Its rising is from one end of the heavens,

And, its circuit to the other end of them;

Psalm 19:6


Dear Immanuel Community

There was a sign in Stillwater “Welcome Back Students”and I panicked as aren’t there things we need to do before schoolbegins and then remembered this is July but almost August.

Just back from fishing in Texas which was fun and we each caught afish. There were a lot of stairs, sun and fun.And somewhere in the back of the mind after 20+ years of school, the mind thinks summer is less busy and yet that doesn’t seem true. The teachers that I know who during the summer are not in their regular teaching roles are taking on other commitments, and for those that have little change in their work roles during the summer sometimes take trips. And for those that are “retired” it seems busier than ever with grandchildren and other family needs plus helping in the community. Two friends of mine in different states spend the summer traveling and at each destination do a lot of walking. There does not seem to be long “lazy” spaces in peoples’ lives.

In our Cluster, Pastor Peter Olson has been called to serve 3 congregations:

Faith in Enid, Zion in Perry and St. Paul’s in Marshall. Pastor Peter was ordained at Zion on July 17, 2016. The Synod Office is in the throes of moving the main office to 4727 Sheridan Av (formerly AscensionLutheranChurch). –Molly Kyler of Prince of Peace in Ponca City is the Mission Cluster Coordinator for our Cluster (4). And we are seeking service ideas in which all the Mission Centers/Congregations in our Cluster can come together, in serving and fellowship and probably some food of course.

And then Pastor Sally and her husband John Houck M.D. and others went with Cindy Pennie a retired surgical nurse to Tanzania for her fifth medical mission trip that lasts a couple of weeks each time. Much is happening this summer. And we add to this our awareness of violence and retribution in so many places urging us in prayer and to be a part of the Immanuel community and the greater church. The church has a great mission; God’s mission of course. There are so many choices and opportunities of need to be involved in the local and larger church of our beloved ELCA.

In retirement there will be a greater chance to see how Grampa Kaukis is doing in Arizona in his 100th year and to see nephews and their spouses and brother and sister in law in MN and then hopefully to visit some cousins in CA. And to prepare the house---there is cleaning out clearing out and tree removal and painting that needs to be done to sell it. This is just for the next couple of years. Plus my family in MN, have challenged me to counting steps walked and cheering and challenging each other on. Legs are sore but what fun and inspiration! And…….I will continue to be involved with Racial Justice, and in other areas of service in justice and peace in the ELCA.

Amidst this all there is a great need to find time to pray and listen to God’s presence and support and listen to where God is sending us next. I am thankful for God’s calling and leading me to Youth Ministry, teaching, Seminary and to the Immanuel Community. But more of that next month for my last letter. And then perhaps people will take turns writing a note for the Newsletter!

The church continues to be called by God, in the midst of school startingand so many other things happening. September 11, 2016 is “God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday”. There are some plans to do some clean up in a park in Cushing and or Stroud and then a picnic or we can go for ice-cream or something ??? inviting neighbors to come and join us. Anyone willing to come along? For those that cannot bend over we can make available “grabbers” (which actually would be helpful for many of us). And the walking would be good for most of us! Hopefully it will cool down by then!

Blessings and Love

Pastor Cheryll

FROM THE DESK of the Elder and leader of the Prayer Shawl Ministry (better known as Linda):

The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues, to work at home on our own, and together on the first and third Tuesday of the month. We meet from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall. Supplies and instructions are available for crocheting, knitting and working with a loom. It's a wonderful time filled with good conversation, prayer support and creating a beautiful work of love to share with someone in need. The group has eight prayer shawls ready, so please let us know if you know someone who needs one delivered. And please, join us any time because we are starting new projects all the time since we work at our own pace. No deadlines and grace is offered freely.

FROM THE DESK OF the Outreach and Social Concerns / Congregational Life, Worship and Education Council Member (better known as Sharon):

Hello friends of Immanuel! For those of you who did not make it to the July 3rd celebration you missed great food and entertainment. As always the men's group grilled burgers and dogs, ladies brought salads, sides, and desserts. We had a fellowship hall full of great people this year. We had a group of young ladies from several different cities perform our entertainment. This group of young ladies ages ranged from 8 years to 18 years. They danced original Irish dance, some hard-shoe, some soft-shoe. They performed in different groups from beginners to very advanced. This group also performs at different venues across the state. My friend Lynette Trawick Martin has a daughter that performs and 2 other daughters learning. It was through her and seeing her daughter on Facebook that I contacted them and asked them to come. At the end of their performance they asked for volunteers from the audience to come join them and learn the dance. We had several to participate and had a great time. Hope to see you all next year!!!

NEWS FROM THE PEWS -- Just for Fun

Augustis dedicated as U.S National Golf Month and is set aside for all the men, women, boys and girls that love the sport -- GO -- play a great game of golf and have fun!

National Bowling Week

Bowling is a great family sport and is held any week in August.

National Watermelon Day

August 3 is National Watermelon Day. Comprised of 92% water, it's no wonder why this fruit is a favorite picnic staple. There are around 300 varieties of watermelon in the U.S. and Mexico alone. The Guinness Book of World Recordsconfirms that the heaviest watermelon weighed 262 pounds.

National Lighthouse Day

August 7 is National Lighthouse Day. It was on this day in 1789 that Congress first approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouses. Two hundred years later, Congress made August 7th the official day in celebration of the history and purpose of lighthouses across America. For centuries lighthouses have served as a beacon of light, guiding shipssafely to a harbor in fog or in a storm.

National Smile Week

The second week in August marks National Smile Week. It takes one more muscle to frown than it does to smile so smiling could not be easier. Psychologists have found that even if you’re in bad mood, you can instantly lift your spirits by engaging in a genuinesmile.

National Relaxation Day

August 15 is celebrated as National Relaxation Day. Although stress is normal, too much stress can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Relaxation carries many shades of meaning, such as being free from responsibility and your usual obligations. So, don’t miss this opportunity to relax.

Elvis Memorial Day

August 16 is celebrated every year as Elvis Memorial Day, the date of his death. Elvis, born on January 8, 1935, was a singer who died way too early. This is a great day to pop in your favorite Elvis Presley CD, sit back and listento all his best songs. You could even watch one of the movies that he played in.

National Aviation Day

August 19, the birthday of Orville Wright, is the day FranklinDelanoRooseveltchose to recognize the developmentof aviation. Orville and his brother, Wilbur, invented the world's first successful airplane.

National Marshmallow Toasting Day

August 30 is National Marshmallow Toasting Day. Enjoy this tasty day by a campfire or bonfire, toasting a big, soft, sticky and sweet marshmallow, or two or even three, and forget about everything else … everything that is, but a few S'mores.




During Immanuel’s Fourth of July event and during the month of July, a freewill offering was collected for the Cushing Food Bank. With one remaining Sunday to donate, a total of $195.00 has been collected. A Thrivent Action Team event will be provided for the Stroud Food Bank, which allows $250.00 to be used according to the Thrivent member’s application. More information will be given since this will be a work service event. Thank you for supporting these needed missions. A Thrivent Action Team provided the July community meal for Peace, Bread and Joy. Since the team was so thrifty purchasing the food, the remaining money was spent on needed food supplies and meat for two additional monthly meals. The July meal contained chicken salad sandwiches, baked beans, fresh green salad and chips. DELICIOUS!!! The extra meat is pork loin which will be used for a smoked pork loin dinner and barbeque pull-a-part pork sandwiches. YUM YUM!!!!!


Immanuel will be collecting donations for Love, INC (Love In the Name of Christ) for the month of August.


Love In the Name of Christ (Love, INC) is a partner in ministry with the ChristianChurches in Cushing. Love, INC serves an area with a radius of ten miles from Cushing.We serve Cushing, Ripley, Agra, Yale and Mehan. The mission statement is to mobilize local Churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ. As a non-profit organization, Love INC doesn’t receive any state or federal money. It is supported by Church Partners, individual contributors, the United Fund and local businesses. The Clearing House is operated by volunteers who answer phone calls from people in need. They complete the intake form, listen to the individual’s story, show empathy and compassion with God’s help. Other volunteers verify the need, pray and discern resources that are available. A resale store has been established to provide clothing and other items at a reasonable cost and helps pay for Love, INC expenses. Other Love INC ministries include food pantry, Prayer ministry, transportation, and tutorials. Volunteers are needed in every aspect of Love, INC. According to 1 Cor. 12:12 “Just as a body, though one has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ”. The body of Christ is uniting and ChristianChurches partnering with each other so that needs in Cushing may be identified, verified and served. God is the head of the Church and we the church members are the hands, feet, eyes, heart and mind of Christ. Love INC helps to coordinate and facilitate the different movements of the body.

  • er List for August 2016

We pray against hatred and revenge of any kind as we sense the shock and

our sorrow over the many loss of lives. There are many more not listed but

this is the majority of those areas where lives were lost tragically and

senselessly. We pray for those who mourn and pray for much more.

South Sudan;

Democratic Republic of Congo;

Mandere, Kenya;

Damboa and Kangarwa, Nigeria;

Dhaka, Jhenaidah, Sholakia, and Bandarban, Bangladesh;

Eker, Bahrain;

Kabul, Kariz, Jalalabad, and Kandahar, Afghanistan;

Baghdad, al-Rashidiya, Hawija, Baqubah, DiyalaBridge, Mosul, al-Daur and

Balad, Iraq;

Benghazi and Sirte, Libya;

Al-Hasakah. Aleppo, Inkhel, and Um al-Housh, Syria;

Baidoa, Somalia;

Aden, Yemen;

Neve Daniel and Tekoa, West Bank;

Taipei, Taiwan;

