Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems as if we just had the Welcome Back Picnic! I want to thank all of you again for allowing us to educate your children. I feel blessed to be the Principal of Proctor Terrace and to be able to work with such gifted, talented and dedicated teachers. Our students are incredibly kind and respectful and it is a pleasure to come to work every day!
We have been very busy since school started introducing more Common Core lessons in our classrooms. Many of our teachers are currently participating in Math and English Language Arts professional development. The district is committed to providing all teachers with the skills they need to help your children become career and college ready. That may sound strange at the elementary level, but we are dedicated to starting them on that path even as Kindergarteners.
On September 26th we joined together as a school community for the Walk-a-Thon. Everyone had a great time! I find it rather funny that at every major event so far this year we have been blessed with rain. This includes the first day of school, picture day, as well as the Walk-a-Thon. I think the weather man should call the office to see what is happening at Proctor before they make their forecasts. Our annual Tigerfest is coming up on Sunday, October26th from 12:00 to 3:00, should we be looking for a shower or two?! But, rain or shine please join us for this fabulous event!
On Thursday, October 9th we will have our first “Coffee with the Principal” in the Multi at8:30 a.m. This is an opportunity to learn about our programs and what your children are learning in their classrooms. We will not be touring classrooms but tours will be scheduled throughout the school year. Please call the office if you are interested in a tour.
The PTA will be meeting on Tuesday, October14th in the Library at 6:30 p.m. I encourage you to come check it out. The PTA is a great way to become involved in your student’s school. We are very fortunate to have such a dynamic and active parents group. We would not be able to provide much of the technology or programs we have without their support.
We also have an English Language AdvisoryCouncil (ELAC). This parent group is designed to support the parents of our English Language Learners. We meet about four times a year. The first meeting is Thursday, October 16 at 8:30a.m. in the school Library.
The Walk-A-Thon Assembly will take place on Friday, October 17th. The deadline for getting donations in is Monday, October 13th!
We are continuing this year with BEST, Building Effective Schools Together, our positive behavior intervention program. This year, instead of Nifty Kids assemblies we are having weekly Tiger Ticket drawings. Three students from each grade level are given the opportunity to pick a prize from the basket in my office. It is so fun and one of the best parts of my week! The BEST committee will be meeting soon to plan assemblies that celebrate all of our students who are safe, respectful and responsible.
One of the charming things about our school is the lovely neighborhood surrounding our campus. When you get a chance take a look at the picture in the lobby when the beautiful trees outside my office were just saplings. I would like to remind everyone to be considerate of our community members and not block driveways. We are teaching our children to be respectful so please let’s be good role models.
If anyone is interested in helping us at lunch time we would really appreciate the support. Currently, we are short staffed and have had to close the field at lunch recess. Please call the office if you can lend a hand.
Our 4th graders will be participating in our annual Bike Rodeo on Thursday, October 30th. This will be my first and I am looking forward to it.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of November 17th-21st. Information will be coming home from your child’s teacher to schedule a time and date.
There will be no school on the following days:
Monday, November 10th/Staff Development
Tuesday, November 11th/Veteran’s Day Observance
Monday-Friday, November 24th-28th Thanksgiving Holiday