Paradise Island Condominium Association

Board of Directors Meeting1


Call to Order at 9:00 AM by Jeff Duppler.

BOD Members Present: Jeff, Duppler, Mary Linak, Kurt Liebl, Marc Vike

Absent: None

Attending: Ann Bunge, WMCI (10:30 on)

Speaking Guests: Gil Zins, Ruth Zins, Jan Keeler, Tom Schultz, Bill Murphy

Attending Guests: Ken Jesiolowski

Minutes approval from August; Motion: M. Linak Seconded: M. Vike: motion carried

The board is changing the date of board meetings to the third TUESDAY of the month.

On September 13th 2016, Charles Lanius sent notice that he was resigning from the PIC A Board of Directors. On September 16th, 2016, the Board appointed William Murphy to serve the remainder of Mr. Lanius’ term. The Board thanks Mr. Lanius for his years of service to the PICA community.

This is a reminder to all owners that if you wish to speak to the Board at an upcoming Board Meeting, you must present your request (along with discussion points) to be on the agenda in writing through the Property Manager, Ann Bunge at least 5 days prior to the scheduled meeting. Roberts Rules of Order will be applied and each person put on the agenda will be given 5 minutes to present their concerns to the Board. The Board members may or may not choose to ask questions but all discussion among the Board will be done in a closed session and a response will be given back to you through the Property Manager.Members are welcome at any time to come and witness the Board meeting discussion, but unless you are on the meeting agenda, you will not be offered a chance to speak.

Speaking Guests:

Gil Zins, Ruth Zins

-Asked for an update on the shoreline project

-Have a shrub that needs to be trimmed in front of his unit

Jan Keeler

-Wantedto talk about the landscaping behind BLD 11 that needs to be trimmed. WMCI to follow up with AJZ.

Tom Schultz

-Also wanted to discuss landscaping behind BLD 11. Comments on the oak tree that is over growing a white pine.

-Expressed that he would appreciate being present in the future when people enter his unit for the annual fire test.

Bill Murphy

-Expressed appreciation for the board

-Skylights – are they part of the roof or a window? (Answer is window)

-Expressed his opinion that it is equally important for projects to be done in a quality manner and for costs to be controlled

Treasurer Report: M. Linak

ACH forms update–complete except for one.

Some residents have filed the new ACH but still owe a small amount for the months it took to fill the new form.

BMO Harris Brokerage Account update

Need to take Mike Ashworth to Sauk BMO to get the signers on the account changed. K. Liebl and M. Linak to be the new signers.


Campus wide projects:

Power washing project status:

Vendor will test part of BLD 12 with a “wet and forget” cleaning project. Board will evaluate results.

Snow Removal Damage: Claim has been denied because the vendor was insured for landscaping but not for snow plowing. Board looking at options including small claims court.

Pest Control:Reviewed bids. Vendor has been selected. WMCI to coordinate contract.

2016 Wood Deck Staining:Plan to do decks starting the first week of Labor Day. (9/6/16).Each deck will require two visits, the first for power washing and the second for staining. Currently underway.

-Initial bid was for deck boards only. Because the power washing removed stain from the railings, the board has authorized an increase in project scope to also stain the railings.

Township offer for vacated land behind Fobes:. We are proceeding to buy the land. We have paid for the land vacating costs and are waiting for the cost of surveying.

Gutter cleaning –Lakeside gutters on BLD 13, 14 and 15 were done.

-Campus wide fall gutter cleaning is scheduled after the leaves fall. (Towards the end of October +/- a week or two.)

Shoreline project: Bid received from the downspout and gutter vendor. Board approved bid. WMCI to finalize contract. Plan is to do the downspout and gutter work late October and November pending weather and pace of permit approvals.

Marina storm damage

End piece of floating portion of C dock is not repairable.

Main 40 foot section of C is repairable per the welder who examined it.

Shoremaster no longer makes the piers we need. Marina committee is evaluating other vendors.

RFP for snow removal – Bids received, vendor selected. WMCI to coordinate contract.

Need policy for handing satellite TV dishes on buildings getting new roofs

Board agreed policy is “no holes in new roofs.”

