Curriculum Vitae

May 2010


Department of Sociology182 West 4th Ave.

The OhioStateUniversityColumbus, OH 43201

238 Townshend Hall; 1885 Neil Avenue(614) 291-0134

Columbus, OH 43210-1222

(614) 688-8266



September 2010Professor, Department of Sociology and (by courtesy) Department of Government

University of Texas at Austin

1998- 2010Assistant to Full Professor, Department of Sociology and (by courtesy) Department of Political Science

The OhioStateUniversity

1999-2002 Instructor for Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social

Research (ICPSR) Summer Training Program in Advanced Statistical

Techniques. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

2001-presentFaculty Associate, MershonCenter for International Security

2003-2007Consultant, USAID Democracy and Governance Program.

2009-presentAssociate Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Ohio State University


Ph.D.Sociology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. “Capitalizing on Community: Social Capital and the Democratic Society.” Committee: Ken Bollen (chair), Kevin Moore, Francois Nielsen, Tony Oberschall, Christian Smith.

M.A.Sociology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. “Women in National Legislatures: A Cross-National Analysis.” Committee: Ken Bollen (chair), Gerhard Lenski, Rachel Rosenfeld.

B.A.Economics and Sociology. University of Michigan, 1992. With Honors and High Distinction.


Prosocial behavior, especially social capital;

Political sociology, with a focus on democracy;

Methodology, especially structural equation modeling;

Stratification, emphasizing gender.


2010Christine and Stanley E. Adams, Jr. Centennial Professorship in the Liberal Arts, 2010-2017.

2010“Collaborative Research: Measuring International Nongovernment Organizations and World Polity Network Embeddedness” National Science Foundation. (co-PI with Melanie Hughes) $230,000.

2007Recipient of the 2006 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women in Politics.

2006“How Women Attain Political Power: Understanding Women’s Representation in Parliaments, 1893-2003.” National Science Foundation. $115,000.

2005“Social Capital and Social Networks – Bridging Boundaries Conference.” (co-PI with Jim Moody). ASA Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline supported by the National Science Foundation. $7,000.

2004“Evaluating the Impact of USAID Democracy and Governance Programming.”MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $13,484.

2003Chosen as John Glenn Scholar, The John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy. $25,000.

2003“Globalization and Westernization: Theory and Measurement.” (co-PI with Edward Crenshaw.) National Science Foundation. $102,606.

2002“Anti-Immigrant Prejudice and its Democratic Consequences.” (with Anthony Mughan.) MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $41,689.

2002“Westernization, Democratization, and Internal War.” (with Edward Crenshaw.) MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $35,072.

2001“Political Tolerance in Eastern and Western Europe.” MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $16,676.

2001“Democratization, Internal War, and the Impact of Globalization: An Emprical Assessment.” (with Edward Crenshaw.) MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $34,052.

2000“Political Participation in Forty-Five Countries.” MershonCenter, TheOhioStateUniversity. $21,854.

1999“Universalism and Particularism in Graduate Department Ratings.” Ohio State University Seed Grant Award. $22,198.

1997-1998Carolina Society of Fellows Dissertation Fellowship, one of ten fellowships awarded in a university-wide competition.

1997Howard W. OdumAward, granted annually to outstanding advanced graduate students in the Department of Sociology.

1996-1997National Science Foundation Democracy Fellowship

1996“Social Structure in a Southern Sorority.” University Research Council Grant Award, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC. $500.

1994/1995Associate editor of Social Forces, awarded annually to two graduate students in the Department of Sociology.

1994Received ‘distinction’ on the comprehensive examination in statistics.

1992-1996Amos T. Hawley Fellowship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

1990 Initiated into Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Fraternity


Paxton, Pamela, John R. Hippand Sandy Marquart-Pyatt. In contract. Nonrecurisve Models: Endogeneity, Reciprocal Relationships, and Feedback Loops. Sage Publications, Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences Series.

Paxton, Pamela and James Moody, eds. 2009. “Social Capital and Social Networks: Bridging Boundaries,” American Behavioral Scientistvolume 52, issues 11 and 12.

