Hunter College/CUNY
Spring 2014
English 220
Paper # 2: Literary Research Paper
Essay Due: May 3rd (Blackboard Only)
*** All notes and drafts MUST be attached
In this paper, you will create an argument about the novel1984. It should be approximately 5 -7 pages long and determined by a thesis. An argumentative research paper demands that you formulate your own conclusion after having weighed, analyzed, concurred with and possibly argued against the criticism you have collected.You will have to present the opinion of other credible thinkers who have written on the matter but not at the expense of your own position on the subject.Write in the literary present tense. Do not analyze your personal experience of the literature; analyze the literature. (No “I” or “me” needed.)
You might consider one of these subjects:How the novel portrays "language as a mind-control tool", the psychology of the novel's characters, the decay of imagination and memory, the role of the government and "Newspeak" in the novel or one that appeals to you.
A literary research paper allows writers to think about their ideas in dialogue with other writers. Such a dialogue demonstrates the complexity of any given topic. Because this assignment requires you to construct an academic literary argument, your goal is make an effective contribution to an ongoing conversation. That is the kind of academic writing you’ll be asked to do in most of your other courses -- to engage other writers while emphasizing your own ideas. Throughout the paper you should strive to consider other perspectives while presenting yours, thus incorporating your ideas into the conversation that is already taking place around that issue. The outcome should be a polished piece of writing related to the assigned readings in thoughtful, confident, and original prose.
Research sources appropriate to your topic, and effectively use those sources as evidence to support and prove your thesis. Read them thoroughly, taking careful notes. Then, considering the material you’ve read, formulate a thesis statement --- one that engages the ideas of other writers but one nevertheless all your own. Trust your ideas.You must include a maximum of 3 and a minimum of 2 critical sources from library resources.
Requirements:All paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis. Be sure your topic is focused enough to cover thoroughly in a relatively short essay. In addition, a Works Cited page and an annotated bibliography must accompany the finished draft, and citations must be made parenthetically within the essay.Quote only when needed; otherwise privilege paraphrasing, but remember to attribute all ideas and significant words using the MLA method.An annotated bibliography asks that you note the author’s name, the title, the publication information using MLA format, and that you then summarize the author’s argument, briefly mentioning how the author supports his/her argument, while then considering how the article may be useful as you develop your own argument.
Research Paper Proposal:
You MUST construct a research paper proposal, which we will review in class on Saturday, April 12th. In your proposal you will propose your topic, offer a preliminary annotated bibliography of your critical articles, and a rough version of a possible thesis. Your proposal will be included in your final grade.