LOCATION.--Lat 42°44'24", long 91°15'42" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.36, T.92 N., R.4 W., Clayton County, IA, Hydrologic Unit 07060004, on right bank on downstream side of bridge on County Highway C43, at southern edge of Garber, 800 ft upstream from Wayman Creek, 2,000 ft downstream from Elk Creek, 1.0 mi downstream from Volga River, and 21.2 mi upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1,545 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--Discharge records from August 1913 to November 1916, May 1919 to September 1927, April 1929 to September 1930, October 1932 to current year. Prior to December 1932, monthly mean discharge for some periods published in WSP 1308.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 634.46 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to February 7, 1935, non-recording gage at same site and datum.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Since at least 1890, no flood outside the period of record exceeded that of February 23, 1922, gage height 28.06 ft. Flood of May 18, 1902, reached a gage height of 23.70 ft, discharge about 25,000 ft³/s.
A summary of all availabledata for this streamgage is provided through the USGS National Water Information System web interface (NWISWeb). The following link provides access to current/historical observations, daily data, daily statistics, monthly statistics, annual statistics, peak streamflow, field measurements, field/lab water-quality samples, and the latest water-year summaries. Data can be filtered by parameter and/or dates, and can be output in various tabular and graphical formats.
The USGS WaterWatch Toolkit is available at:
Tools for summarizing streamflow information include the duration hydrograph builder, the cumulative streamflow hydrograph builder, the streamgage statistics retrieval tool, the rating curve builder, the flood tracking chart builder, the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) river forecast hydrograph builder, and the raster-hydrograph builder. Entering the above number for this streamgage into these toolkit webpages will provide streamflow information specific to this streamgage.
A description of the statistics presented for this streamgage is available in the main body of the report at:
A link to other streamgages included in this report, a map showing the location of the streamgages, information on the programs used to compute the statistical analyses, and references are included in the main body of the report.
Statistics Based on the Entire Streamflow Period of Record
05412500 Monthly and annual flow durations, based on 1914–16, 1920–27, 1930, 1933–2013 period of record (93 years)Percentage of days discharge equaled or exceeded / Discharge (cubic feet per second) / Annual flow durations
Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Annual / Kentau statistic / P-value
99 / 88 / 94 / 72 / 64 / 66 / 140 / 224 / 120 / 103 / 109 / 101 / 97 / 89 / 0.302 / 0.000