Paxton, Pamela and Melanie Hughes. 2007. Women, Politics, and Power: A Global Perspective. Sage Publications, Pine Forge Press.

Reviewed in: American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Women and Aging,

Social Forces, AREA


Neilsen, Lisa and Pamela Paxton. Forthcoming. “Social Capital and Political Consumerism: A Multilevel Analysis.” Social Problems.

Paxton, Pamela, Melanie Hughes, and Matthew Painter. Forthcoming. “Growth in Women’s Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System, and Gender Quotas.” European Journal of Political Research.

Paxton, Pamela and Melanie Hughes. Forthcoming. “Women as Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Government Ministers.” In Gender and Women’s Leadership, edited by Karen O’Conner. Sage.

Paxton, Pamela and Melanie Hughes. Forthcoming. “Women, Politics, and Globalization.”InWomen Worldwide: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Women, edited by Janet Lee and Susan Shaw. McGraw-Hill.

Hughes, Melanie, Lindsey Peterson, Jill Ann Harrison, and Pamela Paxton. 2009. “Power and Relation in the World Polity: The INGO Country Network Score, 1978-1998.” Social Forces 87:1711-42.

Moody, James and Pamela Paxton. 2009. “Building Bridges: Linking Social Capital and Social Networks to Improve Theory and Research” American Behavioral Scientist 52:1491-1506.

Paxton, Paxton and James Moody. 2009. “Continuing to Build Bridges: More on Linking Social Capital and Social Networks.” American Behavioral Scientist 52:1611-1612.

Paxton, Pamela. 2009. “Gender and Democratization.” Pp. 145-157 in Democratization, edited by Christian W. Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen,Ronald Inglehart, and Chris Welzel. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.

Paxton, Pamela, Matthew Painter and Melanie Hughes. 2009. “Year of the Woman, Decade of the Man: Trajectories of Growth in Women’s Statehouse Representation.” Social Science Research38:86-102.

Hughes, Melanie and Pamela Paxton. 2008. “Continuous Change, Episodes, and Critical Periods: A Framework for Understanding Women's Political Representation Over Time.”Politics and Gender 4:233-264.

Paxton, Pamela. 2008. “Gendering Democracy.” Pp. 47-70 in Politics, Gender, and Concepts: Theory and Methodology, edited by Gary Goetz and Amy Mazur. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Chen,Feinian, Patrick Curran, Ken Bollen, James Kirby and Pamela Paxton. 2008. “An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in the RMSEA Test Statistic in Structural Equation Models.”Sociological Methods and Research36:462-494.

Paxton, Pamela and Jeremy Adam Smith. 2008. “America’s Trust Fall.” Greater Good 5:14-17

(Reprinted, Utne Reader 2009)

(Reprinted, forthcoming in The Compassionate Instinct, Norton)

Melanie Hughes and Pamela Paxton. 2007. “Traditional Theories from a New Perspective: The Implications of a Longitudinal Approach to Women in Politics Research.” Politics and Gender3:370-378.

Glanville, Jennifer and Pamela Paxton. 2007. “How Do We Learn to Trust? A Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis of the Sources of Generalized Trust.”Social Psychology Quarterly70:230-242.

Paxton, Pamela, Sheri Kunovich, and Melanie Hughes. 2007. “Gender in Politics.” Annual Review of Sociology 33:263-284.

Paxton, Pamela. 2007. “Association Memberships and Generalized Trust: A Multilevel Model Across 31 Countries.” Social Forces 86:47-76.

Ken Bollen, James Kirby, Patrick Curran, Pamela Paxton, and FeinianChen.2007. “Latent Variable Models Under Misspecification: Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and Maximum Likelihood (FIML) Estimators.” Sociological Methods and Research 36:48-86.

Marquart-Pyatt, Sandra and Pamela Paxton. 2007. “In Principle and in Practice: Learning Political Tolerance in Eastern and Western Europe.” Political Behavior 29:89-113.

