Cass Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes

2014 - 2015 School Year

May 6, 2015

Approved 9-9-2015

PTA General Meeting:

Call to Order:The meeting was called to order by PTA President,Ginny DeNardis, 7:04 pm.

Motion to call the meeting to order by Christa Barron and seconded by Jaime Jewell.

Review of the April 1, 2015 Minutes:

·  There were no questions regarding the minutes.

·  Motion to approve the minutes by Christa Barron and seconded by Meg O’Neal.

Principal’s Report- Mrs. Regan:

Mrs. Regan gave a heartfelt thank you to the entire PTA for all the wonderful support.

·  Lots of great events coming up:

o  Kindergarten Roundup

o  Art and Science Extravaganza

o  Field Day

o  And Assembly

·  4th grade working very hard on the M STEP. 3rdgrade testing will be next.

Treasurer’s Report – Heather Staley(absent)

·  Ginny DeNardis gave the financial report.This included a review of each section of the report which is attached to the minutes. The finances this year are once again working out nicely. We are ahead in our fund balance.

Vice President’s Report – Christa Barron

·  Discussed the Leveled Library and Battle of the Books.

Vice President’s Report – Tracy O’Dowd

·  Discussed the upcoming Staff Appreciation Week with both a breakfast and a luncheon on separate days

Recording Secretary’s Report – Darrell Smith

·  Offered a brief comment on the rewarding experience of serving on the PTA Board

Corresponding Secretary - Kim Piccirilli

·  Kim commented on The Max and Erma’s fundraiser on the 28th and the Art and Science Extravaganza

President’s Report – Ginny DeNardis:

·  President DeNardis moved directly to the Nomination Committee Report and Election of Officers

§  The Nominating Committee entered nominations for the following individuals:

·  President Jaci Churan

·  1st Vice President Jaime Jewell

·  2nd Vice President Bea Benjamin

·  Treasurer no nomination

·  Corresponding Secretary Liz Schleicher

·  Recording Secretary Amy Redd

Submitted by: Tracy O’Dowd, Breanne Martin, and Stephanie Villalobos

There were no further nominations presented. The five candidates for each respective office (save Treasurer – vacant at this time) ran unopposed.

Motion by Darrell Smith that the nominated officers be elected by acclamation

Motion seconded by Christa Barron.

·  Other New Business

o  Spree Vouchers on sale now

o  Muffins with Moms will be held May 8th

o  Staff Appreciation May 12th and 14th

o  The Art and Science Extravaganza along with Silent Auction and Basket Raffles will be held on May 13 – includes Book Fair as well.

·  Funding request (Mr Wilson and Mrs Regan) $70 for a wheelbarrow. Motion to approve – Kathy Pominville, Seconded Christa Barron.

·  Funding Request Mrs Gierak – Rug - $273. Motion to approve – Christa Barron, Seconded Kathy Pominville.

·  There was a discussion about the need for technology (i.e. Chrome, etc.). The fact that the PTA fund was healthy. The money is raised to help Cass, not to build a bank account. Darrell Smith made a motion to provide $1500 out of the PTA funds to be applied by Mrs. Regan to supplement the Cass budget to acquire appropriate technology (portable devices)for the students. The motion was seconded by Christa Barron.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. – Motion to adjourn by Christa Barron, seconded by Darrell Smith

Submitted by: Darrell Smith, Recording Secretary.