Report on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Slovak Republic
Reporting under article 12 of Regulation (EC) Nº 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS)
Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic Bratislava, December 2007
Reporting under article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
1. Member State: Slovak Republic
2. Name and title of contact officer:
a) Pavol Tehlár, General director of the Section of environmental quality of the MoE of the SR
b) Stanislav Štofko, General director of the Slovak environmental agency
3. Full name of the institution:
a) Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic
b) Slovak Environmental Agency
4. Mailing address:
a) Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 1, 812 35 Bratislava 1, Slovak
b) Slovak Environmental Agency, Tajovského 28, 975 90 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
5. Telephone number:
a) +421 2 6020 1674
b) +421 48 4374 111
6. Fax number:
a) +421 2 6020 1673
b) +421 48 4230 409
7. E-mail address:
8. Date of the report (dd/month/yyyy): 12. December 2007
1. Production of substances listed under Annex I or II to Regulation (EC) Nº 850/2004
(hereinafter “Annex I or II).
1.1. Year of the report: Report for the period from 1. January 2006 to 31. December 2006
1.2. Has any of the chemicals listed in Annex I or II been produced in your Member State
during the period covered by this report? (Yes/No).
1.2.1. If the answer to question 1.2. is “Yes”, please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) produced (in kg).
- (irrelevant)
2. Placing on the market of substances listed under Annex I or II.
2.1. Year of the report: Report for the period from 1. January 2006 to 31.December 2006.
2.2. Has any of the chemicals listed in Annex I of II been placed on the market in your
Member State or exported from your Member State during the period covered by this
2.2.1. If the answer to question 2.2. is “Yes”, please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) exported and/or placed on the market (in kg). In case of export or import, please specify the exporting or importing country(ies).
- (irrelevant)
B- TRIANNUAL REPORT ON THE APPLICATION OF REGULATION (EC) Nº 850/2004 (Article 12(1) and Article 12(3)).
1. Member State: Slovak Republic
2. Name and title of contact officer:
a) Pavol Tehlár, General director of the Section of environmental quality of the MoE of the SR
b) Stanislav Štofko, General director of the Slovak environmental agency
3. Full name of the institution:
a) Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic
b) Slovak Environmental Agency
4. Mailing address:
a) Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 1, 812 35 Bratislava 1, Slovak
b) Slovak Environmental Agency, Tajovského 28, 975 90 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
5. Telephone number:
a) +421 2 6020 1674
b) +421 48 4374 111
6. Fax number:
a) +421 2 6020 1673
b) +421 48 4230 409
7. E-mail address:
8. Date of the report (dd/month/yyyy): 12. December 2007
1. Are there in your Member State any notified stockpiles of any substance(s) listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is permitted? (Yes/No).
1.1 If the answer to questions 1. is “Yes”, please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content of the specified substances (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.
- (irrelevant)
2. Are there in your Member State any notifies stockpiles of any substance(s) listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is not permitted? (Yes/No).
2.1 If the answer to question 2. is “Yes”, please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.
- (irrelevant)
Section III: release reduction, minimalization and elimination
1. Has your Member State developed an action plan on the substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No).
Yes, only preliminary version of the Action plan for identification, characterization and release of the POPs to the environment is developed. The final version is under preparation and will be reported within the procedure for the NIP actualization discussed on the COP3 of the Stockholm Convention and submitted in accordance with the Article 6 of the Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on POPs.
1.1. If the answer to the question 1. is “No”, please, specify why.
- (irrelevant)
1.2. If the answer to questions 1. is “Yes”, please, specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have release data. For each specified substance, specify for which compartment (i.e., air, water, soil) you have release data. For each specified compartment, give the release in g TEQ/year (WHO-TEQ1 2005) or in kg/year.
Air - the release data for dioxins, furans, PAH, HCB and PCBs emissions to the air are annually report also under CLRTAP.
Surface Water - the obligation monitoring the release data for PAH, HCB and PCBs emissions is covered in the National Monitoring of the Surface Water Quality. The released data for PAH, HCB and PCBs emissions was summarized the 1st time in the year 2004 based on the data from producer which are obligated to notify these data to the Summary Water Evidence. Emission factors for calculation of POPs emissions to the surface water are not used in Slovakia based on the absence of methodology and relevant legislation.
Soil – no data.
The Tables below describe the release data on POPs (PCDD/PCD, PAH, HCB and PCB) in the specific compartment in the year 2004 and 2005.
Table No. 1a: Dioxins andfurans emissions (g TEQ) to air, water and soil in the Slovak Republic in the year 2004 and 2005.
Category / G TEQ PCDD/PCDF2004 / 2005
Air* / Surface water* / Soil* / Air / Surface water / Soil
Waste incineration / 19,723 / 0 / 0 / 41,213 / - / -
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production / 37,523 / 2,9E-07 / 0 / 36,153 / - / -
Power and heat generation, thermic processes / 8,137 / 0 / 0 / 7,011 / - / -
Production of mineral products / 0,488 / 0 / 0 / 0,551 / - / -
Transport / 0,167 / 0 / 0 / 0,160 / - / -
Uncontrolled combustion processes / 0,561 / 0 / 0,373 / 0,742 / - / -
Production and use of chemicals / 0,020 / 0,002 / 0 / 0,021 / - / -
Miscellaneous / 0,078 / 0 / 0 / 0,084 / - / -
TOTAL / 66,697 / 0,002 / 0,373 / 85,935 / - / -
* Estimated in the framework of GEF project “Initial Assistance to the Slovak Republic to Meet its Obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)“, year 2001
1WHO Equivalency Factors for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls
Table No. 1b: PAH emissions (kg/y) to air, water and soil in the Slovak Republic in the year 2004 and 2005.