Paxton, Pamela, Melanie Hughes and Jennifer Green. 2006. “The International Women's Movement and Women's Political Representation, 1893-2003.” American Sociological Review 71:898-920.

Paxton, Pamela and Anthony Mughan. 2006. “What’s to Fear from Immigrants? Creating an Assimilationist Threat Scale.” Political Psychology 27:549-568.

Mughan, Anthony and Pamela Paxton. 2006. “Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, Policy Preferences, and Populist Party Voting.” The British Journal of Political Science 36:341-358.

Paxton, Pamela. 2006. “Dollars and Sense: Convincing Students that Statistics is Important.” Teaching Sociology 34:65-70.

Kunovich, Sheri and Pamela Paxton. 2005. “Pathways to Power: the Role of Political Parties in Women’s National Political Representation.” The American Journal of Sociology 111:505-552.

Kenneth Bollen, Pamela Paxton, and RumiMorishima. 2005. “Assessing International Evaluations: An Example from USAID’s Democracy and Governance Program.” The American Journal of Evaluation 26:189-203.

Paxton, Pamela. 2005. “Trust in Decline?” Contexts 4:40-46.

Paxton, Pamela and Sheri Kunovich. 2003. “Women’s Political Representation: The Importance of Ideology” Social Forces 82:87-114.

Paxton, Pamela and James Moody. 2003. “Structure and Sentiment: Explaining Attachment to Group.” Social Psychology Quarterly 66:34-47.

Paxton, Pamela and Kenneth A. Bollen. 2003. “Perceived Quality and Methodology in Graduate Department Ratings: The Case of Sociology, Political Science, and Economics.” Sociology of Education 76:71-88.

Curran, Patrick, Kenneth A. Bollen, Feinian Chen, Pamela Paxton, and Jim Kirby. 2003. “Finite Sampling Properties of the Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals of the RMSEA.” Sociological Methods and Research 32:208-252

Paxton, Pamela, Kenneth A. Bollen, Deborah M. Lee, and HyoJuong Kim. 2003. “A Half-Century of Suffrage: New Data and a Comparative Analysis.” Studies in Comparative International Development 38:93-122.

Paxton, Pamela. 2002. “Social Capital and Democracy: An Interdependent Relationship.” American Sociological Review 67:254-277.

Curran, Patrick J., Kenneth A. Bollen, Pamela Paxton, James Kirby and Feinian Chen. 2002. “The Noncentral Chi-square Distribution in Misspecified Structural Equation Models: Finite Sample Results from a Monte Carlo Simulation. Multivariate Behavioral Research 37:1-36.

Paxton, Pamela, Patrick Curran, Kenneth A. Bollen, James Kirby, and Feinian Chen. 2001. “Monte Carlo Experiments: Design and Implementation.” Structural Equation Modeling 8:287-312.

Chen,Feinian, Kenneth A. Bollen, Pamela Paxton, Patrick Curran, and James Kirby. 2001. “Improper Solutions in Structural Equation Models: Causes, Consequences, and Strategies.” Sociological Methods and Research 29:468-508.

Paxton, Pamela. 2000. “Women’s Suffrage in the Measurement of Democracy: Problems of Operationalization.” Studies in Comparative International Development 35:92-111.

Bollen, Kenneth A. and Pamela Paxton. 2000. “Subjective Measures of Liberal Democracy.” Comparative Political Studies 33:58-86.

Paxton, Pamela. 1999. “Is Social Capital Declining in the United States? A Multiple Indicator Assessment.” American Journal of Sociology 105:88-127.

Bollen, Kenneth A. and Pamela Paxton. 1998. “Detection and Determinants of Bias in Subjective Measures.” American Sociological Review 63:465-478.

Bollen, Kenneth A. and Pamela Paxton. 1998. “Interaction Effects with Latent Variables.” Structural Equation Modeling 5:267-293.

(Reprinted, pp. 125-151 in Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structual Equation Modeling, edited by Randall E. Schumacher and George A. Marcoulides. 1998. Mahwah, New Jersey: LawrenceEarlbaum.)

