802 South Caswell Street
La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First
Christ is First at La Grange First Church.
Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to
Jesus Christ as Lord.
Bible is First at La Grange First Church.
We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is
God’s revealed word to man.
Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.
Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.
Welcome to Worship & Celebration
Welcome to La Grange First Church as we gather as part of the family of our heavenly Father. We invite you to join in as we worship the Lord and celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord of our lives. If you are visiting, please be sure to introduce yourself and we hope you will return again to worship with us.
Opportunities for Service and Growth
Sun. Jan. 8 First Sunday after the Epiphany
Canceled Services
Tue. Jan. 10 7:00pm Deacon’s Meeting
Wed. Jan. 11 7:00pm Bible Study – Revelation
Branded Kids Team Meeting
Fri. Jan. 13 6:00pm Leadership Retreat
Sat. Jan. 14 Leadership Retreat
6:30pm NO CRIB (Grades 6 and up)
Sun. Jan. 15 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Leadership Retreat
8:30am Men’s Fellowship
9:15am Partners in Prayer
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Worship & Celebration
4:50pm Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm Sunday Night Live (All Ages)
Mon. Jan. 16 7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice
Wed. Jan. 18 7:00pm Church Conference (Business Meeting)
Fri. Jan 20 7:30pm Lock-in: The Blitz
Sat. Jan. 21 Lock-in: The Blitz
Sun. Jan. 22 Third Sunday after the Epiphany
9:15am Partners in Prayer
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Worship & Celebration
4:50pm Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm Sunday Night Live (All Ages)
Mon. Jan. 23 7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice
Wed. Jan. 25 7:00pm Bible Study - Revelation
Sat. Jan. 28 5:15pm CRIB Band Practice
6:30pm The CRIB (Grades 6 and up)
Retirement Homes – Ministry Focus for January
Known as “A Caring Ministry for the Retired,” the Retirement Homes offers community-based homes or apartments, placement services for retired families who need supervision, and cash payments for those who continue to live at their own location. Support for the ministry is based on two main sources: residents of the homes, and Free Will Baptist Churches and related organizations. Our church budgeted $1,250.00 for this ministry.
Annual Giving Statements
If you would like a copy of your 2016 giving statement, contact Virginia Holmes by January 31st. You need to give her an advance notice of when you need your statement. Remember, statements can only be given if you gave by check or church envelope.
Leadership Retreat
La Grange First Church will have its first “Leadership Retreat” January 13-16, 2017. Those attending will be our pastors, music leaders, and youth leaders. This will be a time prayer, reflecting and visioning. We ask that you keep this retreat in your prayers.
Church Business Conference
The Church Business Conference will be Wednesday, January 18th @ 7:00pm. All written reports need to be turned in to the church office by Sunday, January 15th.
Convention Choir Ensemble Concert
The Convention Choir Ensemble will be at La Grange First Church on Sunday, February 26th @ 6:00pm. Refreshments will follow the concert. Sherwood Shivar of our church family is a member of the Ensemble.
Thank You From Pastors
We would like to express thanks for the many ways we were remembered during Christmas through your gifts, cards, and support. We praise and thank the Lord for such a wonderful church family. Ronnie, Mitzi, Josh, and Sara
Dustin Bannister – Guest Speaker
On Sunday, January 15th The Rev. Dustin Bannister will be our guest speaker for the morning worship service. We welcome Dustin and his family to our church. Our pastors will be at the Leadership retreat for our church.
