Paper Title (Times New Roman, 14 point font, Centered)
First author's first name and family name1,
Second author's first name and family name2,
Third author's first name and family name3, etc.
(Times New Roman, 12point font, Bold, Centered)
1First author's affiliation, City, Country(Times New Roman, 12 point font, Italics, Centered)
2Second author's affiliation, City, Country(Times New Roman, 12 point font, Italics, Centered)
3Third author's affiliation, City, Country(Times New Roman, 12 point font, Italics, Centered)
The abstract should be concise and should present the aim of the work, essential results and conclusion. Use font type Times New Roman in font size 12point, single line spacing and 1” margins on all edges. The length should not exceed 1page (approximately 300words). Theabstract may include a minimal number of graphics and/or charts.Replace this paragraph with your abstract.
Please Complete Questions 1-5 Below
- Presenter's Info:
- Abstract best fits into the follow stream:
Current Science and Understanding
Applied River Management and Rehabilitation
Governance, Asset Management and Education
What We Have Learned / Knowledge Sharing
- Intended Audience(check all that apply):
- Type of Presentation (select only one):
Oral Presentation only
Poster Presentation only
I would consider either Oral or Poster Presentation
- Conference Proceedings and Special Journal Edition
Please note:Conference proceedings will be prepared and accepted abstracts will be included as an extended document (e.g., 1 page abstract with figures) and/or up to an 8 page document. Details will be provided along with the notice of abstract acceptance.
In addition to your conference proceeding paper, do you wish your paper to be considered for a published journal special edition? (Note that any conference proceeding will likely require additional effort to meet journal level quality standards and that all journal articles will be peer reviewed as per the editor-and-chiefs journal standards)
All abstracts are to be submitted no later than Friday April1st, 2016(previously Friday March11th, 2016) and should be sent to . Please note that while all abstracts will be considered, not all can be accommodated within our program. The program committee will advise all accepted abstract contributors by Friday April29th. 2016.