Northern Beef Futures
Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants
Applications are now open for the Department of Agriculture and Food’s Northern Beef Futures Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants.
The Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants are a major component of Northern Beef Futures (NBF), aprojectledby the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) and made possible by a $15 million investment by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.
The Domestic Cattle Holding YardsGrants will invest up to $1 million, over one round of funding for the construction of up to two (2) domestic cattle holding yards.
Thegoal of the Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants is to provide the northern beef industry with clearing yard facilities in the Kimberley region that will allow for the movement of cattle south to domestic markets, without impacting on the quarantine status of existing export-accredited depots. The domestic cattle holding yards willalso provide stand-alone yard facilities in the event of a disease outbreak or change in animal health status.
Before submitting your application, read the Information toolkitfor more detail on what to expect if your application is successful. The document can be found on DAFWA’sNorthern Beef Futures webpage
Applications for the Domestic Cattle Yards Grants close 12pm (WST)Friday30 September 2016.
DAFWA’s Northern Beef Futuresproject, which commenced in August 2014,aims to:
- increase the value of production from the Pilbara and Kimberley beef industry
- reduce reliance on current markets through the establishment of alternate, economically-viable export markets for beef and live cattle
- boost employment in the northern cattle industry by increasing profitability.
The Northern Beef Futures project will provide a $1million grant to industry to construct up to two (2) separate domestic cattle holding and handling yard facilities of up to $500000 each in value, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The objectives of the Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants are to:
- Construct up totwo (2) separate domestic cattle holding yards within the Kimberley regionthat will adjoin existing export-accredited depots and be publicly accessible by industry as a common use facility.
- Provide a facility that will maximise the benefits to the wider northern cattle industry including, but not limited to:
- Common use, industry access at acceptable cost
- Co-location with existing common-use yard facilities (with sufficient privately owned or managed lands)
- Provide a secure, separate facility in the event of a disease outbreak or change in animal health status.
- Ensure the facility is commercially and functionally viable, managed and operated by a private sector operator without the need for ongoing assistance from the StateGovernment.
- Provide facilitiesthat will be available to industry for a guaranteed minimum period of 10 years.
Essential criteria
- Only commercial businesses, incorporated groups and organisations with a current Australian Business Number (ABN) are eligible to apply for a grant.
- Applicants will be owners, operators, or lesseesof an existing export-accredited depotin the Kimberley region.
- Applicants will have the capacity to commission, construct and operate the facility within one (1) calendar year.
- Applicants will operate the facility independent of any further State Government support, and commit to common use industry access.
Desirable criteria
Project proposals will be viewed favourably if applicants can demonstrate:
- The budget represents value-for-money with a percentage of cash or in-kind co-contribution from the applicant.
- Previous experience in projects of a similar type and scale
- A realistic and achievable project plan, including risk management
- Employment of Indigenous staff and/or contractors and use of local suppliers.
Application and selection processes
A single-stage selection process will be used.
Stage 1 Full Project Proposal –applicants should submit a detailed proposal.
To be considered for funding, grant applications must be submitted before the deadline of 12 pm(WST) on Friday30 September 2016using the SmartyGrants application form available on the Department of Agriculture and Food website.
All applicants will be notified by email that their application has been received.
Successful projects will be selected viaa competitive, merit-based process.
DAFWA will appoint a Domestic Cattle Holding Yards Grants Steering Committee comprising three to five (3-5)industry, technical and business experts to assess applications.
Successful projects may be funded wholly or partially, and may have conditions or recommendations attached whichmustbe addressed before funding is granted.
Decisions on funding are final. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application, and provided with feedback.
More Information
More information can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Food website
Trina Anderson, Manager, Department of Agriculture and Food
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9368 3640
Important disclaimer
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it.
Copyright © Western Australian Agriculture Authority, 2016