily Grades

It is my opinion that only through active, consistent engagement of the theories and hands-on applications can students learn and understand the science of agriculture. Therefore, you will receive a 20-point daily grade that is made up of preparation, participation, and attentiveness.

Class Calendar & Website

Attached you will find a calendar that will serve as a map for our plan of study. I

will post the most updated calendar on Also, all assignments and other handouts will be posted course’s link on the FFA webpage.


It is a requirement of the Agricultural Education division of the Oklahoma State Department of Career and Technology that every student enrolled in an Agricultural Education Course become a dues paying FFA member. Membership dues are $12 and will be due by August 19.

State Fair Exhibit

It is a REQUIREMENT of this course that every student enter some type of exhibit in the State Fair of Oklahoma. The students will have exactly 1 month to develop an exhibit. This assignment is due Wednesday, September 14. It is MANDATORY.

FFA Banquet

The premier event of the Chattanooga FFA Chapter is the Annual FFA Banquet. Every student is REQUIRED to attend the banquet in May. If a student does not attend the FFA Banquet, they will automatically FAIL the FFA Participation Portion of this course for the Second Semester.

Record Keeping Activities

Teaching students basic record keeping is one of the cornerstones of any Agricultural Education course. This portion of the course is very important to the curriculum I will be using and is vital for FFA Degree advancement as well as other awards; however record keeping is optional. Please see the attached SAE Record Book Declaration Form and return it to me by Tuesday, August 17. Please note that if a student opts not to participate in the Record Book activities the will only receive half of the points (Daily grade-1o points & Assignment grade-50 points) for the Record Keeping Days.

The contract that follows on the next page should by returned to me by

Tuesday, August 16 for your first assignment grade.

Keep this syllabus in the front of your binder for easy referral should any questions arise.