Kindergarten Corner
September 2, 2016
Welcome to our first newsletter of the Kindergarten school year. I think you will find the newsletters very informative.
We are off to a fabulous start this year. We have quickly become a school family. I would like to welcome our two new students to Immanuel- Greyson Washam and Daniel Ransley. It is so wonderful to see how the children have all easily become friends. So many new “firsts” for the children. It is going to be such an exciting year.
If you have any questions at any time, please let me know, especially if you to our school and are still getting to know all there is to know about ILS.
Thematic Unit: The Meaning of Me
Our “All About Me” thematic unit began this week. We began with reading the story, Chrysanthemum and how her parents came to give her an “absolutely perfect” name. The children were so excited that the first homework assignment was for YOU! We have had fun playing Name Bingo as we learn to recognize all our friends names. Playing games as a way of learning is going to be a running theme in Kindergarten. Next week, we will do more activities for our Name unit.
Sight Words for the week:
A, I
Please practice these words daily using flashcards. I will assess the children after every 10 new sight words and send the list home to you. We will learn between 90-100 new words this year!
Reading and Writing:
Next week, we will begin our Handwriting Without Tears program for writing. The program is introduced using the 4 wooden pieces that are used to form upper case letters along with the chalkboards that give them children a chance to practice the letters before writing in the workbook. The program is designed to help children form letters and numbers in a methodical but fun way.
Each month Kindergarten will have a “Featured Author of the Month”. It gives the children a chance to learn about many authors and compare and contrast their many stories and illustrations. In September, we are featuring Laura Numeroff. If you have the opportunity to visit your local library, I am positive that your child will be excited to make a home- school connection by having some of these books at home.
Our weekly Scholastic newspaper was a big hit. Our first one was Our Classroom Community.The children love to have a newspaper of their own. We also have the opportunity to listen along on the Interactive Board, watch corresponding videos and play games, all related to the individual newspaper.
Math: Sorting and Classifying: Topic 1
We will begin our math next week.
Important Dates to remember:
* ILC & S Rally Day- September 11 th-10:45am Blessing of the backpacks
Required Attendance for students
*Back to School Night- September 14th
*PTL Meeting 7:00-8:00pm
*Movie Night- 6:30-8:30pm
* Early Dismissal- October 7th- Professional Development for teachers
Happy Birthday Kirin!
5 years old
Our Class Schedule:
Monday- Art
Tuesday- Gym and Music
Wednesday- Spanish
Thursday- Computer
Friday- Library
* Wednesdays will be our Chapel day. Please refer to the student handbook for Chapel attire on those days. Offering envelopes will be coming home each week. The school collections go to a different charity each month.
* You may send in a water bottle labeled with your child's name that they can keep at their seat to sip during the day. They definitely need one on Gym days. Please have the children wear sneakers on Tuesdays or send in a pair to keep in there locker so they can change into them.
*Meaning of Names homework due next week.
* If you did not send in the $ 15.00 as part of the supply list, please do so this week.
*Follow us on Twitter at KindergartenILS and Mrs. Baker at ILSrocks.
Our Weekly Words to Remember:
Know that the Lord. He is God
It is God who made us and we are His.
Psalm 100:3