Cynthia Simon, Director, CAS Internship Office

UNE, 11 Hills Beach Road, Biddeford, ME 04005

(207) 602-2540, fax (207) 602-5880, ,

Organization: ______

Internship Position Title: ______

Supervisor:______Title: ______

Phone Number: ______Ext._____ E—mail: ______

Street: ______City: ______State: ____ Zip code:______

Brief Describe the Organization: ______

# of Employees: ______Years in business: ______Home based business? ______

Availability: ___ Spring (Jan-April). ___ Summer (May-Aug). ___ Fall (Sept-Dec).

UNE should run this position ____ this year only ____ continuously until notified

How many interns would you like to host per semester? ______.

Do you prefer A or B or Both:

  1. This position is only available if the student is simultaneously registered for an internship at UNE, thus the position will be overseen by UNE and the student earns a letter grade on their transcript. _____.
  2. UNE is not involved in the internship or it’s outcomes but will advertise the position for you. _____.
  3. Optionally, the student may apply and then may choose to earn credit for the internship or not _____.

Intern Schedule: ___ Weekdays ___ Weekends ___ Evenings

Flexible schedule? __ Yes __ No. Estimated number of hours per week/semester: __ /___

Internships require ~10 contact hours per week / 120 total contact hours per semester.

If you have a specific scheduling need please include it here: ______

Compensation & Benefits:

___ Salary $______hr___ Room___ Travel expenses

___ Stipend $______total___ Meals___ Certifications ______

___ Grant Funded $______Attendance at conferences/ venues

___ Other ______

Does this Internship replace a previously existing or future potential paid position of employment? ___ Yes ___ No

If you are a for-profit company (not a hospital, non-profit organization, or government agency), requesting we post an unpaidinternship, please review the Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act as it relates to compensation for internships. We also suggest consulting your human resources department or a legal representative before posting an unpaid position.

Please check if you prefer students from select majors: ___All majors OR

__ Arts, __ Biological Sciences, __ Business, __ Chemistry, __ Communications,

__ Environmental Science/Studies, __ Education, __ English, __ GIS, __ History,

__ Liberal Studies, __ Marine Sciences, __ Mathematics, __ Neuroscience, __ Ocean Studies

__ Political Science, __ Psychology, __ Sociology, __ Sports Management, __ Other:______

Internship prerequisites (training, coursework, certifications, or other required): ______

Will you provide the prerequisites as part of the internship? _____ Yes _____ No

Anticipated Distribution of Intern’s time, 0 - 100%:

___ Field work, ___ Physical Care, ___ Shadowing, ___ Research, ___ Projects, ___ Technical,

___ Managerial / Supervisory, ___ Administrative,___ Clerical/Mundane, ____ Other: ______

Brief description of InternDuties and Responsibilities: ______





Please briefly notethe learning (knowledge, skills, professional development, and personal growth) you anticipate the student will gain from this internship:




How should students to apply for this position?(i.e. send resume, cover letter, and two references via email to ____ / call to inquire / apply online at the website ______)


Supervisor’s signature (hand or electronic): ______

Please submit form as a Word document. Thank you for posting your position with us!