In the Word for January 2017
Old Testament: Genesis 1-50, Exodus 1-26
New Testament: Matthew 1-20
1- 3 Christy Smith 1- 4 Tina Letchworth
1- 5 Kim Hipkiss 1- 5 Julian Fields
1- 9 Heather Creech 1-10 Stephanie Taylor
1-12 Brynlee Taylor 1-13 Bethany Jones
1-13 Hilda Sutton 1-15 Jean Suber
1-17 Joey Harrison 1-18 Logan Sullivan
1-19 Travis Harrison 1-19 Dallas Mayberry
1-20 Chris Singleton 1-21 Abigail Westbrook
1-21 Stephen Killette 1-23 Matt Wade
1-23 Terri Pridgen 1-24 Grayson Sullivan
1-26 Clifton Harrison 1-26 Conner Craft
1-28 Ted Harrison 1-29 Luke Taylor
1-30 Brent Herring
Deacon of the Month: Clifton Harrison
Ushers for Worship
Head Usher – Jimmie D. Herring
8- Brent Herring, Greg Herring, Jimmy D. Herring, & Royce Holmes
15- Coburn Bigler, Logan Bigler, Scot Cody, Tyler Holmes
22- Allen Sutton, James Sutton, Ronald Johnson, Caleb Johnson
29- Bruce Bannister, Carter Daniels, Jamie Daughety, Clifton Hardison
Greeters for Worship
North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall
8- Ushers Kendra Sullivan Asa & Tiffany Creech
15- Ushers Tanya Craft Wilbur & Linda Taylor
22- Ushers Edna Johnson Jamie & Laura Beth Daughety
29- Ushers Fran Gibbons Robie & Eloise Killette
8- Ainsley Taylor 15- Charlie Taylor
22- Luke Taylor 29- Riley Craft
Children’s Church
8- DeeAnn Maready & Bradley Taylor 15- Guy & Janet Hines
22- Kendra Sullivan & Kim Wade 29- Bonnie Kornegay & Avery Mills
Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)
8- Kim Wade & Emily Daniels 15- Pam Thomas & Judy Parrott
22- Ashley Holland & DeeAnn Maready 29- Joyce Harrison & Cassidy Hipkiss
Attendance for January 1, 2017
Sunday School 75
Worship & Celebration 150
Wednesday Night Bible Study 24
La Grange Kids & Students
learning • growing • serving
La Grange First Church reaches out to all ages of Kids and Students. Youth meetings focus primarily on building the youth's knowledge in Jesus Christ through Bible Study and relevant activities, music, and fellowship.
This morning those who attended the 2017 Passion Conference will share their testimonies. The following attended the conference: Josh Hobgood, Ben Brann, Jackson Grant, Mary Chase Grant, Joseph Harrison, Travis Harrison, Madison Hines, Carrie Letchworth, David Letchworth, Marshall Letchworth, and Luke Wiggins.
Lock In • “The Blitz!”
To kick off 2017 the CRIB will be having a Lock-In on January 20th! This years Lock-In will be a little bit different. Traditionally, the students come and we “lock in” the CRIB building for a night while eating, playing hide and seek, laughing, singing, and worshipping God. For this Lock-In we are going to change things up a bit and go on a “Blitz!” After the students arrive to the CRIB we will set out on an all night journey. We will start with dinner and then head to several different places that are to be determined. The students will need money for dinner at Pizza Inn in Goldsboro and some pocket money in case they want to play any arcade games or buy additional snacks and drinks. As soon as we have the destinations nailed down we will let any parents know that wish to know. However, we are trying to keep it as a secret adventure for the students! We will leave the CRIB at 7:30 p.m. that night to head out and will return to the CRIB at 5:00 a.m. Pick up for the students will be at 7:00 a.m. The Blitz Lock-In is for middle school and high school students.
The CRIB is the youth center of La Grange First Church. The CRIB is located behind the church on Lynn Drive. On most Saturdays, The CRIB is opened at 6:30pm for grades 6 – 12. The general outline of the program begins with fellowship and games, followed by a worship and praise service. After worship fellowship and games with refreshment.
Worship & Celebration
January 8, 2017 The Lord’s Day Eleven O’clock
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Prelude Musician
Welcome Pastor
Quiet Reflection with God People
Lighting of the Candles Acolyte
“Great and Mighty”
Great and mighty is the Lord our God, Great and mighty is He.
Great and mighty is the Lord our God, Great and mighty is He.
Lift up your banner, let the anthems ring Praises to our King;
Great and mighty is the Lord our God, Great and mighty is He.
(First Church # 2376035, CCLI # 16495)
“Standing on the Promises” (verses 1 & 3) Number 271
Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Thro’ eternal ages let His praise ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing. Standing on the promises of God.
Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword, Standing on the promises of God.
Refrain (First Church # 2057646 Public Domain)
“Thy Word”
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
When I feel afraid, and think I've lost my way, Still You're there right beside me. Nothing will I fear as long as You are near. Please be near me to the end.
I will not forget Your love for me, and yet my heart forever is wandering. Jesus, be my guide and hold me to Your side; I will love You to the end.
Chorus (First Church # 2057646 CCLI # 14301)
(A time of Fellowship for the family of God.)
Offertory Prayer Laity
Giving His Tithes and Our Offerings People
“Doxology” People
Psalm 89:20-29 AND Matthew 3:13-17
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sharing our prayer concerns People
Morning Prayer
(Children ages 3 – 3rd grade dismissed to Children’s Worship.)
Passion 2017 Leaders & Students
The altar of the Lord is always open at First Church for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life.
“Sanctuary” (sing twice)
Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true;
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for You.
(First Church # 2057646, CCLI # 24140)
POSTLUDE Musicians
Prayer Ministry
Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done!
Henry Bailey [VMC (Uncle of Pastor).
Jeannie Bannister (Mother of Bruce Bannister), Bill Barwick (Brother of Virginia Holmes), Delores Bonham (Mother of Sheri Carlyle), Mike Bowen (Chuck Wackerman), Scott Braswell (Uncle of Sara Maxwell), Doris Britt (Pastor’s Mother), Jeff Carruth (Father of Kim Wade), Jean Crace (Mother of Susie Harrison), Estelle Creech (Mother of Pat Creech), Laura Beth Daughety, Kari Lee Elwart (Friend of Marian Kennedy), Riley Fielding (Friend of Jimmy Jones), Esther Flowers, Brenda Foss Garris [Brian Center (Bannister family)], London & Millicent Godley (Friends of Caitlyn Grady), Barbara Sue Gray, Donnie Harrison, Helen Harrison, Henry Heath (Father of Jennifer Sutton), Ronnie Henderson (Brother of Curtis Henderson), Pat Hinson, Holton & Mary Margaret Harrison, Jennifer Holmes (Great Aunt of Caitlyn Grady), Virginia Holmes, Jessica James (Friend of Caitlyn Grady), Rev. Bruce Jones (Pastor of King’s Crossroads Church), Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Clifford Jones (David Letchworth), Elosie Killette, Robie and Sybil Killette, Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Gary Kornegay, Karen Kozel (Sandra Rouse & Gale Yarborough), Dixie Letchworth, Fay Letchworth, Cindy Lewis (Mary Gresham), Dot Lockamy (Sister to Ruth Scott), Jean Long (Friends of Guy & Janet Hines), Joyce Martin, Mike O’Hare (Brad & Angela Taylor), Asef Quader (Darlene Creech), Chuck Roman, Vernon Roman (Brother of Chuck Roman), Joey Sanders (Caitlyn Grady), Marjorie Shirley (Edna Johsnon), Robert Sorrell (Brother of Vernon Sorrell), George Strickland (Brother-in-law of Holmes/Johnson family), Jean Suber, Trish Tanner (Sister of Fran Gibbons), Carolyn Sutton (Friends of Guy & Janet Hines), Colby Tucker, and Crystal Wackerman.
Nan Fields, Martha Harrison, N. C. Holmes, Dot McRoy [Golden Living (Aunt of Mitzi Hobgood).Stan Rouse, Enzie Singleton, Lou Woodard (Eloise Killette).
First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Ronnie V. Hobgood (Convention President), Josh Whitfield (Convention Vice-President), Rev. Donald Fader (Director of FWB Minister’s Program & Church Finance), Rev. Chris Singleton (Stop Hunger Now), the Lost, and all Christians.
Our military & their families: Daniel Rectenwald [Friend of Madison Hines (Iraq)], Josh & Holly Sutton Ballance, Revival in the church.
US: President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court
NC: Governor Cooper, NC Senators and NC Representatives.
La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.
802 S. Caswell Street
La Grange, NC 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor