Participant Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Core Teacher. Please be sure you understand the teacher commitments (which can be found here) before completing and returning the application. You may attach a separate page if necessary. Nominations and teacher applications are requested by April 15, 2016. Please email all information and nominations to the address below by the date given. Teachers may self-nominate but must have district-level approval. Please email your completed application to Merri Ann Drake .
Name: Click here to enter text. School District: Click here to enter text.
Best Email: Click here to enter text. Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Nominated by (check one): ☐Self ☐Colleague ☐Principal ☐Coach ☐Superintendent
School and district: Click here to enter text. Grade Level(s) / Subject(s) you teach: Click here to enter text.
Why are you interested in becoming a Core Teacher?
Click here to enter text.
What work have you done individually or with others to implement the Idaho Content Standards in English Language Arts/Literacy? What other thinking partners (Idaho Core Teachers, colleagues, etc.) in your school or district could you work closely with this year as you participate in the Idaho Coaching Network?
How do you envision this experience helping you to incorporate the Idaho Content Standards for ELA / Literacy into your classroom, school, and district? What hopes or goals might this opportunity help you realize?
Are you willing to facilitate professional development in your school and/or region? ☐Yes ☐No
The position requires each Core Teacher to play a leadership role in facilitating professional development and mentoring other teachers. Describe your current comfort level with such a role and/or your willingness to learn:
What would “they” say about your teaching and who would “they” be?
What else would you like us to consider as we are making our selections?
Administrator Name: Click here to enter text. Date of Administrator Approval: Click here to enter text.