

Narrator: This video will demonstrate the application of the Pressure Immobilisation Technique used to manage the venomous bites and stings from all Australian

venomous snakes including sea snakes, Funnel-web spiders, the Blue-ringed Octopus, Cone shells, and all other bites and stings where a severe allergic reaction has occurred.

The Pressure Immobilisation Technique is not used for redback spider bites.


In any first aid situation, always ensure that the area is safe and follow D-R-A-B-C-D.

Check the area for DANGER - ensure that the area is safe, that there are no hazards to yourself or others.

Check for a RESPONSE and call for help.

Open the AIRWAY and clear if necessary.

Check for normal BREATHING. If the casualty is not breathing normally, give 2 rescue breaths.

Check for signs of life and if there are no signs of life commence CPR, with 30 COMPRESSIONS to 2 rescue breaths. Continue until help arrives.

If there are still no signs of life, attach an Automatic External DIFIBRILLATOR (or AED) if available, and follow the voice prompts.


In any situation requiring the Pressure Immobilisation Technique, call for an ambulance at the earliest possible stage.

First inspect the region of the bite or sting.


Do not wash or cut the bite site.

Do not suck the venom from the bite.

Do not apply a tourniquet.


Do apply a whole crepe bandage to this site as firmly as you would for a sprain.


The bandage must be applied firmly but not so tight as to cut off circulation to the limb.


Start bandaging from the end of the limb (in this case the toes) applying the bandage with an even firm pressure up the entire limb (or as far as possible with the available resources).


To reduce the chances of spreading the venom, do not elevate the limb.

You should keep the limb as still as possible during the bandaging procedure.


If bandages are not available use a T-shirt or other flexible materials that can be torn into strips 7 to 10 centimetres wide.


Once the bandages have been applied it's important that you do not remove the bandages.


Next ... Immobilise the limb by placing triangular bandages or other suitable material underneath the ankle and knees.


Place padding between the legs for comfort and tie off bandages.


Ensure that help is on the way. Reassure the casualty and monitor D-R-A-B-C-D.


To summarise the main points ...

Ensure that the area is safe, follow D-R-A-B-C-D and call for help.

Inspect the region of the bite.

Apply a whole bandage directly over the bite site.

Apply a firm bandage up the entire limb.

Immobilise the limb.

Assess for and manage any other injuries ... including shock.

Ensure that help is on the way. Reassure the casualty and monitor D-R-A-B-C-D.


© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training 2007