Parents and Guardians of SouthMiddle School Students,
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. Your PTO is excited to be your liaison to the school. Our officers can be reached via our Facebook page “South Middle School PTO”, or by email at . We send periodic updates and reminders of events at South; you can ask to be removed from our list at any time. We also use email to request volunteers. Any/all PTO involvement at South is voluntary, and we have found email to be the most effective way to share information.
As a reminder, and for those parents just joining us at SouthMiddle School, our PTO does not fundraise unless we have a specific need. Last year, because you registered your Stop & Shop card with our school, we were able to raise over $2,000. We ask that again, you register your card with us. You can register for up to three schools, however your earnings are divided equally between each school. This program runs from October to March. We also hope that families request their friends/families to do the same; cards do not need to belong to South parents to participate in this fee-free fundraiser. (Log on to to register online. Please be sure to register your card to benefit SouthMiddle School using ID 09163.)
Due to the high number of students per grade, we have re-instituted the member dues of $20 per family. This is a voluntary donation that will help cover the costs of a number of events/items over the school year. Please watch for the order form and return to school with your student, feel free to email with any questions.
Our PTO provides one cultural arts program per grade per year, and we support other school-wide appreciation events. A detailed summary will be presented at our first PTO meeting, which will be in October. We do our best to work around back to school night schedules in the other Braintree schools. Our meetings are attended by the school principal. Many parents enjoy these meetings because it is a great way to learn about the day to day activities at the school. We appreciate our parents’ busy schedules, and do our best to share information electronically. Be sure to join our email list by sending an email to the address below; it’s especially helpful if you cannot attend meetings.
Email Contact: (the school is not allowed to share your email address with us, so please send us an email so we can add you to our contact list)
Tentative meeting dates: Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Jan. 9, March 13, April 10, May 22.
President: Karen Akins
Treasurer: Cheryl Curtis
Secretary: Laura Burton