98 / 103 / 105 / 85 / 76 / 84 / 171 / 247 / 170 / 136 / 120 / 108 / 105 / 103 / 0.284 / 0.000
95 / 122 / 131 / 100 / 103 / 115 / 220 / 300 / 242 / 210 / 168 / 144 / 118 / 134 / 0.267 / 0.000
90 / 152 / 160 / 140 / 130 / 160 / 290 / 410 / 340 / 280 / 220 / 175 / 150 / 180 / 0.259 / 0.000
85 / 178 / 196 / 167 / 150 / 190 / 360 / 500 / 403 / 348 / 265 / 202 / 189 / 220 / 0.263 / 0.000
80 / 213 / 222 / 190 / 180 / 220 / 440 / 588 / 478 / 415 / 313 / 236 / 221 / 260 / 0.266 / 0.000
75 / 245 / 262 / 220 / 196 / 250 / 560 / 653 / 560 / 509 / 366 / 281 / 255 / 300 / 0.264 / 0.000
70 / 276 / 290 / 240 / 220 / 280 / 642 / 730 / 635 / 584 / 423 / 330 / 288 / 347 / 0.271 / 0.000
65 / 308 / 327 / 265 / 240 / 300 / 724 / 814 / 708 / 675 / 472 / 373 / 315 / 390 / 0.266 / 0.000
60 / 342 / 364 / 290 / 260 / 340 / 843 / 900 / 794 / 761 / 524 / 415 / 350 / 438 / 0.260 / 0.000
55 / 370 / 399 / 320 / 290 / 380 / 950 / 1,010 / 885 / 861 / 579 / 460 / 384 / 490 / 0.248 / 0.000
50 / 400 / 426 / 360 / 320 / 421 / 1,080 / 1,150 / 988 / 966 / 643 / 503 / 419 / 550 / 0.250 / 0.000
45 / 434 / 459 / 400 / 369 / 470 / 1,210 / 1,320 / 1,110 / 1,080 / 708 / 555 / 458 / 615 / 0.261 / 0.000
40 / 475 / 501 / 436 / 390 / 510 / 1,430 / 1,490 / 1,240 / 1,210 / 775 / 601 / 498 / 693 / 0.261 / 0.000
35 / 538 / 562 / 484 / 420 / 590 / 1,650 / 1,660 / 1,400 / 1,340 / 855 / 655 / 541 / 785 / 0.269 / 0.000
30 / 598 / 635 / 530 / 477 / 700 / 1,940 / 1,860 / 1,580 / 1,500 / 948 / 722 / 589 / 908 / 0.290 / 0.000
25 / 674 / 709 / 560 / 525 / 779 / 2,310 / 2,120 / 1,810 / 1,720 / 1,080 / 806 / 668 / 1,080 / 0.292 / 0.000
20 / 760 / 799 / 624 / 590 / 958 / 2,720 / 2,510 / 2,100 / 2,000 / 1,250 / 915 / 785 / 1,310 / 0.273 / 0.000
15 / 917 / 911 / 687 / 660 / 1,230 / 3,390 / 3,100 / 2,390 / 2,470 / 1,560 / 1,090 / 979 / 1,660 / 0.256 / 0.000
10 / 1,170 / 1,180 / 796 / 850 / 1,780 / 4,650 / 3,910 / 3,000 / 3,160 / 2,060 / 1,530 / 1,300 / 2,230 / 0.223 / 0.002
5 / 1,660 / 1,680 / 1,130 / 1,350 / 2,990 / 7,310 / 5,650 / 4,260 / 4,830 / 3,280 / 2,820 / 1,880 / 3,490 / 0.147 / 0.038
2 / 2,860 / 2,560 / 1,780 / 2,050 / 4,680 / 11,200 / 8,590 / 6,270 / 8,100 / 6,050 / 5,440 / 3,140 / 5,980 / 0.048 / 0.500
1 / 3,980 / 3,390 / 2,740 / 3,960 / 6,360 / 14,800 / 10,700 / 7,800 / 10,600 / 8,470 / 8,430 / 4,230 / 8,460 / -0.004 / 0.952
05412500 Annual exceedance probability of instantaneous peak discharges, in cubic feet per second (ft3/s), based on the Weighted Independent Estimates method,Annual exceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Discharge (ft3/s) / 95-percent lower confi-dence interval (ft3/s) / 95-percent upper confi-dence interval (ft3/s)
0.500 / 2 / 14,500 / 13,200 / 15,900
0.200 / 5 / 22,000 / 19,900 / 24,300
0.100 / 10 / 27,300 / 24,300 / 30,600
0.040 / 25 / 34,100 / 29,600 / 39,500
0.020 / 50 / 39,200 / 33,100 / 46,600
0.010 / 100 / 44,500 / 36,400 / 54,300
0.005 / 200 / 49,800 / 39,600 / 62,600
0.002 / 500 / 56,900 / 43,400 / 74,500
and based on the expected moments algorithm/multiple Grubbs-Beck analysis computed using a historical period length of 124 years (1890–2013)
