MARCH 3, 2015

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandquist with Turner, Beck and Beckman present.

Turner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Easter Egg Hunt and Single Audit Results under New Business. Beck second, carried.

Vouchers were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the vouchers. Turner second, carried.

The minutes of the February 26, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Beck second, carried.

Let it be known that the Treasurer’s February Financial Report will not be presented until next week.

Beck moved to approve a donation of $50 for the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by SHOUT. Turner second, carried.

Turner explained that he received an audit request from the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Discussion was held and Beckman will submit the required numbers.

George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting. The Board gave Zeilinger a letter submitted by Tom Hanna for review.

Discussion was held on a memo sent by CTSI explaining the requirements on small appliances and individual heaters in the county.

Discussion was held on Broadband. Turner gave report.

Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the County Line Road and ideas for repairing said road. Renquist left meeting.

Alan Harris will not be attending the meeting due to health issues.

Tom Hanna, Sheriff, joined the meeting. Hanna gave the Board a letter concerning issues within the county for review. Discussion was held on the county policy manual and the Sheriff’s policy manual. Hanna stated that he needs to protect his deputies, however, he is willing to cooperate and leave the lines of communication open. Hanna left the meeting.

Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the old horse barn at the fairgrounds and some fascia needing repair. Discussion was then held on the Weed Management Plan that Kizer gave the Board for review. Kizer told the Board that Toby Heath, Ducks Unlimited, will be donating three or four tables for the fairgrounds. Kizer left the meeting.

Zeilinger left the meeting.

Jimie Ridnour, Communications Center, joined the meeting. Ridnour updated the Board on the PUC communication. Ridnour then explained that a representative from the P25 Connect Company will be coming out to look at the possibility of bridging the vhf with the 800 system. Ridnour told the Board she will be attending a training on April 25th at Salida. Turner told Ridnour that there will be a weather spotter class at the courthouse on March 23rd. Ridnour left the meeting.

Mark Turner, Civil Defense, reported that he has received three applications for the position of Emergency Manager. He will be conducting interviews in the near future.

Jeff Hebert joined the meeting. Hebert told the Board that he will be installing an electric car charging station on his property on County Rd 34 in Ovid. Hebert explained that he feels that it will be a teaching opportunity for the community. A building application was obtained by Hebert but he wanted to enlighten the Board as this will be the first charging station in the county. Hebert left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


Glen Sandquist, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board