Truth and Justice.
(Part one of two) E-copy
Hon. Khu Mkuu
The Poet’s Cottage,
P.O.Box 610, Apapa 101251,
Lagos, Nigeria
Truth and Justice.
Copyright © NAIWU OSAHON
First Published, August, 2010
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Published By
P.O.Box 610,
Apapa 101251,
Lagos, Nigeria.
ISBN 978-2358-88-6
The World Pan-African Movement,
The Poet’s Cottage,
P.O.Box 930, Apapa 101251,
Lagos, Nigeria.
About a hundred pages from the print edition are not available in the e-copy.
(The correct one, the original, the ultimate).
The male God is not God but the devil. He does not create, he destroys.
GOD IS A WOMAN and this document is the most important document in the history of the world. It is described all over the Internet and by various media around the world as a masterpiece. From this day on-ward, anyone praying anywhere in the world should pray to the only and true God, the Mother-God of the Universe.
This revelationis the most important truth or statement of fact ever to become available in the history of the world and of religions. It confirms that mankind has been praying to the wrong God and that this act principally is responsible for the never ending mayhem the world has been experiencing. In other words, that humans have been worshipping evil to pile pains upon pains on their heads. The revelation also means that all religions are wrong and are ego-centric fads, designed to mislead and exploit the majority of people, to enrich a few who accumulate fortunes in private jets, banks and priced lavish estates around the world, and award themselves the titles of Rabi, Sheiks, Bishops and Popes to equate themselves with their male God as His earthly representatives.
From the moment men began to see themselves as the stronger sex and their women folks as the weaker sex, they began equating God with masculinity and brute force, although appearing to be slightly aware of the defective nature of the male God’s creative assets. To compensate for this, some tribes of the world temporarily let-in the female companion on the rare occasions of their uncreative maleGod’s desperate sexual hunger, otherwise, the men were satisfied that brute-force was all that was needed to keep the world under their perpetual control. The Christians, whose civilization now rules the world, were even more cruel and cynical about the nature of being when they allowed their male God just the one odd fling with an unfaithful woman called Mary, who was cheating on her poor, humble, innocent, carpenter husband called Joseph.
This Christian male God is called Yahweh and He was one of the sons of El (or El Elyon), the Canaanites’ Deity. El Elyon (the Black Father or God of all gods of mankind) and his children were actually super human beings who had at one time or the other lived on earth, and were now ancestors who took charge of several individual nations. None of these deities, not even El Elyon, was considered the Supreme or Universal Being. The role of the Supreme Being in the African myth was reserved for the Grand-old-progenitor of the human race. El Elyon was some great grand-grandchild in the evolution process who had inherited the duty to manage the earth. El Elyon allocated the nations of the earth to his children-deities. El Elyon as the Father of the deities, was the superior among them naturally, and was the only God that could be spelt with the capital letter ‘G.’ His sons where spelt with the lower case letter ‘g’ for gods as in: el, eloah and elohiym.
The Jews, while translating the Hebrew religion into Greek text, fraudulently spelt their deity or idolwith the capital letter ‘G’ for ‘God’ while spelling the idols of other nations with the small letter ‘g’ for ‘god.’ Seventy Jewish scholars gathered in Alexandra, Egypt, around 200 BCE to perpetrate the fraud. They found that although Judaism was preaching monotheism, they were in reality serving several deities or gods of the Canaanites. The Jewish scholars doctored the Hebrew translation to Greek text, to promote Yahweh, the deity allocated to Israel by Yahweh’s Father, El Elyon, and sold Yahweh as the Supreme God of the universe, to enable them claim that they were the chosen people. So, the Jewish god became Theou in Greek, and anywhere the Jewish deity, Yahweh occurred, it was translated as ‘God’ instead of god which they used for the deities of other nations.
El or El Elyon was the chief of all Canaanite gods referred to as God or God Most High (or Most High). El was supposed to be The Most High God in Genesis 14:18 (whose priest was Melchizedeck), but that status was fraudulently given to Yahweh ‘God’ of Israel, as was done in the Most High in Deuteronomy 32:8, and the God in Psalm 82:6, which should refer appropriately to the Canaan God El Elyon. As a result, everywhere Yahweh is mentioned in the Bible became God said, God did, God told Moses, (Exodus 3:14). The correct translation is that Yahweh, a deity or idol of the Jews, (like the Sango of the Africans), told Moses. In the same vein, they translated el Philistine as the god of the Philistine and el Israel as the God of Israel. The end product of their fraudulent distortion is the Septuagint (LXX), the first Hebrew religious text in Greek, which the Church incorporated into the Bible as the Old Testament. Most of the Old Testament is allegorical, written in historical form and accepted by orthodox Christianity as the gospel truth.
