The Sunday Class 8th May 2011
Provisional crib
1- 8 1s lead down the middle for 3 steps, back to top & cast to 2nd place
9-16 2s repeat 1- 8
17-24 2s followed by 1s dance full Fig of 8 round 3s, 2s dancing up to 1st place
25-32 1s+3s dance R&L, 1s end facing 1st corners
33-40 1s set to 1st corners then 2nd corners & turn partner RH 1½ times
C'EST L'AMOUR (The Flirt) (J8x32) RSCDS Book 34
1- 8 1L casts 1 place & sets, casts to 3rd place & sets
9-16 1s cast up/down to 2nd place & set, 1L casts up into middle facing down while 1M casts down 1 place into middle facing up & both set
17-24 1s circle 3H round & back (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) ending facing 2s/3s (2s facing up & 3s down)
25-32 1s+2s+3s set & 1s dance under arches made by 2s/3s to 2nd place own sides, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
JEAN MARTIN OF ABERDEEN(S3x32) Muriel Johnstone
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, all circle 6H round ¾ way to left & end lines of 3 across, Ladies face down & Men up
9-16 All set, change places with partner RH, all circle 6H round ¾ way to left & end in middle facing up.3 1 2
17-24 All dance Allemande
25-32 1s+3s dance the Bourrel to end 2 3 1: -
`1M+3L set advancing, ¾ turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (up/down middle L facing up & M down) while 1L+3M chase anticlockwise ½ way to face partner
`1s+3s set to partners & turn 2H to own sides having changed places
1- 8 1s cross RH cast 1 place & dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1L dances full reel of 3 with 2s while 1M dances ½ reel with 3s & ½ reel with 4s
17-24 1s dance LH across with 3s & dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 4s)
25-32 1s pass LSh to dance ½ reel of 4 with 3s, turn RH to opposite sides while 4s set advancing, 1s+4s dance RH across ½ way round to new places
Teacher’s Choice
Interval – Tea and cakes!
BACK TO THE FIRESIDE (R8x32) Roy Goldring RSCDS Book 38
1- 8 3s followed by 1s dance down for 2 steps & set to partners, 1s lead up & cast to 3rd place whilst 3s lead up to 1st place
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance reverse Snowball Grand Chain for 3 couples to end 1 (2) 3: -
`1s cross RH & change places LH on side with 2s
`1s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross RH
`1s cross LH while 3s & 2s change places LH 1 (2) 3
17-24 1s+2s set advancing into circle (hands joined) & petronella turn 1 place to right, set in circle (hands joined) & petronella turn to end on sides
25-32 1L dances ½ Fig of 8 round 2s & 1M dances ½ Fig of 8 round 3s, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
THE DANCING MASTER(J96)Sq.Set John DrewryDonside Book
1- 8 1s & 3s set & pivot to right & dance round ¼ clockwise inside set (L follows M) & face in, 1s+3s change places with other partner RH & dance clockwise back to partners place (M follows L)
9-16 1s & 3s dance RH across with corner 2L/4L, 1s & 3s dance across & LH across with other corner 4M/2M to end in place facing clockwise (M behind L)
17-24 1s also 3s dance Tandem reels of 3 with corners, 1s & 3s ending in prom hold facing out
25-32 1s & 3s dance clockwise ½ way round outside of set & dance in back to original places (pass RSh) while 2s & 4s (prom hold) Adv+Ret
33-64 2s & 4s repeat above Figs from beginning (bars 1-32)
65-72 All set to partners & change place RH, Ladies dance ¾RH across while Men cast 1 place clockwise to meet opposite Lady
73-80 All repeat this Fig (bars 65-72) to end with own partners (opposite to where they started)
81-88 All dance ½ Schiehallion reel back to original places
89-96 All circle 8H round & back
LADY PEAK'S STRATHSPEY(S8x32) John DrewryGreenburn Book 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, 2s cast up while 1s dance down, 1s dance out behind 3s & lead up to 2nd place facing up
9-16 1s (prom hold) dance ½ diag reel of 3 with 2nd corners (RSh to 2L), 1s pivot inward to face out Ladies side & dance ½ reel with 1st corners (RSh to 3L)
17-24 Pivoting inwards repeat with next corner (RSh to 3M place) & repeat with 4th corner (RSh to 2M place)
25-32 2s+3s set & cross RH twice while 1s lead down below 3s, cross & cast up round 3s, lead up between 2s, cross & cast to 2nd place
THE IONA CROSS(S96+R96)6C Sq. (5s face 1s & 6s face 3s)
John W MitchellWhetherly Book 17
Dance 3 times Strathspey & 3 times Reel: -
1- 8 1s+5s+6s+3s dance parallel RSh reels of 4 up/down set
9-16 1s+5s & 6s+3s dance DoSiDo as 2s & 4s Adv+Ret, 1s+5s & 6s+3s dance ½ R&L (1s & 3s end facing side couples)
17-24 2s & facing couple (1L+3M) with 4s & facing couple (1M+3L) dance parallel RSh reels of 4 across set
25-32 Each centre dancer (1s & 3s) dances RH across with nearest 2 corner dancers, centre dancers dance LH across once round in the centre as outside couples (5s+2s+6s+4s) circle 8H round (or chase) to left ¾ way (quickly) to new positions with 2s at top, 6s in 2nd place, 4s in 3rd place & 5s in 4th place
LAMARTINE (M-(S32+R64)) John Drewry Turkish Set
Start 3s+4s on opposite sides & on 2nd Ch 2M+3M change places
1- 8 2s in prom hold dance reel of 3 on Ladies’ side (RSh to 1L to start) while 3s dance reel of 3 on Men’s side (RSh to 4L to start)
9-16 Top 4 dancers also bottom 4 dancers dance RH across, middle couples dance LH across
17-24 All dance reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All set twice, turn partner 2H to end in a square set (Ladies on Men’s right) 1 3 4 2
Reel Numbers refer to new positions
1- 8 1s+3s ½ turn opposite partner RH & twirl to opposite place facing nearest side couple & dance ½ Fig of 8 round side couples back to places
9-16 2s+4s repeat
17-32 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
33-40 1M+4L also 3M+2L ½ turn RH & twirl to each others place & dance round outside of set back to place
41-48 2M+1L also 4M+2L repeat
49-56 1s+4s also 2s+3s dance RH across, 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across
57-64 All circle 8H round & back
AIRD OF COIGACH(J4x48) John BaylyImperial 3
1- 8 All Men dance across, pass partner RSh & cast down to the bottom of set (4th Man leading), cross the bottom of the set & up Men’s side
9-16 All circle 8H round & back (retaining the circle formation to bar 40)
17-20 1L & 1M with dancer on their left (nearer hands joined) & cross diagonally (Mens arch) both pairs turning away from each other to face in
21-24 1L & 1M take dancer on left (NHJ) & cross over (dancing Man couple make arch) both pairs turning away from each other to face in
25-32 1s continue this Fig 2 more times, end with top 2 dancers facing each other also bottom dancers facing each other for a Snowball chain
33-40 All dance Snowball Chain for 4 couples : -
`End couples cross RH & change places LH on side with side persons
`Original side persons cross RH while original end couples change places RH
`All change places LH on sides
41-48 All Ladies dance across, pass opposite Man RSh & cast up to top, cross & down on the Ladies side to end opposite partner.2 3 4 1