Section L of the PICA rules and regulations is amended as follows:

A new bullet point is added. “Prior to dish installation, the location and installation method must be approved by the board. Resident should submit the PICA Architecture Change Request form to the Architecture Committee prior to having a dish installed.”

The bullet beginning “All satellite dishes must be professionally installed…” Has this added at the end: “Under no circumstances are holes allowed to be made in the roof. This includes but is not limited to holes for bolts, screws or to pass through wires or cables.”

WMC Log review:

BLD 2 drain plugged: WMCI to have vendor investigate.

BLD 4 W11545 Deck: Aluminum is peeling. Board to inspect.

Group Services:

Garage Door Maintenance/Tune up: WMCI working with vendor

Building Maintenance Projects:

BLD 4 W11551 metal decking: Maintenance committee investigated. Deck coating damage appears to be the result of prior resident power washing. Board will inspect before decision.

BLD 4. Water issue on deckingreported at W11553: John Davis modified the front trim to allow water to drain.

BLD 5 ceiling repairs: John Davis has bid on the work and will proceed with repairs. Scheduled for late September.

BLD 5 and 11: Fallen trees and limbs. AJZ to cut up and move.

BLD 6 Need rug cleaning schedule: Carpet was damaged by infiltration of sand from previous water leak. Needs to be replaced. Unit owner to replace carpet and pad. After repair, board will pay the unit owner an allowance based on the estimated cost of builder grade carpet.

BLD 7 W11540:Interior water damage – award work to FGS under winter rates. Scheduled for October.

BLD 11: Sink hole has formed – AJZ has been notified to make repairs. One hole has been repaired, but there are two more that need to be filled in. WMCI to notify AJZ to make repair.

BLD 12 Garage wall:Passed inspection.. WMCI will send the inspection invoice to the unit owner. Resident requests meeting with BoD.

BLD 12 : 2756 & 2754: Sauk Prairie remodeling has completed the initial project. Addition repairs up to this point have proven ineffective. Contractor and engineer made more repairs on 9/13/16. Residents to monitor.

BLD 13: Rotten egg smelling water:

WMCI has been unable to negotiate a group rate for system disinfection. Residents are urged to contract the plumber of their choice to have their water systems disinfected.

Bld 13: Storm window replacement

Common area project has been completed.

BLD 13: N2770 and N2772 reporting water damage from storms

N2770 – Ace roofing investigated and repaired flashing where the rubber roof meets the fascia and shingle roof. Unit owner will monitor.Issue reoccurred in September. Roofing vendor to investigate.

N2772 – John Davis has investigated. The water is coming from the unit above (N2774) through the flashing of the patio doors. WMCI to contact both owners. N2774 owners will replace their patio doors.

BLD 14: Roof replacement in the works for the first part of October. Contract has been signed. WMCI has notified unit owners that satellite dishes will be removed as part of the roofing project and that unit owners are responsible for having them re-mounted. When they are re-mounted, there will be no holes allowed in the new roof. To date, no owners have notified WMCI that they have an active dish in use. Owners with an active dish should contact WMCI for alternatives on how to re-mount dishes without making holes in the roof.

BLD 16 N2771 Deck/wall leak: Project complete.

BLD 19 Burying downspout hose: AJZ to bury.


Campus wide projects:

Shoreline light on E pier not turning off during the day: Vendor will investigate and repair.

Group Services: None

Building Maintenance Projects:

BLD 5: W11531 reports bats in their living space: Repair complete.

BLD 12: N2762 reports water leaking into garage

-Roofing vendor has inspected and forwarded recommendation to WMCI.

BLD 13:

N2766 requesting approval to replace patio doors - Approved

N2774 requesting approval to replace patio doors -Approved

N2776 requesting approval to replace patio doors-Approved

WMCI to notify unit owners.

Semi annual association meeting

Scheduled for October 29.

Adjournment Motion: Moved K. Liebl,second M. Vikemotion carried 02:13pm.

Next Monthly Meeting: Lodi Town Hall, 9:00 am, Tuesday October 18, 2016

Residents wishing to speak at the meeting are reminded to contact the property manger, Ann Bunge at WMCI by noon on Friday, October 14, 2016 in order to be added to the agenda.