The Hebrews had a sense of self-loss and alienation at the time in history and needed a vengeful god to help fight their wars for them. El Elyon understood this and gave them such a god. It was not God El Elyon who chose the Jews as His own people, it was god Yahweh. It was not Almighty El Elyon who unjustly promised other people’s lands (Palestine/Canaan), to the Israelites, it was god Yahweh. It was not the Omnipotent and Omniscient El Elyon who led the Israelites in the invasion and occupation of those ‘promised’ lands, it was god Yahweh. It was not the Most High God El Elyon who ordered the wholesale slaughter of men, women and children of Palestine and Canaan, it was god Yahweh.
The Jews needed and got a tyrant of a deity, ruthless, blood thirsty and arrogant, to use to suppress, exploit and control non-Jews, and sold Him to the West who went around the world selling the idol as the universal God at gun point, while describing their victims as idol worshippers, and littering their civilization with a trail of blood. The crusaders unleashed unprovoked attacks and invasions of other nations, slaughtering women, men, and children, including Africans and American Indians in their millions through the slave trade, to usher in their industrial revolution. Their unbridled selfish ego even got them to fight each other in two World Wars before coming together again to inflict on the helpless, exploited poor of the world, racism, apartheid, the on-going slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and the mindless forfeiture of lives of millions of unlucky youths, Blacks and Whites, in civil wars around the world.
The Church was established on such malicious and inhuman bobby-trap cushion of thorns, laced with a monumental narrowness of mind, maintaining the impossible to be true and insisting that the records they present were divinely inspired. The Church fathers who assembled the Bible didn’t write the original texts and myths. They only deliberately misinterpreted and misrepresented ancient ideas to claim that their God Yahweh is good and that He created the world and everything in it.
But living is sheer hell and humanity has only endless suffering and disasters to show for it. Famine, earthquakes, floods, plane crashes, civil wars are the daily menu of existence. Men constantly kill and maim each other to gain turfs and advantages. Big powers march into weaker countries to sack governments and usurp their resources even in the name of religions. The harder we pray the more pains we seem to suffer. We cannot walk the streets without minding our backs. Survival pangs are our daily chores, riddled with the fear of sudden death. Obviously, a diabolical force is in control of the world.
Organized religions claim that Satan brought evil to mankind. Man’s dilemma from time has been to unravel where Satan came from if God Yahweh created everything and everything good. Adam and Eve could not have created evil since they were part and parcel of the perfect creation of God Yahweh. If Satan brought evil and God Yahweh created everything, and His original creation was perfect, then no aspect of it could have created evil. Isaiah 44: 24, Eccle. 11: 5, John 1: 3, Eph. 3: 9, Rev. 4: 11 say God must have created everything. The Bible insists that God Yahweh created everything. If this is true, then God Yahweh must have created evil or evil does not exist. But we all know that evil exists so if God Yahweh did not create it, He did not create everything and what He did not create seems to control our world.
Satan overwhelms God Yahweh in our world but religionists insist that God Yahweh cannot be overwhelmed and that He created everything. What they are saying without admitting it is that God Yahweh is Satan. Actually the Holy books are not ambiguous about who God Yahweh is. It is the preachers and Imams that paint confusing pictures of Him to look pious. Men of God create the differentiation between their male God and Satan to whip man into submission for exploitation.
The Holy Bible describes the Christian God as Satan.
God the perfect being, did all of the following: He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16: 23, 18: 10); He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12); He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2); He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13); He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20); He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27); He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10); He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14); He spread dung on people’s faces (Mal.2: 3); He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22); He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10); He changed his mind (Jonah 3: 10); He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12); He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2);
He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21: 6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10); He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5); He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8); He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15); He wasn’t omnipresent (Gen. 4: 16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12); He wasn’t omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31); He often repented (Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12); He played favourites (Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22); He sanctioned slavery (Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17); He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23).
