- Purpose of Report
1.1To consider the feasibility of introducing parking restrictions to control parking near the Clarendon Road/West Way junction.
- Recommendation
2.1It is recommended that no action is taken to extend the restrictions in this area.
- Information
- At its meeting on 16th February, this Area Committee heard concerns from residents about parking in the vicinity of the Clarendon Road and West Way junction.
- It is suggested that the parking is primarily by employees in the centre of Broadstone who are unable to park in the limited waiting areas or unwilling to pay to park in the Station Approach car park (there is a 4hr limit in the Story Lane car park).
- Three alternatives are summarised below and shown on the attached plans:
- Do Nothing
4.1The Clarendon Road,/West Way junction is already protected by No Waiting at any time waiting restrictions. The restrictions protect visibility as far as the road layout will allow towards the east (they extend as far as the Broadstone Roundabout) and extend slightly further westwards than the general 15m that is generally applied at junctions of this type throughout the Borough.
4.2No injury accidents have been recorded in the last 3 years at the Clarendon Road junctions with Clarendon Close, West Way or Ascot Road nor at the West Way/Upton Way junction. The road is nominally 7.7m wide, which is relatively wide for a residential road.
4.3Parking restrictions will inevitably displace parking to wherever the restrictions end.
- Waiting restrictions in Clarendon Road
5.1While the existing waiting restrictions provide the standard sightline that is generally applied at a junction of this type, there have been requests to extend the restrictions as far as the boundary between No 2 West Way and No 9 Clarendon Road. This would provide a more generous sightline and also “stagger” the start of the parking in Clarendon Road.
5.2Extending the restrictions would, however, lead to increased parking at the Ascot Road junction. It is suggested that restrictions should also be applied to protect the Ascot Road junction – the restrictions would need to be extended to provide a “stagger” and prevent parking on both sides of the road between the two junctions.
- Waiting restrictions in West Way
6.1Concerns have also been expressed about the amount of parking in the northern end of West Way. It is possible that extending the restrictions in Clarendon Road will increase the amount of parking in West Way. The road is nominally 7.6m wide, which is relatively wide for a residential road but it would be helpful to keep parking to one side of the road. If waiting restrictions were to be applied, it is suggested that restrictions would be most appropriate on the inside of the curve and the bend into Upton Way and .also around the Upton Way junction.
- Conclusions
7.1The Area Committee has approximately £1,400 available in this financial year. The main element of cost involved with imposing waiting restrictions is the legal and advertising work, and so there is little cost difference between any of these alternatives – they could all be achieved within the available budget.
7.2The junction of Clarendon Close and West Way already has a degree of protection from the existing restrictions and extending them would inevitably displace the parking to other locations nearby. The recommendation is to take no action, but, if the Committee decides to make any changes, it is suggested that they should advertise the restrictions in both Clarendon Road and West Way. The Committee would have the opportunity to reduce the extent of the restrictions when they consider any objections, but they would not have the opportunity to extend them without re-advertising.
Julian McLauglin
Head of Transportation Services
Background PapersNone
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
Steve Dean(01202) 262071