0.500 / 2 / 14,500 / 13,000 / 16,100
0.200 / 5 / 22,100 / 19,900 / 24,700
0.100 / 10 / 27,400 / 24,500 / 31,400
0.040 / 25 / 34,500 / 30,200 / 41,400
0.020 / 50 / 39,900 / 34,300 / 50,100
0.010 / 100 / 45,500 / 38,200 / 59,800
0.005 / 200 / 51,300 / 41,900 / 70,700
0.002 / 500 / 59,200 / 46,600 / 87,100
Kentau statistic / -0.102
P-value / 0.144
Begin year / 1914
End year / 2013
Number of peaks / 94
05412500 Annual exceedance probability of high discharges, based on 1914–16, 1920–27, 1930, 1933–2013 period of record (93 years)
[ND, not determined]
Annual exceedance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Maximum average discharge (ft3/s) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 3 / 7 / 15 / 30
0.990 / 1.01 / ND / 2,290 / 1,540 / 1,020 / 696
0.950 / 1.05 / ND / 3,520 / 2,430 / 1,650 / 1,170
0.900 / 1.11 / ND / 4,390 / 3,060 / 2,100 / 1,510
0.800 / 1.25 / ND / 5,720 / 3,990 / 2,750 / 2,010
0.500 / 2 / ND / 9,290 / 6,430 / 4,430 / 3,250
0.200 / 5 / ND / 14,800 / 9,930 / 6,700 / 4,840
0.100 / 10 / ND / 18,600 / 12,300 / 8,130 / 5,780
0.040 / 25 / ND / 23,700 / 15,200 / 9,830 / 6,850
0.020 / 50 / ND / 27,600 / 17,300 / 11,000 / 7,550
0.010 / 100 / ND / 31,600 / 19,300 / 12,100 / 8,180
0.005 / 200 / ND / 35,700 / 21,400 / 13,200 / 8,760
0.002 / 500 / ND / 41,200 / 24,000 / 14,500 / 9,440
Kentau statistic / 0.053 / 0.086 / 0.114 / 0.145 / 0.209
P-value / 0.435 / 0.203 / 0.092 / 0.032 / 0.002
05412500 Annual nonexceedance probability of low discharges, based on April 1914 to March 1916, April 1920 to March 1927, April 1933 to March 2013 period of record (89 years)
Annual nonexceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Minimum average discharge (ft3/s) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 3 / 7 / 14 / 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 183
0.01 / 100 / 41 / 43 / 45 / 48 / 53 / 61 / 68 / 75 / 83
0.02 / 50 / 49 / 52 / 55 / 58 / 65 / 74 / 84 / 92 / 103
0.05 / 20 / 65 / 69 / 72 / 77 / 85 / 98 / 112 / 124 / 139
0.10 / 10 / 83 / 87 / 92 / 97 / 108 / 125 / 143 / 160 / 181
0.20 / 5 / 109 / 115 / 121 / 129 / 143 / 166 / 191 / 214 / 247
0.50 / 2 / 181 / 189 / 200 / 212 / 236 / 277 / 320 / 361 / 433
0.80 / 1.25 / 288 / 299 / 313 / 332 / 373 / 444 / 514 / 578 / 730
0.90 / 1.11 / 363 / 374 / 389 / 413 / 466 / 561 / 646 / 724 / 945
0.96 / 1.04 / 459 / 468 / 484 / 514 / 584 / 711 / 815 / 907 / 1,230
0.98 / 1.02 / 532 / 539 / 553 / 588 / 670 / 824 / 940 / 1,040 / 1,450
0.99 / 1.01 / 605 / 608 / 621 / 661 / 756 / 938 / 1,060 / 1,170 / 1,670
Kentau statistic / 0.412 / 0.408 / 0.398 / 0.385 / 0.370 / 0.345 / 0.335 / 0.308 / 0.289
P-value / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000
05412500 Annual nonexceedance probability of seasonal low discharges, based on October 1913 to September 1916, July 1919 to September 1927, July 1929 to September 1930, October 1932 to September 2013 period of record (93–95 years)
