“Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting”
Attendances and apologies:
Present: Parish Councillor’s: J Melen, K Harrison, M Harvey, and S Jones.
Clerk: Mrs. G Simkiss.
Apologies: Cllr.J Edmonds, Cllr. D Guilford, District Cllr. N Rushton and Police.
575) 3 incidents
Theft: filed undetected, damage to motor vehicle: under investigation,
assault & harassment: under investigation.
576) 525) Declarations of Interest by Members Personal and Prejudicial to on items on
the agenda:
None given.
577) Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday 3rd November 2014:
The Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd November 2014, having been previously circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.
578) Chairman’s Announcements:
He informed the members that the hole on Hollow Road that was reported to the council was now filled in.
He raised concerns of heavy goods vehicles were travelling through the village. Some of these have been reported to the Police.
The ground maintenance has begun on the Quarry frontage.
579) Matters Arising: None
580) Community Matters:
a) The defibrillator update. The Quarry Trust is allowing £2000 for the equipment. Community Heart Beat will do the training on how to use the defibrillator. It was Resolved that the device will be fitted outside the Post Office and the council will maintain and pay the cost of electric.
b) Village welcoming signs are still being finalised.
c) Urban grass cutting. NWLDC has now withdrawn the service of doing the grass cutting when LCC contract finishes. It was Resolved to consider the option of putting it out to tender when more information is available. Clerk to follow up the offer of allowance from LCC.
d) The tree on Berry Avenue that has been reported is now awaiting planning permission to remove it
e) Berry Avenue footbridge. It was Resolved to defer to next meeting
f) Local Plan have your say. Resolved to defer to next meeting.
g) Footpath signs in Breedon and Tonge have been reported as missing Clerk to inform LCC.
581) Suspension of standing orders: Proposed by the Chair and unanimously carried to allow members of the public time to speak.
No public in attendance.
Reinstatement of standing orders:
582) Planning Applications:
a) a) 14/00934/FUL Two storey side extension consisting of a residential annexe – Ambro Mill, Slade Lane, Wilson. No objections.
b) 14/00878/FUL – Erection of extension to the existing health centre – Breedon Priory Health Club, Green Lane, Wilson. No objections.
For information: None to report.
583) Finance:
It was Resolved that cheques to the total of £379.77 should be drawn in favour of the following:
a) Clerk’s salary and expenses.
b) Royal British Legion
c) John hall invoice.
For Consideration:
Resolved that the request for funding from HS2 Action Group was unanimously refused.
For Information: Resolved seen by the Council.
VAT payment received of £1038.67. Resolved seen.
584) Clerks Report.
A Parish Liaison meeting is being held 3rd December.
A Carol Service is being held at the church 21st December, Cllr. Simon Jones to read a lesson.
An email has been received from Melbourne Footpath Society wanting to know the Councils views on re-allocating some of the footpaths within the parish. Resolved for the Clerk to inform them that there are no objections to the proposal.
585) Correspondence: These were circulated to the Councillors.
CPRE Countryside Voice Winter issue.
Open Space Autumn issue.
586) Risk Assessment and Risk Assessor:
587) Sub Committees:
588) Suspension of standing orders: Proposed by the Chair and unanimously carried to allow members of the public time to speak.
589) Reinstatement of standing orders:
590) Future Agenda Items:
Berry Avenue tree and bridge.
591) Date and time of next meeting:
Monday 5th January 2015 at 7pm.
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