Participant Application Form

Food Security Learning Tour

Lebanon–March 2017

Are you interested in taking action to end world hunger, but want to learn more? Are you a leader in your community or church? Would you like to increase opportunities for education and advocacy in your Growing Project, church, or other fund-raising activities?This tour is open to any Canadian over 18 years of age who is interested in taking action to end global hunger. Individuals involved with Canadian Foodgrains Bankfundraising projects or one of its 15 Christian member organizations are especially invited to apply. The information will remain confidential, only the selection committee will review the application for consideration.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of Canadian churches and church-based agencies working together to end global hunger by:

  • increasing and deepening the involvement of Canadians in efforts to end hunger;
  • supporting partnerships and activities to reduce hunger on an immediate and sustainable basis; and
  • influencing changes in public policies necessary to end hunger.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that it is God’s desire that no person should go hungry. The availability of food and access to that food is fundamental to life itself.

About this Tour

The main objectives of this tour to Lebanon is to enable Canadian participants to

  • learn first-hand about hunger and food security,
  • learn about interventions to reduce hunger, in particular about Foodgrains Bank member programs, and
  • engage other Canadians in efforts to end hunger through sharing stories, using advocacy tools, or communicating in other ways.

This tour will focus on learning through meetings and exchanges with partner organizations involved in food security, intercultural dialogue, and project visits. This experience will provide greater awareness of the interconnectedness of our world and our Christian call, especially with regards to food issues. Canadian Foodgrains Bank hopes that those participating can share their experience and learning with fellow Canadians.

Applications will be received until Feb 1st, 2017.However, applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Those interested in participating are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Please submit the following form through one of the following methods:

By mail: Public Engagement Coordinator

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

P. O. Box 767

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3C 2L4

By email:

Questions for Applicants

(Boxes expand as you type)

Full name
Place of Employment & Occupation
Date of Birth
Church or
CFGB Member Affiliation, if any
Mailing Address
Home Phone/Cell Number
E-mail Address
  1. Why do you wish to be a part of this tour?
  1. What would you like to learn during this tour?
  1. During the tour participants will be asked to share tasks as appropriate such as leading reflection/prayer times, taking notes & photos, first aid support, updating social media, etc. What skills or abilities would you be willing to share with the group?
  1. Do you have any previous involvement with Canadian Foodgrains Bank or one of our 15 members? If so, please describe your involvement.
  1. There is a possibility of including a home stay visit, staying in the homes of people in the host country. Conditions may be rustic, with added challenges of language, food, culture, religion, etc. Are you willing to participate in the home stay visit?

____ yes ____ no

Please describe any thoughts or comments you may have about home stay visits.

  1. Upon returning to Canada, study tour participants are expected to share theirlearning experience in Lebanon with others as well as promote the work of Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its members.This may include advocacy, education, or including materials in a worship setting in your home community. Please explain the ways in whichyou might communicate and to whom (i.e. presentations to a church group, write for a local newspaper, organize a postcard signing event, meet with your MP,etc.). Please be as specific as possible.
  1. How did you hear about the Food Security Learning Tour?
  1. Have you ever traveled internationally? If so, in what context?What are your experiences interacting with people of other cultures and backgrounds?
  1. What do you think are the challenges and opportunities of travelling with a group?


For various reasons, travelling in other countries—especially in a developing country—canbe physically and mentally demanding: long journeys by air, humidity and heat, dietary change and exposure to unusual bacteria, culture shock, etc.The following questions will help determine adequate precautions regarding the health of each applicant.

ONCE PARTICIPATION IS CONFIRMED ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST VISIT A TRAVEL HEALTH CLINIC FOR A TRAVEL HEALTH CONSULTATION. Participants are responsible for all expenses associated with this consultation and prescribed vaccinations and medications.It is vital that participants take good care of their health during such trips. This includes, but is not limited to, wearing sunscreen and a hat, applying mosquito spray, using mosquito nets, drinking plenty of purified water and getting plenty of sleep. When you travel in a group, your health becomes a concern for all involved.

  1. Please list any medical conditions of which the group leader should be made aware (allergies, asthma, diabetes, depression, etc)? Please be specific and explain how you plan to treat or manage these conditions. This information will be kept confidential.
  1. Do you have any dietary needs or preferences that the organizers need to know about? If yes, please describe.

Food Study Tour participants are required to follow Canadian Foodgrains Bank guidelines for meaningful cross-cultural and tour group interaction. Are you willing to:

  • Participate in phone conference calls before and after the trip Yes __ No __
  • Read assigned material prior to the trip Yes __No __
  • Commit yourself to meaningful cross cultural interaction and relationship building Yes __No __
  • Engage in respectful and relevant dialogue with others Yes __No __
  • Build community amongst the travel group Yes __No __
  • Be open to learning from our hosts Yes __No __
  • Be adaptable and flexible when confronted by unexpected changes Yes __No __
  • Work through the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges that arise with grace Yes __No __
  • Tread lightly on Creation as we travel Yes __No __
  • Commit yourself to promoting the work of Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its members upon your return to Canada Yes __ No __


Please provide 2 personal references (pastor, co-worker, employer, etc.) whom we can contact about your application. Please notify these individuals that they may be contacted.

Relationship to you
Phone number(s)
Email address
Relationship to you
Phone number(s)
Email address

Tour Costs

The approximate cost of the tour is $3500 - $3800 (to be confirmed). Participants are encouraged to fundraise to offset the cost of the tour. In some cases, some financial assistance* may be available to cover a portion of the cost.

If selected to participate would you require financial assistance? Yes __ No ___

If yes, how much financial assistance would you require?______

*Requests for financial assistance will be assessed during the selection process in consultation with Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its members.

Additional Information for travel and logistics

Your nationality______Place of Birth ______

Passport information (not necessary for application, but will be required for tour)

Name exactlyas it appears on your passport:


Number:______Place of Issue: ______

Date of Issue: ______Date of Expiry: ______

Please provide two emergency contacts, preferably from separate households.

First and last name
Relationship to you
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
E-mail address
First and last name
Relationship to you
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
E-mail address

Thank you for your interest in the LebanonFood Security Learning Tour! Please return this application tothe Public Engagement Coordinator at Canadian Foodgrains Bank as soon as possible. We will contact you shortly to discuss your application.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:

James Kornelsen, Public Engagement Coordinator

