TCC Rome Trip Resources
Disclaimer: This is a very subjective list of resources. Since my interest is early Christianity, this list will be more heavily weighted on the Roman Empire and early Christian centuries rather than Medieval, Baroque or modern Rome. But even within those areas where I have some knowledge, this list should not be viewed as comprehensive. Feel free to send me any appropriate references you would like to share with others. After this, I will include a date next to additions.
Specifics of Places We Will Visit
Casa d’ Santa Brigida
Vatican Museum
Roman Forum
General Resources on Rome
Eyewitness Guide to Rome Probably the best for maps and brief descriptions
Rome The Biography of a City Christopher Hibbert
WEBSITES List of Popes Map of Modern Rome Ancient Hills of Rome
Roman Republic and Empire
Oxford Archeological Guide to Rome This is the best resource on Republican and Imperial Rome if you want all the details on all the ruins in Rome.
The Roman Republic Michael Crawford
The Roman Empire Colin Wells
The World of Rome ed. Peter Jones
WEBSITES PBS series on Roman Empire Detailed analysis of urban development of ancient Rome Detiled analysis of ancient Rome’s water systems All about Roman technology
Early Christian Rome (c. 50 to 700 AD)
Gospel of St. Luke and Acts of the Apostles The first account of how Christianity spread from the Temple in Jerusalem, and ending with St. Paul preaching in Rome.
The Early Church Henry Chadwick A general background to early Christianity; includes much more than just development of Christianity Rome, 100-450.
The Rise of Western Christendom Peter Brown. A general background of Christianity in the West, 100-900.
The First Urban Christians Wayne Meeks
The Churches and Catacombs of Early Christian Rome Matilda Webb
Judaism and Christianity in First-Century Rome ed. Karl Donfried This is a very detailed, specialized study. I suggest that you read some of the background books on the Roman Empire before reading this.
WEBSITES Map and discussion of ancient Christian Churches (Titular Churches) Roman catacombs National Geographic article on Jewish and Christian catacombs
Medieval Rome (c. 700 to 1400)
WEBSITES The story of a medieval pilgrim to Rome.
Renaissance and Baroque Rome (1400 – 1700)
Lives of the Artists Giorgio Vasari
The Genius in the Design: Bernini, Boromini and the Rivalry that Transformed Rome Jake Morrissey
WEBSITES Metropolitan Museum of Art website on rediscovery of ancient themes in Italian Renaissance art Michelangelo Raphael St. Peter’s Dome