2004 / 2005
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil / Air
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil
Waste incineration / 10 / - / - / 11 / - / -
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production / 2 933 / 29,9 / - / 2 245 / 22,2 / -
Power and heat generation, thermic processes / 11 996 / - / - / 16 084 / 0,002 / -
Production of mineral products / 0 / Without mining 0,003 (including mining 16,5) / - / 0 / Without mining 0,012 (including mining 20,5) / -
Transport / 107 / - / - / 124 / - / -
Uncontrolled combustion processes / 111 / - / - / 146 / - / -
Production and use of chemicals / 0 / Without refinery
0 (including refinery 51,2) / - / 0 / Without refinery 17,4 (including refinery 62,1) / -
Miscellaneous / 598 / 12,2 / - / 591 / 7,6 / -
TOTAL / 15 755 / - / - / 19 201 / - / -
Table No. 1c: HCB emissions (kg/y) to air, water and soil in the Slovak Republic in the year 2004 and 2005.
Category / HCB2004 / 2005
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil / Air
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil
Waste incineration / 1 / - / - / 0,656 / - / -
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production / 0,371 / - / - / 0,512 / - / -
Power and heat generation, thermic processes / 0,924 / - / - / 0,750 / - / -
Production of mineral products / 0,038 / - / - / 0,043 / - / -
Transport / 0,009 / - / - / 0,010 / - / -
Uncontrolled combustion processes / 0,010 / - / - / 0,013 / - / -
Production and use of chemicals / 0,038 / - / - / 0,043 / - / -
Miscellaneous / 0 / - / - / 0 / - / -
TOTAL / 2,39 / - / - / 2,027 / - / -
Table No. 1d: PCBs emissions (kg/y) to air, water and soil in the Slovak Republic in the year 2004 and 2005.
Category / PCB2004 / 2005
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil / Air
kg/y / Surface water
kg/y / Soil
Waste incineration / 1,709 / - / - / 1,987 / - / -
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production / 6,053 / - / - / 5,837 / - / -
Power and heat generation, thermic processes / 13,371 / - / - / 13,953 / - / -
Production of mineral products / 0,016 / - / - / 0,020 / - / -
Transport / 10,471 / - / - / 12,783 / - / -
Uncontrolled combustion processes / 0,067 / - / - / 0,089 / - / -
Production and use of chemicals / 0,016 / - / - / 0,020 / - / -
Miscellaneous / 0,002 / - / - / 0,002 / - / -
TOTAL / 31,705 / - / - / 34,691 / - / -
2. Has your Member State developed measures in order to identify sources of substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No).
2.1. If the answer to questions 2. is “Yes”, please, describe the measures developed.
The legislation in Slovakia, in compliance with the EU legislation, is gradually enlarging the general requirement that certain anthropogenic activities shall be operated in a way minimising their resulting environmental impact in the framework of the present technical development and experience under economically and technically viable conditions – that means in compliance with BAT and BEP.
This is posing additional important pressure onto selected source categories (hazardous waste incineration, IPPC source categories etc.) to gradual implementation of BAT and BEP not only in new sources, where this requirement is already in place, but also in existing sources. It is to stress that the requirement of BAT and BEP implementation itself represents an efficient tool to control all polluting substances, including POPs.
Special problem are the POPs emissions resulting from uncontrolled burning and non-industrial processes. For this source categories implementation of BAT is not possible, therefore different tools such as involvement of public and an overall public awareness rising on POPs have to be applied.
3. Has your Member State developed measures in order to characterise sources
of substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No).
3.1. If the answer to questions 3. is “Yes”, please, describe the measures developed.
POPs air emissions in Slovakia are evaluated according to the balance calculation from emission factors and volume of corresponding activity that is based on the methodology elaborated in the framework of the project “Initial Assistance to the Slovak Republic to Meet its Obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)“. This method was updated for PCDD/PCDF in compliance with „Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases“
(UNEP Chemicals, 2005) and additional available references.
More details are described in the NIP.
4. Has your Member State developed measures in order to minimise sources of substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No).
4.1. If the answer to questions 4. is “Yes”, please, describe the measures developed.
See answer to the paragraph 2.1.
Section IV: implementation plans
1. Has your Member State developed a National Implementation Plan (NIP)
as pursuant to article 7 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants? (Yes/No).
1.1. If the answer to question 1. is “No”, please, explain why.
- (irrelevant)
1.2. if the answer to question 1. is “Yes”, please, indicate the date(s) at which it has been communicate to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, the Commission and to the other Member States.
The preliminary information of the NIP implementation in the Slovak Republic was submitted to the Secretary of the Stockholm Convention by the letter of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No 5732/2006 – min. on 15. May 2006 and the final version of the NIP was submitted by the letter of the National Focal Point No COHEM/224 - R/2006 on 8. December 2006.
The Implementation Plan in Slovakia was submitted to European Commission in accordance with the article 8 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council No 850/2004/EC on POPs by the letter of the Mission of the Slovak Republic No 6250/2006/BESM1 on 30. May 2006 based on the letter of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic No 5732/2006-min. on 11 May 2006 and subsequently by the letter of the National Focal Point No COHEM/229 - R/2006 on 19 December 2006.