Annual nonexceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Minimum average discharge (cubic feet per second) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 7 / 14 / 30 / 1 / 7 / 14 / 30
January-February-March / April-May-June
0.01 / 100 / 51 / 56 / 58 / 66 / 69 / 84 / 96 / 116
0.02 / 50 / 61 / 66 / 69 / 79 / 88 / 105 / 119 / 146
0.05 / 20 / 79 / 87 / 91 / 104 / 125 / 147 / 165 / 205
0.10 / 10 / 100 / 109 / 115 / 132 / 169 / 197 / 218 / 274
0.20 / 5 / 131 / 143 / 151 / 176 / 241 / 276 / 305 / 388
0.50 / 2 / 216 / 234 / 250 / 304 / 453 / 510 / 566 / 728
0.80 / 1.25 / 344 / 375 / 401 / 520 / 803 / 903 / 1,030 / 1,320
0.90 / 1.11 / 434 / 475 / 508 / 687 / 1,060 / 1,200 / 1,390 / 1,760
0.96 / 1.04 / 551 / 606 / 647 / 920 / 1,400 / 1,600 / 1,900 / 2,390
0.98 / 1.02 / 640 / 707 / 753 / 1,110 / 1,660 / 1,920 / 2,310 / 2,880
0.99 / 1.01 / 730 / 809 / 860 / 1,310 / 1,930 / 2,240 / 2,750 / 3,400
Kentau statistic / 0.190 / 0.198 / 0.195 / 0.135 / 0.349 / 0.331 / 0.317 / 0.300
P-value / 0.007 / 0.005 / 0.006 / 0.055 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000
July-August-September / October-November-December
0.01 / 100 / 52 / 65 / 70 / 82 / 48 / 55 / 59 / 66
0.02 / 50 / 63 / 77 / 83 / 99 / 59 / 67 / 72 / 81
0.05 / 20 / 84 / 99 / 107 / 128 / 79 / 90 / 96 / 109
0.10 / 10 / 107 / 124 / 134 / 162 / 101 / 115 / 123 / 140
0.20 / 5 / 144 / 162 / 176 / 213 / 135 / 154 / 165 / 188
0.50 / 2 / 246 / 270 / 292 / 357 / 230 / 259 / 277 / 320
0.80 / 1.25 / 413 / 445 / 480 / 585 / 375 / 416 / 447 / 519
0.90 / 1.11 / 536 / 576 / 620 / 753 / 478 / 524 / 563 / 658
0.96 / 1.04 / 703 / 756 / 812 / 980 / 612 / 660 / 712 / 836
0.98 / 1.02 / 834 / 901 / 965 / 1,160 / 714 / 762 / 823 / 969
0.99 / 1.01 / 971 / 1,050 / 1,130 / 1,340 / 816 / 862 / 933 / 1100
Kentau statistic / 0.344 / 0.320 / 0.298 / 0.232 / 0.250 / 0.247 / 0.240 / 0.209
P-value / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.001 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.001 / 0.003
Statistics Based on the 1984–2013 Streamflow Period of Record
05412500 Monthly and annual flow durations, based on 1984–2013 period of record (30 years)Percentage of days discharge equaled or exceeded / Discharge (cubic feet per second) / Annual flow durations
Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Annual / Kentau statistic / P-value
99 / 146 / 163 / 69 / 148 / 160 / 220 / 260 / 238 / 195 / 114 / 115 / 132 / 150 / 0.080 / 0.544
98 / 154 / 171 / 90 / 160 / 169 / 276 / 333 / 311 / 247 / 136 / 154 / 150 / 165 / 0.069 / 0.605
95 / 169 / 210 / 170 / 175 / 193 / 340 / 428 / 476 / 318 / 221 / 204 / 199 / 206 / 0.028 / 0.844
90 / 214 / 275 / 218 / 190 / 230 / 480 / 540 / 592 / 479 / 328 / 254 / 234 / 270 / -0.002 / 1.000
85 / 290 / 320 / 240 / 210 / 280 / 619 / 641 / 649 / 582 / 418 / 326 / 299 / 328 / 0.007 / 0.972
80 / 335 / 344 / 270 / 236 / 300 / 667 / 740 / 768 / 693 / 488 / 390 / 329 / 381 / -0.028 / 0.844
75 / 368 / 376 / 310 / 270 / 334 / 760 / 843 / 901 / 783 / 544 / 430 / 363 / 429 / -0.007 / 0.972
70 / 406 / 400 / 371 / 300 / 370 / 855 / 934 / 999 / 876 / 595 / 467 / 387 / 475 / 0.007 / 0.972
