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MARCH 4, 2014

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in Joint Session with the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners, Tuesday, March 4, 2014, in the meeting room of the TyrrellCountyOfficeBuilding. Aldermen attending were: Mike Crowder, James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Commissioners attending were: Chairman Thomas Spruill, Leroy Spivey, Tommy Everett, Larry Hill and Carl Willis.

Mayor F. Michael Griffin opened the meeting of the Board of Aldermen. The Joint Meeting was conducted by Chairman Spruill who introduced Rodney Johnson and Mark Powell with the Albemarle Resource Conservation and Development Council (ARCD). The discussion centered on possible plans and funds to refurbish and re-establish the Veteran’s Park area on the west side of the ScuppernongRiver.

Alderman Cahoon reviewed earlier discussions about using the park area including suggestions from a Rivers and Associates, Inc., study of the area. Mayor Griffin mentioned the frequent concern of pedestrians who fear walking across the bridge to access the park area. Alderman Ogletree said it was appealing to have access by water as well as by foot.

Commissioner Everett said the area could be used to emphasize the history of the ScuppernongRiver and the town.

Mr. Powell asked about restrooms and access for service vehicles. He said ARC&D can prepare a pre-application for funding to CAMA for a $4,000.00 fee if the town and county wants to proceed. He speculated that the project could be attractive to CAMA and explained that a Tier 1 County would have to provide a 10% match which could be 5% in cash and 5% in-kind match. He said if the existing footprint for structures and pier are maintained a CAMA Minor Permit would be necessary.

After discussion Mayor Griffin asked the Aldermen if they wanted to partner with TyrrellCounty to secure the CAMA funding. Upon motion of Alderman Cohoon, the vote was unanimous to provide $2,000.00 toward the grant development cost if the county provided the balance.

Commissioner Willis made a motion to have TyrrellCounty provide the other $2,000.00. The motion passed unanimously.

A discussion on Alligator Weed followed. Alderman Cahoon explained that the town sprayed three times last summer, but the weed has rafted up against the town boardwalk all winter. Alderman Ogletree said the weed collects trash and presents an undesirable image of the town.

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Chairman Spruill explained that the county spent $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 last summer spraying the weed up the ScuppernongRiver. He suggested that the weed floating down the river is the result of spraying and the dying weed breaking loose and floating freely. He said it must be sprayed several times each season in order to kill or control it.

Alderman Ogletree announced that students from UNC-Chapel Hill will spend a week in Columbia working on a variety of community service projects. She invited the Commissioners and Aldermen to join them on the boardwalk at 3:PM, Sunday, and asked for an official letter thanking them for their efforts.

County Manager David Clegg announced that Rivers and Associates is working on the N. Road Street flooding study.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, unanimous vote and action by Mayor Griffin, the meeting was recessed until 7:PM, Thursday, march 6, 2014.

This the 4th day of March, 2014.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor

Rhett B. White, Clerk