Paxton, Pamela. 1997. “Women in National Legislatures: A Cross-National Analysis.” Social Science Research 26:442-464.

Bollen, Kenneth A. and Pamela Paxton. 1997. “Democracy before Athens.” inDemocracy and Inequality, edited by Manus Midlarsky. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Paxton, Pamela. 1997. “Teaching Excellence: Helping Students Consider Academic Excellence.” Teaching Sociology 25:303-308.

Giuffre, Kathryn and Pamela Paxton. 1997. “Building Social Networks.” Teaching Sociology 25:207-213.


Paxton, Pamela, Jennifer Green, and Melanie M. Hughes. 2008. Women in Parliament 1945-2003. Submitted to the ICPSR data depository, October 28th, 2008.

Paxton, Pamela. 2005. “Suffrage.” Governments of the World, edited by Neal Tate. MacMillan Reference.

Paxton, Pamela, Edward M. Crenshaw, RumiMorishima, Kristopher K. Robison. 2004. The Globalization Comparative Panel Dataset. Submitted to the ICPSR data depository, December 7th, 2004.

Edward M. Crenshaw, Pamela Paxton, Kristopher K. Robison, RumiMorishima. 2004. The Westernization Comparative Panel Dataset. Submitted to the ICPSR data depository, December 7th, 2004.

Bollen, Kenneth A., Pamela Paxton, and RumiMorishima. 2003. Review of USAID Evaluations on Democracy and Governance. U.S. Agency for International Development.

Bollen, Kenneth A., Pamela Paxton, and RumiMorishima. 2003. Research Design to Evaluate the Impact of USAID Democratic Governance Programs. U.S. Agency for International Development.

Paxton, Pamela. 2003. “Simultaneous Equations.” Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Paxton, Pamela. 2003. “Nonrecursive Systems of Equations.” Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Paxton, Pamela. 2003. “Recursive Systems of Equations.” Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Paxton, Pamela. 2004. For the Common Good? American Civic Life and the Golden Age of Fraternity. Jason Kaufman. Social Forces 82:1651-1653.

Paxton, Pamela. 2004. The Social Construction of Trust. Linda Weber and Allison Carter. Contemporary Sociology 33:316-317.

Paxton, Pamela. 2001. Voice, Trust, and Memory: Marginalized Groups and the Failings of Liberal Representation. Melissa S. Williams. Contemporary Sociology 30: 389-390.

Paxton Pamela. 2001. Trust: A Sociological Theory. byPiotrSztompka. Social Forces 79: 1187-1188.

Paxton, Pamela. 1999. Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables. by J. Scott Long. Social Forces 77:1245-1246.


“Individual and Country Level Factors Affecting Support for Foreign Aid.” (with Stephen Knack)

“Minority Coalitions, Criminal Violence, and Women’s Political Success in the States.” (with David Jacobs, Aubrey Jackson, and Chad Malone)


Paxton, Pamela. “Women, Politics, and Power.” Council of Scientific Society Presidents, December 3-6, 2009. Invited.

Paxton, Pamela. APSA/Berkeley Conference on Democracy Audits and Governmental Indicators. October 30-31, 2009. Invited.

Paxton, Pamela, Melanie Hughes, and Matthew Painter. “Growth in Women’s Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System, and Gender Quotas.” University of California—Irvine Center for the Study of Democracy, February 24, 2009. Invited.

Paxton, Pamela, Matthew Painter and Melanie Hughes. “Year of the Woman, Decade of the Man: Trajectories of Growth in Women’s Statehouse Representation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, August 2008.

Pamela Paxton. “The Difference Time Makes: Longitudinal Models of Women’s Political Representation.” Duke University Seminar on Global Governance and Democracy, April 24, 2008. Invited.

Pamela Paxton. “Comments on the Impact of US Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building, 1990-2004.” The Center for Strategic and International Studies, December 7, 2007. Invited.