Munich and Ansbach Germany;

Nice, Normandy, and Paris, France;

Istanbul, Cevizlik, and Ankara, Turkey;

Orlando and Ft. Meyer, Florida;

Baton Rouge, LA

Los Angeles and San Bernadino, CA

Minneapolis, MN

Atlanta, GA

Memphis, TN

Dallas, TX

South and West side Chicago, IL

We pray for those who try to flee violence only to meet cruelty and

starvation and illness. May we not try to blame or target people. May we not

see our communities or nation as righteous. But may we with our whole

heart and being ask: “ What O Lord would you have us do?” May we not

see this as nor live this as if it is routine and forget to seek opportunities for

peace and justice. We pray for victims and families and loved ones, for your

care, and peace and hope and strength. Help us not to give up O Lord. We

  • pray for your help and mercy to show your comfort, compassion and mercy

that you give us so we can give to others. May we in the quiet listen to you

to direct and guide but not remain quiet to injustice. In your name we pray.


We pray for many in need near to us, in illness, in injury, in life transition, in

need of healing, in need of hope.

Cindy Ashwood Farrow

Cindy Basinger

Jason Beal

Ryder Berryman

Don Brown

Dustin Brown

Ricky Brown

Judy Bush

Richard Buxton

Lane Collins

Paul Dilbeck

Becky Edwards

Linda Ewen

Lizzie Ewen

Matthew Ewen

Linda Gillotte

Mike Gillotte

Paul Glasby

Robert Graham


Bill Harwood

Sherry Harwood

Pastor Tom Hilger

Cheryl Hockemeyer

George Hockemeyer

Cris, Jacob and Michele Hough

Robert Jenkins

Carrie Killingsworth

Ginger Little

Duane Little

Pastor Dean Maas

Katie McGee

Griffin Melson

The Melson Family

Che’rie Mitchell

Prayer List for August 2016

We pray against hatred and revenge of any kind as we sense the shock and our sorrow over the many loss of lives. There are many more not listed but this is the majority of those areas where lives were lost tragically and senselessly. We pray for those who mourn and pray for much more.

South Sudan;

Democratic Republic of Congo;

Mandere, Kenya;

Damboa and Kangarwa, Nigeria;

Dhaka, Jhenaidah, Sholakia, and Bandarban, Bangladesh;

Eker, Bahrain;

Kabul, Kariz, Jalalabad, and Kandahar, Afghanistan;

Baghdad, al-Rashidiya, Hawija, Baqubah, DiyalaBridge, Mosul, al-Daur and Balad, Iraq;

Benghazi and Sirte, Libya;

Al-Hasakah. Aleppo, Inkhel, and Um al-Housh, Syria;

Baidoa, Somalia;

Aden, Yemen;

Neve Daniel and Tekoa, West Bank;

Taipei, Taiwan;

Munich and Ansbach Germany;

Nice, Normandy, and Paris, France;

Istanbul, Cevizlik, and Ankara, Turkey;

Orlando and Ft. Meyer, Florida;

Baton Rouge, LA

Los Angeles and San Bernadino, CA

Minneapolis, MN

Atlanta, GA

Memphis, TN

Dallas, TX

South and West side Chicago, IL

We pray for those who try to flee violence only to meet cruelty and starvation and illness. May we not try to blame or target people. May we not see our communities or nation as righteous. But may we with our whole heart and being ask: “ What O Lord would you have us do?” May we not see this as nor live this as if it is routine and forget to seek opportunities for peace and justice. We pray for victims and families and loved ones, for your care, and peace and hope and strength. Help us not to give up O Lord. We pray for your help and mercy to show your comfort, compassion and mercy that you give us so we can give to others. May we in the quiet listen to you to direct and guide but not remain quiet to injustice. In your name we pray. Amen

We pray for many in need near to us, in illness, in injury, in life transition, in need of healing, in need of hope.

Cindy Ashwood Farrow

Cindy Basinger

Jason Beal

Ryder Berryman

Don Brown

Dustin Brown

Ricky Brown

Judy Bush

Richard Buxton

Bill Caudle

Lane Collins

Paul Dilbeck

Becky Edwards

Linda Ewen

Lizzie Ewen

Matthew Ewen

Linda Gillotte

Mike Gillotte

Paul Glasby

Robert Graham


Bill Harwood

Sherry Harwood

Pastor Tom Hilger

Cheryl Hockemeyer

George Hockemeyer

Cris, Jacob and Michele Hough

Robert Jenkins

Carrie Killingsworth

Ginger Little

Duane Little

Pastor Dean Maas

Katie McGee

Griffin Melson

The Melson Family

Che’rie Mitchell

Karen Oestmann

Gary Pierce

Jeannette Pierce

Tyler Pierce

Maddie Rasmussen

Nancy Roberts

Diane and Shawn Riley

Diana Riley

Cindy Rodgers

Don Rouze

Nancy Rouze

Mariyah Stuart