65 / 421 / 423 / 400 / 330 / 418 / 950 / 1,030 / 1,130 / 1,010 / 653 / 503 / 424 / 521 / 0.007 / 0.972
60 / 441 / 453 / 447 / 360 / 451 / 1,040 / 1,190 / 1,260 / 1,110 / 700 / 541 / 462 / 570 / 0.005 / 0.986
55 / 460 / 480 / 490 / 387 / 480 / 1,130 / 1,340 / 1,370 / 1,220 / 751 / 587 / 492 / 627 / 0.021 / 0.887
50 / 484 / 505 / 526 / 420 / 519 / 1,260 / 1,470 / 1,490 / 1,350 / 815 / 629 / 524 / 687 / 0.046 / 0.735
45 / 526 / 576 / 549 / 459 / 596 / 1,430 / 1,600 / 1,630 / 1,520 / 876 / 667 / 548 / 757 / 0.076 / 0.568
40 / 562 / 640 / 571 / 486 / 661 / 1,560 / 1,750 / 1,790 / 1,680 / 931 / 714 / 577 / 849 / 0.067 / 0.617
35 / 600 / 709 / 600 / 511 / 712 / 1,730 / 2,000 / 1,950 / 1,820 / 1,020 / 784 / 606 / 967 / 0.067 / 0.617
30 / 675 / 782 / 640 / 540 / 749 / 1,990 / 2,360 / 2,140 / 2,090 / 1,150 / 836 / 655 / 1,130 / 0.143 / 0.276
25 / 747 / 838 / 674 / 580 / 835 / 2,360 / 2,760 / 2,340 / 2,470 / 1,340 / 907 / 738 / 1,340 / 0.156 / 0.232
20 / 896 / 921 / 720 / 625 / 1,000 / 2,740 / 3,190 / 2,580 / 2,860 / 1,680 / 1,030 / 831 / 1,610 / 0.163 / 0.212
15 / 1,150 / 1,070 / 797 / 697 / 1,330 / 3,290 / 3,960 / 3,040 / 3,380 / 2,090 / 1,180 / 1,010 / 2,000 / 0.193 / 0.139
10 / 1,400 / 1,300 / 996 / 780 / 1,790 / 4,170 / 4,990 / 3,630 / 4,290 / 2,970 / 1,670 / 1,330 / 2,670 / 0.209 / 0.108
5 / 2,390 / 1,760 / 1,420 / 1,120 / 2,700 / 5,760 / 6,760 / 5,160 / 6,280 / 4,380 / 2,840 / 1,840 / 4,000 / 0.228 / 0.080
2 / 3,780 / 2,430 / 2,100 / 1,430 / 4,140 / 8,910 / 9,290 / 7,120 / 8,820 / 8,060 / 6,600 / 2,490 / 6,360 / 0.179 / 0.169
1 / 4,490 / 3,280 / 3,160 / 1,620 / 5,970 / 11,000 / 11,200 / 12,900 / 13,600 / 11,100 / 9,290 / 3,240 / 8,620 / 0.113 / 0.392
05412500 Annual exceedance probability of high discharges, based on 1984–2013 period of record (30 years)Annual exceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Maximum average discharge (ft3/s) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 3 / 7 / 15 / 30
0.990 / 1.01 / 2,550 / 2,130 / 1,810 / 1,460 / 1,080
0.950 / 1.05 / 3,630 / 3,100 / 2,520 / 1,980 / 1,510
0.900 / 1.11 / 4,460 / 3,830 / 3,040 / 2,350 / 1,820
0.800 / 1.25 / 5,840 / 5,010 / 3,850 / 2,920 / 2,270
0.500 / 2 / 10,400 / 8,660 / 6,230 / 4,490 / 3,480
0.200 / 5 / 19,900 / 15,700 / 10,500 / 7,120 / 5,370
0.100 / 10 / 28,900 / 21,800 / 14,000 / 9,160 / 6,740
0.040 / 25 / 44,100 / 31,400 / 19,300 / 12,100 / 8,610
0.020 / 50 / 58,800 / 40,000 / 23,900 / 14,500 / 10,100
0.010 / 100 / 76,900 / 50,200 / 29,100 / 17,200 / 11,600
0.005 / 200 / 99,200 / 61,900 / 35,000 / 20,100 / 13,300
0.002 / 500 / 136,000 / 80,400 / 43,900 / 24,500 / 15,600
Kentau statistic / 0.062 / 0.067 / 0.080 / 0.030 / 0.154
P-value / 0.643 / 0.617 / 0.544 / 0.830 / 0.239
05412500 Annual nonexceedance probability of low discharges, based on April 1983 to March 2013 period of record (30 years)
Annual nonexceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Minimum average discharge (ft3/s) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 3 / 7 / 14 / 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 183