Pamela Paxton. “Ethics of Experimentation.” Presented at the Conference on Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Methods Applied to the Study of Governance in the Developing World. Harvard University. September 29, 2007. Invited.

Pamela Paxton, Melanie Hughes, and Matthew Painter. “Latent Growth Curve Models of Women’s Political Representation” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY August 2007.

Pamela Paxton. “The Implications of a Longitudinal Approach to Women in Politics Research.” Presented at a roundtable panel at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2007. Invited.

Pamela Paxton. “Gender, Women, and Citizenship Rights” Presented at the CIRIT 5th Annual Symposium on Gender and Ethnicity Across Divides. OhioStateUniversity, April 2007. Invited.

Pamela Paxton, Melanie Hughes, and Jennifer Green. “The Impact of the Growth and Discourse of the International Women’s Movement on Women’s Political Representation.” Presented at the Gender and Globalization Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, March 2006. Invited.

Also presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2006.

Pamela Paxton. “Comments on the USAID Democracy Promotion Project.” The WoodrowWilsonCenter for Scholars, October 27, 2005. Invited.

Also presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2006.

Pamela Paxton. “Not All Association Memberships Increase Trust: A Model of Generalized Trust in Thirty-One Countries.” University of Arizona Department of Sociology, March 4, 2005. Invited.

Also presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 14-18, 2004.

Pamela Paxton and RumiMorishima. “A Review of the Public Integrity Index Relative to Other Approaches.” Presented at The Global Integrity Report: Findings, Feedback, and Future. The Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC, July 8 2004. Invited.

Pamela Paxton. “Who Do You Trust? A Multi-level Model of Generalized Trust in Thirty-Two Countries.” Presented at Bridging Levels of Analysis: Interdisciplinary Conversations on Social Capital Research. The University of Minnesota, May 13-14 2004. Invited.

Also presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organziations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Denver, CO, November 20-22, 2003.

Pamela Paxton, Edward Crenshaw, RumiMorishima, and Kris Robison. “Globalization and Westernization” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August 15-19, 2003.

Sheri Kunovich and Pamela Paxton. “Pathways to Power: the Role of Political Parties in Women’s National Political Representation.” Presented at the International Conference on Reassessing Democracy: New Approaches to Citizenship, Governance, and Multiple Identities in Comparative Research, Bremen, Germany, June 20-22, 2003.Invited.

Anthony Mughan and Pamela Paxton. “Immigrants, Prejudice and Politics: A Model of Voting Choice” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Consortium on Political Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2003.

Sandy Marquart-Pyatt and Pamela Paxton. “In Principle and in Practice: Learning Political Tolerance in Eastern and Western Europe.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, August 16-19, 2002.

Curran, Patrick J., Chen, Feinian, Bollen, Kenneth A., Paxton, Pamela, & Kirby, James. “An Evaluation of RMSEA Tests of ‘Close Fit’ and ‘Not Close Fit’ in Structural Equation Models.” Paper presented at the 2002 meeting of the Psychometric Society, Chapel Hill, NC.

Anthony Mughan and Pamela Paxton.“Protectionism, Threat, and the Anti-Immigrant Response.” Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, March 24-27, 2002.

Also presented at the Central and East European International Studies Association International Convention, Budapest, Hungary, June 26-28, 2003.

Pamela Paxton. “Social Capital and Democracy: An Interdependent Relationship.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 12-16, 2000.

Bollen, Kenneth A., James Kirby, Patrick J. Curran, Pamela Paxton, and Feinian Chen. “2SLS and FIML Estimators in Latent Variable Models: A Monte Carlo Simulation with Misspecifed Models.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Vancouver, Canada. July 6-8, 2000.

Curran, Patrick J., Kenneth A. Bollen, Pamela Paxton, James Kirby, & Feinian Chen. “Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals of the RMSEA: Results from a Monte Carlo Simulation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Vancouver, Canada. July 6-8, 2000.

Pamela Paxton and Kenneth A. Bollen. “An Empirical Deconstruction of Graduate School Ratings Using a Merit-Artifact Model.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, August 6-10, 1999.