Flathead Valley Community College Foundation

Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

BH 140/144

3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Present:Board of Directors –Stephanie Breck, Frank Garner, Mark Johnson, Kayleen Kohler, Andy Miller, Diane Morton,Marylou Patterson, Justin Sliter, Stephanie Wallace, and Suzy Williams; Associate Members – Marie Cheyne-Auten, Michael Auten, and Debbi Waldenberg; Ex-Officio Members –Jane Karas, Chuck Jensen, and Kristen Jones;and Staff –Sue Evans, Nancy Clawson, and Colleen Unterreiner.

Excused:Russ Barnes, John Bowdish, Nancy Gordley, Jeremy Hancock (proxy to Stephanie Wallace), Pat LaTourelle, Donna Lawson, Jim Lehner, Leslie Mercord (proxy to Justin Sliter), Aaron Mower,Karin Olsen, Lisa Schnee, Margie Simpson, Al Stinson (proxy to Justin Sliter), DeAnn Thomas (proxy to Marylou Patterson), and Pat Winkel.


Prior to the meeting, Dr. Brad Eldredge, FVCC’s Executive Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning,gave a presentation on financial aid and student profiles that he had previously given at the Foundation Board retreat in December 2012. Members unable to attend the retreat and college faculty and staff were invited to listen.


Diane Mortonmotioned to approve the minutes of January 10, 2013. Frank Garnerseconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.


Justin Sliter reviewed the Foundation’s Statement of Financial Position as ofFebruary 28, 2013, noting total assets are slightly over $14 million. The Finance Committee will meet following today’s Board meeting to discuss the 2013-2014 endowed scholarship awards, and again on March 20th with Clint McGarvin, Portfolio Manager at First Interstate Bankin Billings for an update on the Foundation’s portfolio.

Justin reported that due to the success of Festival of Flavors 2012, the Foundation Review Committee recommended making the following scholarship awards for spring and summer 2013, and the 2013-2014 academic year, and the Finance Committee approved the awards at their February 14th meeting:

Time of year / Scholarship type / Amount
Spring 2013 / Six Occupational Trades Tuition/Fees / $11,100
Spring 2013 / Replenish Windmill Fund / $10,000
Summer 2013 / Scholarships to FVCC degree seeking – work with Financial Aid to award / $20,000
Fall 2013 / Six part-time to full-time scholarships / $30,000
Fall 2013 / Six Foundation Achievement Scholarships - Renewable / $30,000
Fall 2013 / Full Ride Scholarship / $10,000

Justin noted that the Foundation summer scholarships will be awarded to degree-seeking students who attended FVCC during the spring semester and should be particularly helpful since as of 2012, Pell Grants are not available for summer. Diane Morton complimented the members of the Review Committee for their hard work in making the scholarship recommendations and noted that these awards are a significant increase over previous years’ Foundation scholarship awards.

Colleen Unterreiner reported that aRequest for Proposal for services to sell the White propertyhas been mailed to several realtors in Lakeside and Polson. The realtors have been asked to provide a market analysis, indicate their commission and fees, and respond by April 1, 2013. Colleen asked for volunteers to serve on a committee to help select a realtor once the RFPs come in. Mark Johnson and Andy Miller volunteered, and Colleen noted that Russ Barnes has agreed to help, as well. Theproperty will be listed in April and if it hasn’t sold by August, the situation will be reassessed.


Sue Evans reported on the 2013 Bibler Home and Garden tours. Regular tours are scheduled for Saturday May 11thand Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19that 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. with one rug/textile room tour on May 11that 3:00 p.m., and a Mother’s Day brunchis scheduled for Sunday May 12th. A special kick off event for the summer tours will be held Monday, July 22nd and regular summer tours are scheduled Tuesday, July 23rd through Friday, July 26th at 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. each evening. Regular tour ticket prices are $10 for adults and $3 for children, the special rug room tour is $20, and the Mother’s Day Brunch and Summer Kick Off are $50 each or $90 per couple.Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the tours cancall Sue.Colleen noted that The Event at Rebecca Farm is scheduled for July 25th through July 28th and there will be some overlap with the summer tours.

Debbi Waldenberg provided an update on the Chef’s Table April in Paris fundraiser scheduled for April 13th and encouraged everyone to attend. Tickets are $150, or $125 each for a table of 10, and black tie or period attire is suggested. The FVCC Jazz Band and The Don Caverly Quartet will perform and proceeds will benefit students with the greatest need.