0.01 / 100 / 57 / 59 / 63 / 68 / 88 / 116 / 124 / 131 / 140
0.02 / 50 / 72 / 76 / 80 / 86 / 106 / 136 / 147 / 156 / 167
0.05 / 20 / 101 / 106 / 111 / 118 / 139 / 170 / 187 / 200 / 215
0.10 / 10 / 132 / 138 / 145 / 152 / 174 / 206 / 228 / 246 / 267
0.20 / 5 / 175 / 184 / 192 / 200 / 223 / 256 / 286 / 310 / 345
0.50 / 2 / 273 / 283 / 295 / 308 / 334 / 373 / 422 / 460 / 545
0.80 / 1.25 / 374 / 383 / 399 / 422 / 460 / 517 / 588 / 642 / 831
0.90 / 1.11 / 422 / 429 / 448 / 478 / 528 / 602 / 684 / 746 / 1,020
0.96 / 1.04 / 467 / 469 / 491 / 530 / 598 / 698 / 793 / 862 / 1,260
0.98 / 1.02 / 491 / 491 / 514 / 560 / 641 / 763 / 865 / 937 / 1,430
0.99 / 1.01 / 510 / 507 / 532 / 583 / 678 / 823 / 931 / 1,010 / 1,600
Kentau statistic / 0.108 / 0.090 / 0.062 / 0.030 / 0.025 / 0.021 / -0.002 / -0.030 / -0.053
P-value / 0.412 / 0.498 / 0.643 / 0.830 / 0.858 / 0.887 / 1.000 / 0.830 / 0.695
05412500 Annual nonexceedance probability of seasonal low discharges, based on October 1983 to September 2013 period of record (30 years)
Annual nonexceed-ance probability / Recur-rence interval (years) / Minimum average discharge (cubic feet per second) for indicated number of consecutive days
1 / 7 / 14 / 30 / 1 / 7 / 14 / 30
January-February-March / April-May-June
0.01 / 100 / 71 / 112 / 124 / 138 / 162 / 164 / 174 / 210
0.02 / 50 / 87 / 126 / 137 / 153 / 194 / 199 / 209 / 253
0.05 / 20 / 114 / 150 / 161 / 179 / 253 / 263 / 275 / 335
0.10 / 10 / 144 / 175 / 187 / 207 / 318 / 335 / 351 / 429
0.20 / 5 / 186 / 212 / 225 / 250 / 416 / 447 / 471 / 578
0.50 / 2 / 289 / 310 / 327 / 364 / 678 / 753 / 821 / 1,020
0.80 / 1.25 / 416 / 456 / 488 / 549 / 1,070 / 1,230 / 1,420 / 1,790
0.90 / 1.11 / 491 / 561 / 609 / 689 / 1,340 / 1,570 / 1,890 / 2,400
0.96 / 1.04 / 575 / 703 / 776 / 888 / 1,690 / 2,010 / 2,550 / 3,260
0.98 / 1.02 / 630 / 814 / 912 / 1,050 / 1,950 / 2,350 / 3,100 / 3,980
0.99 / 1.01 / 679 / 930 / 1060 / 1,230 / 2,220 / 2,700 / 3,680 / 4,760
Kentau statistic / 0.057 / -0.005 / -0.025 / -0.048 / 0.216 / 0.241 / 0.218 / 0.260
P-value / 0.668 / 0.986 / 0.858 / 0.721 / 0.097 / 0.064 / 0.094 / 0.046
July-August-September / October-November-December
0.01 / 100 / 105 / 111 / 114 / 125 / 57 / 64 / 70 / 94
0.02 / 50 / 122 / 128 / 133 / 145 / 76 / 84 / 91 / 116
0.05 / 20 / 152 / 160 / 166 / 183 / 111 / 123 / 132 / 158
0.10 / 10 / 184 / 194 / 203 / 224 / 150 / 167 / 178 / 204
0.20 / 5 / 232 / 245 / 257 / 286 / 208 / 230 / 243 / 270
0.50 / 2 / 360 / 381 / 402 / 456 / 341 / 374 / 394 / 427
0.80 / 1.25 / 556 / 590 / 623 / 728 / 480 / 522 / 552 / 615
0.90 / 1.11 / 697 / 740 / 780 / 928 / 545 / 591 / 627 / 719
0.96 / 1.04 / 884 / 940 / 989 / 1,200 / 603 / 652 / 696 / 829
0.98 / 1.02 / 1,030 / 1,100 / 1,150 / 1,420 / 634 / 684 / 732 / 898
0.99 / 1.01 / 1,180 / 1,260 / 1,320 / 1,650 / 657 / 708 / 760 / 958
Kentau statistic / 0.136 / 0.103 / 0.085 / 0.103 / -0.030 / -0.032 / -0.044 / -0.090
P-value / 0.301 / 0.432 / 0.521 / 0.432 / 0.830 / 0.817 / 0.748 / 0.498