He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2); He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18); He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5: 9); He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, John 12: 39 – 40). He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20: 26); He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9); He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36); He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56); He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6). He sanctioned violation of the enemy’s women (Deut 21: 10 – 14); He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21); He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22: 28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1); He ordered the burning of human faeces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5); He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25); He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14); He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15); He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10); and He is indecisive (Gen. 18: 17).
The Christians say their God does not repent.
Num. 23: 19 God is not a man that he should lie: neither the son of man that he should repent. 1 Sam.15: 29, And also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
Contradictions: Jonah 3: 10, and God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. 1 Sam.15: 11, It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king. Exod.32: 14, And the Lord repented of the evil, which he thought to do unto his people. Psalms 42: 10, For I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you. Whao! God admits to having done evil? Gen. 6: 6, and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 1Sam. 15: 35,and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.
Christians say no one has seen the face of their God.
John 1: 18, No man hath seen God at anytime. John 6: 46, Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. 1 John 4: 12, No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
Contradictions: Gen. 32:30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. Exod. 33:11, and the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend. Num. 14: 14, ….that thou Lord art seen face to face….Job 42: 5, I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee. Deut. 34: 10, and there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, who the Lord knew face to face. Deut. 5: 4, The Lord talked with you face to face…(also Psalm 63: 2, Isa. 6: 1 and 6: 5, Amos 7: 7- 8, Ezek.20: 35, Ex. 24: 9-10).
Moses saw Yahweh’s back because Yahweh covered Moses’ face with his hand while passing. “I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by, then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back; but my face shall not be seen,“ (Exodus 33: 22-23). But Moses had seen Yahweh’s face earlier on in (Exodus 33: 11), …And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend. The Lord came to visit Abraham and ate in his house. Isaiah saw the Lord in his temple. Gideon, Ezekiel, Samson’s parents, Daniel, all saw the Lord. God was not only seen, Jacob wrestled with God and nearly defeated God until God managed to wrench Jacob’s hip. (Gen. 32:21). What a God?
The Christian God made false promises.
Jacob never received the Promised Land, and it is questionable whether the spot on which he lay ever came into the possession of his descendants. Genesis 35: 10, And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob; thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. Then 11 chapters later: Gen. 4: 2,and God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, here am I.
Deuteronomy 23: 3, An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever. Ruth, a Moabitess, not only entered the congregation of the Lord as Ruth 1: 4, 1: 22, 1: 13, 4: 17 show, but gave birth to the ancestors of David and Jesus.
Even Yahweh’s Son himself, Jesus Christ, admits in Luke 12: 51-53, that he came to the world not to bring peace but to cause division and discord among people.
That is the perfect God of the Holy Bible. What criminal, what villian, in all history had a record to match? Ingersoll’s Works in (Some Mistakes of Moses) says: “a false friend, an unjust judge, a braggart, a hypocrite, and tyrant, sincere in hatred, jealous, vain and revengeful, false in promise, honest in curse, suspicious, ignorant, infamous and hideous – such is the God of the Pentateuch.
Thomas Paine in (The Age of Reason) says: “All our ideas of the justice and goodness of God revolt at the impious cruelty of the Bible. It is not God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes. Thomas Paine in (The life and Works of): “A book so full of contradictions and wickedness could not be the Word of God and …we dishonour God by ascribing it to him.”
The fault-riddled masculine God Yahweh perfectly suited the temperament of the Indo-Europeans and the political ambition of the ignorant Church fathers. As Cheikh Anta Diop tells us in (The African origin of Civilization), in prehistoric times, Africa with her abundance of vital resources and its sedentary agricultural character, engendered in the African, a gentle, idealistic, peaceful nature, endowed with a spirit of justice and gaiety. In the case of the Indo-Europeans, the ferocity of nature in the Eurasian steppe, the barrenness of those regions, the overall circumstances of their material conditions created instincts necessary for survival in such an environment. Nature left the prehistoric Indo-European no illusion of kindness. It was implacable and permitted no negligence; man had to obtain his bread by the sweat of his brow. Above all, in the course of a long painful existence, he learnt to rely on himself alone, on his possibilities. He could not indulge in the luxury of believing in a beneficent God who would shower down abundant means of gaining a livelihood, instead, he would conjure up deities maleficent and cruel, jealous and spiteful, such as Yahweh.