Marylou Patterson reported that the Festival of Flavors committee is hard at work planning this year’s event andSave the Date postcards will be mailed later this month. Frank Garner noted he has a contact who is interested in participating in this year’s Festival and will discuss his ideas with Marylou following the meeting.

Colleen reported that the Donor Development Committee met to take a closer look at specific donors to try to move them into the planned giving arena, one of the goals set at the Foundation Board Retreat. The committee will continue to meet to develop a planned giving strategy.

Suzy Williams reported that the A & A Spring Luncheonis scheduled forMarch 25 at noon. This year’s luncheon will highlight the manufacturing workforce and programs at FVCC and the Distinguished Alumni Awardwill be presented. Suzy encouraged all Board members to become members of the Ambassador & Alumni Association.

Stephanie Wallacereported on the Board Development committee for Jim Lehner, noting that Jessica Dubois of First Interstate Bank and Chris Ridder have expressed interest in becoming members of the Board of Directors, and Debbi Waldenberg has expressed an interest in moving from the Associate Board to the Board of Directors. The three nominees will be interviewedby a staff member and a Board member and their nominations will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on May 16.

Another action item from the retreat was to assess current Board membership to determine if members are active. It was determined that all members of the Board of Directors are active, and the proxy form is working to ensure a quorum at Board meetings.

It was noted that Chef’s Table is a great way to introduce people to the college and Foundation Board members are encouraged to sign up for a night to bring guests. Tickets will be complimentary for Board members if bringing guests to specifically introduce them to the college. Marie Cheyne-Auten reported that she and Michael brought a retired California school superintendent to Chef’s Table, and he is interested in learning more about the college and possibly serving on the Foundation board.

A Pocket Guidedeveloped in response to another goal established at last year’s Board Retreatwas distributed to Board members.The guide contains informationand facts about the Foundation and the college, serving as a quick reference when Board members are talking about the college in the community. A brochureabout the Foundation to share with community members is being developed.


President Jane Karas reported that the legislature is in full session. The Appropriations Committee has passed House Bill 2, the general appropriations act which provides for funding for Montana’s educational system, and it should be on the floor of the House by Friday. House Bill 448, carried by Randy Brodehl, will clean up language and revise filing deadlines for community college trustees to coincide with the filing deadlines of school districts. The House has passed this bill with a vote of 100 for/ 0 against, andit will go to the Senate next week.

Jane noted that the college’s Sustainable Agriculture program (AAS and two-year transfer degrees) will go to the Board of Regents in May. The Broussard Center dedication will be held on April 30 at 4 p.m. A $250,000 gift from anonymous donors will keep the Student Health Clinic operating and enable the college to keep health insurance premiums at $40 per semester for students. Looking forward, building priorities for the college include a University Center for four-year programs in partnership with the MUS system and other colleges and universities, a Student Center which would house the cafeteria, bookstore, and student activities office, and a Fitness Center.


Colleen Unterreiner provided an update onthe 2012-2013 Annual Fund Appeal noting that to date nearly $96,000 has been raised from 59 donors, including three deferred gift annuities totaling over $30,000.

Two Evening of Thanks dinnerswere held, one in Kalispell at the home of Suzy Williams and one in Bigfork at ShowThyme restaurant, to express appreciation to donors for their support. Dinners are scheduled inWhitefish at Marylou and Tony Patterson’s homeand in Lakeside at the Tamarack Rack Shack in April.

Donations to theEmployee Giving Fundhave exceeded thegoal of $7,000with FVCC employees contributing $7,341.94 to date. All who contributed will be entered into a drawing for April in Paris tickets. 2012-2013 donations to the fund enabled the Foundation to award $3,400 to 17 studentsin Emergency Giving Funds, as well as three $500scholarships.


A question was asked about the status of the heavy equipment grant from the city of Kalispell, but we have not heard anything to date.

Diane Morton pointed out the fun facts listed on the agenda, noting thatPresident Karas attended President Obama’s State of the Union Address at the invitation of Senator Max Baucus. The gunsmithing program offered through Continuing Education was a featured in an article in the New York Times regarding the gun making culture in the valley.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Following the meeting, the Finance Committee (Justin Sliter, Andy Miller, Diane Morton, and Sue Evans) met to discuss Endowed Scholarship Awards for 2013-2014.