Yarm Primary School
part of the Enquire Learning Trust
Stockton on Tees
TS15 9HF
Headteacher: Jill Wood
Tel:01642 782731email:
17th October 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of our Year 3curriculumfor next term, we have arranged a visit to The Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum, Skinningrove, on Tuesday31st October, where we will participate in a number of workshops linked to our new topic, ‘The Stone Age’.
We will travel by coach, which will leave school at 9:10 am and depart from The Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museumat 2:15pm, to arrive back at school by normal 3:30 finish.
To cover the costs of the coach and entry to The Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum, we ask for a contribution of £7.50per child. This is of course a voluntary contribution, however we would find it difficult to manage these experiences without your support. In addition to our visit, the cost of this trip also includes staff from the museum delivering a session within school the week after the trip. We request that payments are made via ParentPay as we are a ‘cashless’ school. If you have any difficulties with this, please contact the office.
Pupils are not required to wear full uniform, but could they please wear their school jumper or cardigan over their own clothes. They will also need a waterproof coat and warm clothing, such as hats and gloves, if the weather is cold on the day. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes as some surfaces may be uneven.
Pupils will need to take a packed lunch (nut free) and drink (not fizzy). There is a small gift shop, so pupils may take a small amount of spending money (no more than £3.00 please), which they will be responsible for.
The museum have asked if they have permission to take photographs of the children on the visit. This would be used for their own promotional purposes. Please read the information attached, and sign the form if you consent to this. Thank you.
Please return the attached form back to school, to give consent to attend the trip and for photographs to be taken (if appropriate).
If you have any queries about the visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 3 team.
Trip consent:
I confirm that my child, has permission to visit, The Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum, Skinningrove on Tuesday 31st October 2017.
Photographic consent:
Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum alone or in partnership with other agencies would like to take photographs of you, your staff/volunteers and pupils for promotional purposes and as a record of our activities. These images may appear in our printed publications, on our website, in any composite video, broadcasting and/or exhibition.
To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we need your permission before we take photographs or recordings of members of your group including any adults or children in your care.
Please note: Websites can be seen throughout the world, and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. Printed publications would only be circulated by CIMM locally but might be taken abroad by others. Please also note that the conditions for use of these images are on the bottom of the form.
- The museum will not include details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any person in an image on our website, or in printed publications, without additional permissions.
- The museum will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on website or in printed publications.
I do not want my child photographed by the museum.
I am happy for my child to be photographed by the museum.
Parent’s name:______
Signature: ______
Working Together for Success