Park City Sunrise Rotary Club - International Committee

International Grant Guidelines - May 2017 - MCL


·  A budget will be determined for annual club contributions for International Grants at the beginning of each Rotary fiscal year in July.

·  All written International Grant Request must be submitted to the International Committee for review by February 1st to be considered for that year. Those requests that are submitted after the February 1st deadline will be considered the next year.

·  The International Committee will conduct a review in February of all International Grant requests submitted through the application process and select those that meet the criteria and budget. These selections will be brought to the Sunrise Rotary Board in March for approval. The Club will inform the applicants and publicly announce the offering of International Grants to the community in April.

·  In certain circumstances deemed appropriate by the club, consideration will be given during monthly board meetings for grant requests outside of the annual due date.


·  Only grants for international projects will be considered. Preference will be given to those grant requests that align with the Rotary guiding principles and avenues of service (see for details on guiding principles).

·  Preference will be given for grants that will qualify for Local, Regional, District and International Matching Grant Funds from our Rotary District or Rotary International or any other source.

·  The organization requesting a grant must show a need for the funds and be able to describe the scope of impact the grant will make on their organization and its cause. Preference will be given to those grant requests that have a sustaining commitment from the club and those that have a significant scope of impact on our community.

·  The organization must have a Rotary club member sponsor their grant request. Furthermore, the club members must show an interest and involvement in the organization requesting the donation. Preference will be given to those requests that involve Rotarians in service projects related to the organization.

·  A representative from the organization requesting a grant must be willing to present their organization or cause at one of the regular Rotary meetings.