Fall Programs for Employees & their Families
The People Center in collaboration with the Wellbeing Team has put together a group of programs addressing a variety of topics about parenting, health care and the tools available to employees and their family members. The calendar of events is below, descriptions of the programs can be found below as well:
Event: Flu Clinics:
Friday, October 9th,Lakeside room 101 – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday, October 14th, Aiken Hall Conference room - 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Monday, October 19th, Lakeside room 101/102 – 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Tuesday, October 20th, CCM, room 246 – 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Event: “Growing a Grown-up” Informational Meeting:
A common topic of discussion is parenting, whether it is your own children or dealing with issues surrounding aging parents. Most of us have concerns surrounding these topics.
Thursday, October 15th , Lakeside 101/102 – 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Event: MDLIVE & LifeScope Orientations:
Thursday, October 29th, Lakeside 101/102 at 10:00 am and again
at 3:30 pm
Event: “Growing a Grown-up” Workshop:
A common topic of discussion is parenting, whether it is your own children or dealing with issues surrounding aging parents. Most of us have concerns surrounding these topics.
Mondays, November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and December 7th at Lakeside 101/102 - 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Event:“Be the Best Health Care Consumer You Can Be”
Thursday, November 12th, Lakeside 101/102 at 12:00 pm and again at 3:30 pm
Event:“Changing Relationships: You and Your Elderly Love Ones”
Monday, November 16th, at Lakeside 101/102 12:00 pm and again at 3:00 pm
For more details on the Events,and the links to register go the Faculty & Staff website, People Center and “What’s Happening”
Parenting for the Young and the Elderly
A common topic of discussion is parenting, whether it is your own children or dealing with issues surrounding aging parents. Most of us have concerns surrounding these topics – at both ends of the spectrum. We are pleased to addressing these issues by offering a workshop and a variety of seminars tomeet your needs this fall:
Parenting a Child -from the author of “Duct Tape Parenting”
“Growing a Grownup” Informational Meeting– This informationalmeeting will be held on Thursday, October 15that Lakeside in room 101/102 at 6:30. At this meeting Vicki Hoefle will describe the 6-week workshop beginning in November. Vicki will let you know what to expect in the Workshop and what you will take away from this 6-week workshop. To register for this session goto
“Growing a Grownup” “A comprehensive parent program designed to assist parents as they reconcile the fact that although they are living with children, they are ultimately, raising adults”. This course employs parents with tools to raise Responsible, Respectful and Resilient young adults who thrive on the other side of the threshold, as well as, supporting you to navigate daily life while your kids are living at home with less conflict and more joy.
This is a 6-week workshop facilitated by Vicki Hoefle beginning on Mondays, November 2ndat Lakeside. This workshop will be held on the following dates from 6:30 – 8:30, November 2nd, 9th , 16th, 23rd, 30th and December 7th. The cost to attend this class will be $75 for employees and $25 for spouse/partner (the College is subsiding a portion of the cost). For more information go to the People Center on the Staff & Faculty website and look under “What’s Happening”. To register go to
Vicki Hoefle, creator of the Growing A Grownup workshops, author of Duct Tape Parenting and The Straight Talk on Parenting has been an in-demand Professional Parent Educator for the past 25 years. After years of study and everyday practice, Vicki has become an expert in Adlerian Psychology, a ground-breaking theory developed by Alfred Adler. Her programs have been awarded a “Seal of Approval” from the PTPA (Parent Tested Parent Approved) Media, and have gained international acclaim as one of the most effective, child-enriching programs available.
Caring for Your Aging Parent(s):
“Changing Relationships: You and Your Elderly Love Ones”,This seminar will offer an overview of the practical and emotional issues that arise when an elderly relative becomes increasingly dependent on you – namely the loss of independence and sudden role reversal. In an empathetic atmosphere, you will be able to share your concerns and experiences, draw support and insight from those facing similar challenges and learn how to best approach and adapt to your new role. This will be presented by LifeScope on Monday, November 16th at noon and again at 3:00 in Lakeside 101/102. To register go to
Helpful Information for All Employees:
MDLIVE & LifeScope Orientation– a hands-on demonstration by a CIGNA representative to learn how use the MDLIVE program. We will follow this up with an orientation on the LifeScope program and the resources available to you and your family. This orientation will occur on Thursday, October 29th at Lakeside in rom 101/102 at 10:00 and again at 3:30. To register go to
MDLIVE, a new 24/7/365 telehealth approach to board certified primary-care doctors by secure video, phone or e-mail for non-emergency illness. Whether you are at home, work, or travel, or you simply want a more convenient way to see a doctor MDLIVE is easy to use and available on your schedule anytime, anywhere. Available on October 1st for CIGNA members.This is the URL,
- When would you use this service? If you are considering the ER or urgent care for a non-emergency medical issue; Your primary care physician is not available; You are traveling, it’s late at night, the weekend or a holiday.
- What can be treated? Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold and Flu, Ear infections, Joint Aches and Pain, Respiratory Infections, Sinus Problems, Pink Eye and much more.
More information can be found atto the People Center on the Staff & Faculty website and look underBenefits and Medical, Dental & Vision.
LifeScope– This is you and your family’s resource for balancing your; Emotional Well Being; Legal Consultations and Referrals; Financial Consultation and Referrals; Health & Wellness Resources and Referrals; Family & Caregiving Resources and Referrals and Convenience Services. LifeScope also offers webcasts, personal coaches and a variety of research resources. More information can be found atto the People Center on the Staff & Faculty website and look under Benefits and LifeScope.
“Be the Best Health Care Consumer You Can Be”- Would you like to know how to use the tools and resources that CIGNA offers to benefit you and your family? Would you like to know more about getting the right care, at the right time, at the appropriate setting? Would you like to know how to research the quality and cost of the health care services you and your family may need? If so, please attend this one hour seminar presented by CIGNA.
We want to help you be the best health care consumer you can be, by answering your questions, and providing an overview of the CIGNA offerings. This seminar will occur on Thursday, November 12th at Lakeside in room 101/102 at noon and again at 3:30. To register go to
Flu Clinics – Ensuring you and your family remain healthy is important to us. We are offering four flu clinics to all employees and their spouse/partner in October. Offering these clinics on-site will hopefully make it more convenient and easy for you to attend. We will also offer an early evening clinic to make this more convenient for your spouse/partner to attend. To register go to Sign Up Genius at